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Here’s the latest video from legendary YouTuber, ReallyGraceful.



Hey, Internet Friends!

Today, we’re talking about JD Vance, author, politician, venture capitalist, Millennial – and President Trump’s pick for Vice President in the 2024 Race.

We deserve the real facts, the information the mainstream media won’t relay. So, who is JD Vance and why did Trump pick him as his running mate? and most importantly, will Vance be as much of a weasel as Mike Pence was?

Here’s what the media won’t tell you about JD Vance.

Just to let y’all know my bias, right out of the gate, because everyone has a bias:

I think, even though the whole shooter narrative they’ve given us is unbelievable, at best, you got to give it to him: Trump looked pretty cool, pumping his fist after his assassination attempt and it stirred feelings of Red, White and Blue, Andrew Jackson dueling absolutely anybody who looked at him the wrong way, eating a Publix sub, right on the beach, the sound of Eagle cries. You get it.

But on the other hand, I despise Operation Warp Speed and my memory isn’t that short and I also despise the people who Trump has chosen to surround himself with in the past. And I know the bottom line, which is that American politics are controlled by anti-American interests; corporations, secret societies but I believe in the country America used to be; the country it could become, if American interests were put first, if we took back our monetary system from the Federal Reserve if our troops were brought back from the “Forever Wars” to secure our border.

And I’m paying attention, because I’m interested in Trump’s last president trajectory as detailed over a 100 Years Ago, by Ingersoll Lockwood and I’m curious if there will even be an election, at all.

So, 39-year-old JD Vance, unlike most politicians, Vance wasn’t born into wealth and Fortune but into a working class Irish Scottish family. His childhood was marked by his mother’s struggles with addiction and a revolving door of father figures.

Luckily, he had his grandparents’, who played a key role in his upbringing.

After High School, he enlisted in the US Marine Corps and served in Iraq after 4 years of service to his country.

He graduated from Ohio State University after which he attended Yale Law School.

And it wouldn’t be a video of mine if I didn’t dunk on every politician who attended Yale, because of their Bonesman secret society association and the sexual blackmail associated with it – it’s a presidential machine – but as far as I can tell, Vance never did the Skull and Bones thing while at Yale

Yale, like Harvard and other Ivy Leagues serves as a government recruitment center for alphabet agencies and networking opportunities with the upper echelon.

Vance actually met his wife, Usha, daughter of Indian immigrants while they were both students at Yale Law.

Usha clerked for Judge Brett Kavanaugh in the DC Circuit and also, Chief Justice John Roberts on the Supreme Court, after graduating from Yale Law School. So she seems pretty well-connected for being a First-Generation American.

The California legal firm, Munger Tolsen Olssen, which calls its culture “Radically Progressive” employed Usha from 2015 to 2017 and The New York Times said that she was a Registered Democrat until 2014.

According reports, JD and Usha had a mixed-faith marriage ceremony, as he’s Christian and she’s Hindu and JD and Usha have three children together.

After graduating from Law School in 2013, Vance worked briefly as a law clerk for like, 1 second before becoming a principal at Peter Thiel‘s Venture Capital firm, Mithril Capital Management.

Mithril Capital is not directly affiliated with the CIA but its co-founder, Peter Thiel has connections to Palantir Technologies, which received investment from In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital arm.

Government institutions use Palantir Technologies as data analysis tools, artificial intelligence, spying and data collection. Palantir is still listed as a Mithril company on their website.

I’ll link my video on enq below if you’re interested.

It all boils down to this: Vance worked for a CIA contractor at a CIA contractor company before getting into politics.

I also just want to note that Peter Thiel is closely linked to Elon Musk from his time at PayPal and Thiel is constantly in the whole Joe Rogan sphere of influence

Thiel is not my favorite guy. He’s like his gay, conservative Silicon Valley guy getting blood infusions from teenagers for the purposes of life extension – and, hey your business partner your boss isn’t your personality – okay I get that. It wouldn’t matter if that’s all he was to JD Vance – but instead, JD Vance received considerable funding from Peter Thiel. He donated $15 million to Vance’s 2022 Senate race super pac.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves, OK, because, you know, I like to stick to the timeline and we got to talk about Vance during Trump’s first presidency:

(Roll video of Vance dissing Trump)

“I’m a never-Trump guy. I never liked him as somebody who doesn’t like Trump, I might have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary Clinton. I didn’t vote for Trump.

‘Hillbilly Elegy’ was JD Vance’s first memoir, that came out in 2016 [when Vance was only 31]. Many people loved the book, because they felt like it told the truth about Vance’s difficult childhood and a poor white working class family in the Rust Belt – while other folks hated his memoir, because of the nsulting stereotypes.

The main point of he book was to show how bad things are for the white working class in America and how people need to take responsibility to get help from their communities and change the system, as a whole to fix these problems so they can ultimately achieve the American Dream through hard work.

There was a whole Netflix adaptation of the book so we should have known Vance was going to come Center Stage, sooner or later.

The whole publication of this memoir really bolstered his career and gave him a voice in the political sphere during the 2016 presidential race. JD Vance was openly critical of Donald Trump. Vance was a never Trumper with Orange Man Derangement Syndrome and came off as pro-Hillary.

However, over time, apparently Vance changed his mind, which I just want to say, immediately struck me as unbelievable. But then again, I do know people in real life who were like this; Never-Trumpers or liberals who changed teams at some point. It can happen, apparently.

Vance had gotten Trump’s support before he ran for Senate in 2021 and of course, Trump’s endorsement gave his campaign a big boost and helped them win the race – which I told you, he would not have won had it not been for Peter Thiel’s donation.

Now, I want to get into the part about Vance that I’ll get memory-holed and never reported by media, because hey were compliant with these issues the entire time – but it is of note to me, at least – and maybe to you, that Vance was pro-vaxxine but anti-mandates.

(Roll video montage of Vance c. 2021 responding to media about the vaxx)

He wrote some very sarcastic tweets about the mandates, which I think are being screenshotted and misconstrued.

It appears Vance is very pro-Israel he did the whole ritual, that all of our politicians do, by going to the Western Wall and wearing the small hat and has publicly stated that “Israel is one of the United States’ most important allies”.

And y’all – I understand that the barrier for entry to American politics is pledging allegiance to Israel – I get it – but it’s like, these things never get discussed and get swept under the rug – like, your children won’t get drafted for the military and sent to their deaths over the constant war crimes in the Middle East.

So, it needs to be Loud and Proud and Understood: you’re either America First or your Israel First. You can’t serve two masters. It just don’t work like that.

On the issue of Ukraine, Vance stated: “I got to be honest with you, I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine, one way or the other.”

I think the general sentiment – at least around here –is American politicians should care about America First and stop sending our tax dollars to foreign countries.

Also of note, Vance believes abortion is a State issue and wants to ban gender-affirming care for minors and he supports building a wall along the southern border.

Mitt Romney was also quoted as, “I don’t know that I can disrespect someone more than I do JD Vance,” and this was over Vance flip-flopping on Trump – and you know, by now that on this channel, we thoroughly disrespect Mitt Romney, because he’s a fake Mormon and Bain Company stooge who was BFFs with Netanyahu at Boston Consulting. I’ve done videos on him that I’ll link below. So, if Mitt Romney doesn’t like Vance, maybe Vance is, at least a decent person.

(Roll video of Vance on Trump’s campaign trail in New Hampshire, responding to a question from the audience about the truth of January 6th)

JD Vance: That’s a very good – that’s, that’s maybe the most important thing that he [Trump] needs to do, when he’s elected President. Look, we still don’t know who planted the pipe bomb at the RNC. Do you remember that? That was headline news for all of about 4 hours, okay? A pipe bomb was planted, we have video of it and the FBI guy is more concerned about a 70-year-old grandmother who was walking through the halls of the Capitol than a person who apparently tried to blow up the RNC.

Unlike Mike Pence, Vance raised money for people jailed on January 6th. He’s also, according to reports anti-seed oils and pro-nicotine.

Vance disclosed owning nearly $200,000 of Bitcoin in 2022.

So: pro-crypto currency and also reportedly owns Rumble stock. He’s also self-admittedly plugged into a lot of weird right-wing subcultures, which just means he’s online a lot.

So, to summarize, in the face of mass criticism about both candidates being up-there in age, Trump picked a white guy in his 30s as a running mate to refresh his campaign.

The Optics on Vance are that he appears to be an American First Good Ole Boy from the Rust Belt. And while I’m not 100% sold on that pitch, I understand the posturing.

Vance’s age and inexperience in politics gives the Trump campaign their assassination insurance and it also gives them a future for the MAGA party, because they need someone to run in 2028.

Will JD Vance be better than Mike Pence? You tell me, Internet Friends.

Was I fair was I fair to this VP pick? I tried to be. Let me know your thoughts, Internet Friends. You know I always look forward to your comments.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • International Public Notice: the Vice President — Literally the President of “Vice” Alexandra – I hope you are not delegating the vetting process! You are being noticed!

    Many people have been shocked to see J.D. Vance selected as a Vice-Presidential candidate and running mate for Trump.

    Remember — just as these Corporation “Presidents” are not elected by popular vote, but instead by members of the Electoral College, they don’t actually get to choose their running mates, either.

    Most people also think of the Vice-President as a sort of Second in Command, ready to step in if the President is disabled.

    Stop and think again what the words actually say and imply. What is “vice”?

    So, logically, what is a “Vice-President”?

    He’s the guy in charge of “Vice” – dirty operations, the bag man, the collections agent, the enforcer, the filthy tricks administrator, the bad guy standing behind and just to the left of the “good” front man acting as President.

    The duo of President and Vice-President is the personification of the whole Duality Paradigm in action. Think of the French King and His Grey Eminence, Cardinal Richelieu.

    Why would we have such a “Vice-President” associated with our country—?

    Short answer: in order to administer all the programs related to Sin Taxes and Federal Revenues and Black Ops and Money Laundering, etc., etc. …VICE!

    Remember, the Federal Government was originally designed and intended to operate entirely on the revenues collected from federally regulated substances — alcohol, tobacco and firearms — and federally regulated activities: interstate commerce.

    Of course, they branched out into other kinds of sin-based income streams: indentured servitude, enslavement, counterfeiting, non-negotiable promissory notes, money laundering, war-for-profit, drug production and smuggling and pushing, human trafficking, illegal arms sales, illegal confiscation, impersonation, barratry, biological and weather warfare, brain-washing, etc.

    The Vice President is in charge of handling this entire Empire of Vice.

    So no surprises that J.D. Vance is a good candidate for this office — another “Skull and Bones” graduate of Yale University, who worked for “Ambrosia” a company selling adrenochrome products, an attorney who worked for the Sidney Austin Law Firm which also employed Barack Obama and his spouse.

    Even J.D. Vance’s wife is a perfect helpmate — a Gates Foundation beneficiary and devotee, a law clerk for John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh, educated at Cambridge, so the Brits have their dedicated spy and influencer on the inside, calling shots for them at the highest levels.

    Never forget what we are telling you. It’s not the front man you have to watch. It’s the guy standing right behind him.

    There is a reason nobody liked Mike Pence. There is a reason nobody liked Lyndon B. Johnson. There’s a reason nobody will like J.D. Vance, either.

    Also remember that he is the one, coiled like a rattlesnake ready to strike at Trump’s right hand, just like LBJ was ready to take down Kennedy and, conveniently, assume command.

    This is a crime family — just a different kind of crime family, where the real “power” is vested in those who appear to be second-in-command or not in command at all.

    The American people are growing up and can now see what is taking place and how it is staged and who is staging it and what kinds of excuses are being employed to perpetuate what is essentially a commercial corporation gone wild — a commercial corporation working for and being directed by foreign interests as a trans-national crime syndicate.

    The Holy Roman Empire brand of this corruption has gone underground and withdrawn from the public field of mercenary and commercial “battle”, leaving their Enforcers, the British Empire and their clueless American Mercenaries to protect their rear flank.

    We can only hope that some of the Horse Fly Maggots they are breeding by the millions and dropping on Argentina and Panama will find their way to a prime spot on all their lily white rumps.

    Argentina is being targeted because they are a world class producer of beef and Panama is being targeted because they want to take back control of the Canal.

    They — these men and their women, too — all remind us of the nasty little boys who used to linger in the cloak room to play with themselves and pull wings off of flies. Once you see them for what they are, they are an odd mix of criminals and actors. They and their objectives and modus operandi are not hard to identify.

  • I’m going to trust my gut. I don’t know or trust Vance.
    I don’t think he met his wife at Yale as she had it written all over her face that that was a lie when the commentator was giving us a brief bio during the RNC. He never once looked at his wife while waving and gesturing to Trump although it was obvious she needed that glance.
    I’m not a body behavior person but this stuck out to me.
    I think he’s all fabricated because we are all just watching a movie anyway.
    I don’t like him. He has too much dirty $ behind him.
    Vance can go suck a lemon.

  • Vance as a prototype O’Brien and Trump as a prototype Big Brother.
    Question remains open: am I, are you, is every-one else, a prototype Winston?

    It is opportune moment to look at what is the essence of Trump/Vance future leadership push that is being hoisted on the US political scene right now, what is being force-fed through media “telescreen” for people to swallow . To see what the “Inner Party” (deep state if you want) is really doing with the duo. We have been warned by Orwell this is the trajectory that is supposed to be realized all over the world. Uni-polar world is being dismantled and, as planned over century ago, multi-polar world is to replace it. The US is the last super-state to join other world’s super-states by becoming a “socialistic” state. Weather through masterful manipulation or by means of civil war remains to be seen, but what is already obvious is the fact that the leaders already are going through testing phase for the upcoming “socialistic” system. Socialistic in name only, of course. It will be meritory oligarchy just like all the other super-states of this world (Europe, Russia, China, India), and future leaders of the US Inner Party are already being prototyped and tested by the media. In other words, the idea of multi-polar world as an alternative to uni-polar hegemony is a fake solution. I will let Orwell speak – actually it is Inner Party’s creation, an illusory opposition leader Emmanuel Goldstein that is speaking – about Big Brother’s capstone function (I see Trump’s role being tested on the public’s perception as a prototype for this fictional character) and about Inner Party’s required mental setup (I see Vance’s role, his mastery of flip-flop technique, being tested as a prototype for future deep state’s wielders of power). It is lengthy, but necessary, I think, to remind you what had been planned long ago to be gradually unleashed upon the whole world (US included) by the elites, and the US “proles'” reactions are being monitored closely under the guise of current electoral procedure. What people are willing to accept as an acceptable “reality” (political or otherwise) might be a template for many millennia to come. All other groups, members of Outer Party – bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, trade-union organizers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists, and professional politicians – have already voted in their desired system (just think how they betrayed the people during plandemics) – , they have already chosen their “socialist” master, whom they are willing to serve, in perpetuity. It is down to people now.
    Will the people of the US go down the “socialistic” path by choosing the (wrong) door number two dangled in front of their eyes by prototype characters as an alternative to uni-polar world of fatigued hegemonic despots (drooling Rockefellers/Schwabs), will the people choose the lesser of the two evils (multi-polar) just to get along, or will they be able to stand their ground finally after few millennia of exploitation and reject both con-jobs (uni- and multi-polar world) and with that all the “candidates” paraded on their telescreens?

    There is the door number 3 you know, the path of individuality, and no, I don’t suggest yet another “libertarian” deceiving actor of the Inner Party (held in reserve for now), who is promising people total digital chaining.


    Chapter I – Ignorance is Strength

    In his capacity as an administrator, it is often necessary for a member of the Inner Party to know that this or that item of war news is untruthful, and he may often be aware that the entire war is spurious and is either not happening or is being waged for purposes quite other than the declared ones: but such knowledge is easily neutralized by the technique of DOUBLETHINK. Meanwhile no Inner Party member wavers for an instant in his mystical belief that the war is real, and that it is bound to end victoriously, […]
    What kind of people would control this world had been equally obvious. The new aristocracy was made up for the most part of bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, trade-union organizers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists, and professional politicians. These people, whose origins lay in the salaried middle class and the upper grades of the working class, had been shaped and brought together by the barren world of monopoly industry and centralized government. As compared with their opposite numbers in past ages, they were less avaricious, less tempted by luxury, hungrier for pure power, and, above all, more conscious of what they were doing and more intent on crushing opposition. This last difference was cardinal. By comparison with that existing today, all the tyrannies of the past were half-hearted and inefficient. […] But the new High group, unlike all its forerunners, did not act upon instinct but knew what was needed to safeguard its position. […]
    But the problems of perpetuating a hierarchical society go deeper than this. There are only four ways in which a ruling group can fall from power. Either it is conquered from without, or it governs so inefficiently that the masses are stirred to revolt, or it allows a strong and discontented Middle group to come into being, or it loses its own self-confidence and willingness to govern. These causes do not operate singly, and as a rule all four of them are present in some degree. A ruling class which could guard against all of them would remain in power permanently. Ultimately the determining factor is the mental attitude of the ruling class itself. […] After the middle of the present century,the first danger had in reality disappeared. […] The second danger, also, is only a theoretical one. The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed. The recurrent economic crises of past times were totally unnecessary, […] but other and equally large dislocations can and do happen without having political results, because there is no way in which discontent can become articulate. As for the problem of over-production, which has been latent in our society since the development of machine technique, it is solved by the device of continuous warfare […], which is also useful in keying up public morale to the necessary pitch. From the point of view of our present rulers, therefore, the only genuine dangers are the splitting-off of a new group of able, under-employed, power-hungry people, and the growth of liberalism and scepticism in their own ranks. The problem, that is to say, is educational. It is a problem of continuously moulding the consciousness both of the directing group and of the larger executive group that lies immediately below it. The consciousness of the masses needs only to be influenced in a negative way. […]
    Given this background, one could infer, if one did not know it already, the general structure of Oceanic society. At the apex of the pyramid comes Big Brother. Big Brother is infallible and all-powerful. Every success, every achievement, every victory, every scientific discovery, all knowledge, all wisdom, all happiness, all virtue, are held to issue directly from his leadership and inspiration.. […] He is a face on the hoardings, a voice on the telescreen. We may be reasonably sure that he will never die, and there is already considerable uncertainty as to when he was born. Big Brother is the guise in which the Party chooses to exhibit itself to the world. His function is to act as a focusing point for love, fear, and reverence, emotions which are more easily felt towards an individual than towards an organization. Below Big Brother comes the Inner Party. Its numbers limited to six millions, or something less than 2 percent of the population of Oceania. Below the Inner Party comes the Outer Party, which, if the Inner Party is described as the brain of the State, may be justly likened to the hands. Below that come the dumb masses whom we habitually refer to as ‘the proles’, numbering perhaps 85 per cent of the population. […] the proles are the Low.[…]
    In principle, membership of these three groups is not hereditary. The child of Inner Party parents is in theory not born into the Inner Party. Admission to either branch of the Party is by examination, taken at the age of sixteen. Nor is there any racial discrimination, or any marked domination of one province by another. Jews, Negroes, South Americans of pure Indian blood are to be found in the highest ranks of the Party, and the administrators of any area are always drawn from the inhabitants of that area. In no part of Oceania do the inhabitants have the feeling that they are a colonial population ruled from a distant capital. […] Its rulers are not held together by blood-ties but by adherence to a common doctrine. It is true that our society is stratified, and very rigidly stratified, on what at first sight appear to be hereditary lines. […] Between the two branches of the Party there is a certain amount of interchange, but only so much as will ensure that weaklings are excluded from the Inner Party and that ambitious members of the Outer Party are made harmless by allowing them to rise. Proletarians, in practice, are not allowed to graduate into the Party.[…] But this state of affairs is not necessarily permanent, nor is it a matter of principle. The Party is not a class in the old sense of the word. It does not aim at transmitting power to its own children, as such; and if there were no other way of keeping the ablest people at the top, it would be perfectly prepared to recruit an entire new generation from the ranks of the proletariat. In the crucial years, the fact that the Party was not a hereditary body did a great deal to neutralize opposition. […] The essence of oligarchical rule is not father-to-son inheritance, but the persistence of a certain world-view and a certain way of life, imposed by the dead upon the living. A ruling group is a ruling group so long as it can nominate its successors. The Party is not concerned with perpetuating its blood but with perpetuating itself. WHO wields power is not important, provided that the hierarchical structure remains always the same. […]
    All the beliefs, habits, tastes, emotions, mental attitudes that characterize our time are really designed to sustain the mystique of the Party and prevent the true nature of present-day society from being perceived. Physical rebellion, or any preliminary move towards rebellion, is at present not possible. From the proletarians nothing is to be feared. Left to themselves, they will continue from generation to generation and from century to century, working, breeding, and dying, not only without any impulse to rebel, but without the power of grasping that the world could be other than it is. They could only become dangerous if the advance of industrial technique made it necessary to educate them more highly; […] What opinions the masses hold, or do not hold, is looked on as a matter of indifference. They can be granted intellectual liberty because they have no intellect. In a Party member, on the other hand, not even the smallest deviation of opinion on the most important subject can be tolerated. […] Nothing that he does is indifferent. His friendships, his relaxations, his behaviour towards his wife and children, the expression of his face when he is alone, the words he mutters in sleep, even the characteristic movements of his body, are all jealously scrutinized. Not only any actual misdemeanour, but any eccentricity, however small, any change of habits, any nervous mannerism that could possibly be the symptom of an inner struggle, is certain to be detected. He has no freedom of choice in any direction whatever. On the other hand his actions are not regulated by law or by any clearly formulated code of behaviour. […] A Party member is required to have not only the right opinions, but the right instincts. Many of the beliefs and attitudes demanded of him are never plainly stated, and could not be stated without laying bare the contradictions […]. If he is a person naturally orthodox (in Newspeak a GOODTHINKER), he will in all circumstances know, without taking thought, what is the true belief or the desirable emotion. But in any case an elaborate mental training, undergone in childhood and grouping itself round the Newspeak words CRIMESTOP, BLACKWHITE, and DOUBLETHINK, makes him unwilling and unable to think too deeply on any subject whatever. […] A Party member is expected to have no private emotions and no respites from enthusiasm He is supposed to live in a continuous frenzy of hatred of foreign enemies and internal traitors, triumph over victories, and self-abasement before the power and wisdom of the Party. The discontents produced by his bare, unsatisfying life are deliberately turned outwards […] and the speculations which might possibly induce a sceptical or rebellious attitude are killed in advance by his early acquired inner discipline. The first and simplest stage in the discipline, which can be taught even to young children, is called, in Newspeak, CRIMESTOP. […]
    CRIMESTOP means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments […] and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. CRIMESTOP, in short, means protective stupidity. But stupidity is not enough. On the contrary, orthodoxy in the full sense demands a control over one’s own mental processes as complete as that of a contortionist over his body. Oceanic society rests ultimately on the belief that Big Brother is omnipotent and that the Party is infallible. But since in reality Big Brother is not omnipotent and the party is not infallible, there is need for an unwearying, moment-to-moment flexibility in the treatment of facts. The keyword here is BLACKWHITE. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to BELIEVE that black is white, and more, to KNOW that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary. This demands a continuous alteration of the past, made possible by the system of thought which really embraces all the rest, and which is known in Newspeak as DOUBLETHINK. […]
    The alteration of the past is necessary for two reasons, one of which is subsidiary and, so to speak, precautionary. The subsidiary reason is that the Party member, like the proletarian, tolerates present-day conditions partly because he has no standards of comparison. He must be cut off from the past, just as he must be cut off from foreign countries, because it is necessary for him to believe that he is better off than his ancestors and that the average level of material comfort is constantly rising. But by far the more important reason for the readjustment of the past is the need to safeguard the infallibility of the Party. It is not merely that speeches, statistics, and records of every kind must be constantly brought up to date in order to show that the predictions of the Party were in all cases right. It is also that no change in doctrine or in political alignment can ever be admitted. For to change one’s mind, or even one’s policy, is a confession of weakness. […] If, for example, Eurasia or Eastasia (whichever it may be) is the enemy today, then that country must always have been the enemy. And if the facts say otherwise then the facts must be altered. Thus history is continuously rewritten. This day-to-day falsification of the past, carried out by the Ministry of Truth, is as necessary to the stability of the regime as the work of repression and espionage carried out by the Ministry of Love. […]
    The mutability of the past is the central tenet […] Past events, it is argued, have no objective existence, but survive only in written records and in human memories. The past is whatever the records and the memories agree upon. And since the Party is in full control of all records and in equally full control of the minds of its members, it follows that the past is whatever the Party chooses to make it. It also follows that though the past is alterable, it never has been altered in any specific instance. For when it has been recreated in whatever shape is needed at the moment, then this new version IS the past, and no different past can ever have existed. This holds good even when, as often happens, the same event has to be altered out of recognition several times in the course of a year. At all times the Party is in possession of absolute truth, and clearly the absolute can never have been different from what it is now. It will be seen that the control of the past depends above all on the training of memory. To make sure that all written records agree with the orthodoxy of the moment is merely a mechanical act. But it is also necessary to REMEMBER that events happened in the desired manner. And if it is necessary to rearrange one’s memories or to tamper with written records, then it is necessary to FORGET that one has done so. The trick of doing this can be learned like any other mental technique. It is learned by the majority of Party members, and certainly by all who are intelligent as well as orthodox. In Oldspeak it is called, quite frankly, ‘reality control’. In Newspeak it is called DOUBLETHINK, though DOUBLETHINK comprises much else as well. […]
    DOUBLETHINK means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. The Party intellectual knows in which direction his memories must be altered; he therefore knows that he is playing tricks with reality; but by the exercise of DOUBLETHINK he also satisfies himself that reality is not violated. The process has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt. DOUBLETHINK lies at the very heart […] since the essential act of the Party is to use conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty. To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word DOUBLETHINK it is necessary to exercise DOUBLETHINK. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of DOUBLETHINK one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth. Ultimately it is by means of DOUBLETHINK that the Party has been able — and may, for all we know, continue to be able for thousands of years — to arrest the course of history. […]
    All past oligarchies have fallen from power either because they ossified or because they grew soft. Either they became stupid and arrogant, failed to adjust themselves to changing circumstances, and were overthrown; or they became liberal and cowardly, made concessions when they should have used force, and once again were overthrown. They fell, that is to say, either through consciousness or through unconsciousness. It is the achievement of the Party to have produced a system of thought in which both conditions can exist simultaneously. And upon no other intellectual basis could the dominion of the Party be made permanent. If one is to rule, and to continue ruling, one must be able to dislocate the sense of reality. For the secret of rulership is to combine a belief in one’s own infallibility with the Power to learn from past mistakes. It need hardly be said that the subtlest practitioners of DOUBLETHINK are those who invented DOUBLETHINK and know that it is a vast system of mental cheating. In our society, those who have the best knowledge of what is happening are also those who are furthest from seeing the world as it is. In general, the greater the understanding, the greater the delusion; the more intelligent, the less sane. One clear illustration of this is the fact that war hysteria increases in intensity as one rises in the social scale. Those whose attitude towards the war is most nearly rational are the subject peoples of the disputed territories. To these people the war is simply a continuous calamity which sweeps to and fro over their bodies like a tidal wave. Which side is winning is a matter of complete indifference to them. They are aware that a change of overlordship means simply that they will be doing the same work as before for new masters who treat them in the same manner as the old ones. The slightly more favoured workers whom we call ‘the proles’ are only intermittently conscious of the war. When it is necessary they can be prodded into frenzies of fear and hatred, but when left to themselves they are capable of forgetting for long periods that the war is happening. It is in the ranks of the Party, and above all of the Inner Party, that the true war enthusiasm is found. World-conquest is believed in most firmly by those who know it to be impossible. This peculiar linking-together of opposites — knowledge with ignorance, cynicism with fanaticism — is one of the chief distinguishing marks of Oceanic society. The official ideology abounds with contradictions even when there is no practical reason for them. […] For it is only by reconciling contradictions that power can be retained indefinitely. In no other way could the ancient cycle be broken. If human equality is to be for ever averted — if the High, as we have called them, are to keep their places permanently — then the prevailing mental condition must be controlled insanity.

  • Trump has the disturbing habit of being chummy with all his frenemies. Next we should expect a lucrative position given to Hindu Haley. How many hundreds of Brutuses and Cassiuses this time, Trump? Vance looks like Private Pyle from Full Metal Jacket.

    • I am concerned about who Trump picks as allies. I don’t know what to think of Vance yet — I am reading his book for insight.
      He endorsed Hung Cao. I don’t know why; Cao was not the strongest candidate, but he did have the most money. It’s a shame since there was a field of five pro-Trump candidates for US Senate for Virginia. Trump put his thumb on the scale and voters came to the poll asking who Trump endorsed so they could vote for him. No critical thinking – just “if he’s good enough for Trump, he’s good enough for me”.

  • Great article especially on Vance’s wife which I did not have too much info on. One thing which was left out was Vance’s startup company Ambrosia. Ambrosia is apparently a code name for adrenachrome. You stated Thiels was into injecting himself with the blood of youth for some kind of anti aging reversal. It would make sense that Vance’s company was the one supplying him and others with it. The extraction process from the youth can be quite horrific. The state of Ohio also has / had the highest rate of child trafficking next to Ondiana (Pence’s home state). These people are really sick and evil. If you do not know what adrenachrome is, how it is made and who takes it for what reasons, it only takes a little bit of digging to find out.

  • My 2 Cents in no particular order ,

    I’m not a Democrat or Republican but I was Shocked and Stunned when Trump Chose Pence back years ago ,
    So now I have come to accept Trump can’t Really See A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing ,
    Trump is a Gemini bron in Chinese new year The Dog with the Dog of Chinese astrology equals Capricorn in American astrology.
    Trump is A Good business man But a Lousy bad politician ,
    Most senators were given a score of 61 on how much they are in favor / agree with Agenda 2025 ,
    Vance scored a 98 ,
    But that’s not why I’m Leary of him ,
    He meaning Vance used to hate trump publicly ,
    I’m s Taurus I wouldn’t Trust Vance ,
    I looked up Vance birthday , August 2 1984 ,
    I graduated high school in June 6 1984 ,
    1984 is the year of the Pig which equals Pisces in American astrology….
    Pisces are known to have the ability to act with ease effortlessly….
    Acting helps a person pull off cons also ,
    Trump should of Picked the lady governor from Dakota.
    And How come This really graceful didn’t explain what the Vance campaign spent the 15 million dollars from Peter Thiel on , was it bumper stickers and tee shirts or is there some high elite getting all this campaign money and that candidate wins ???
    Kinda confusing to me , cause the 15 million dollars reminded me that Elon Musk donated 45 million dollars a month to Trump recently ,
    So if all this campaign money goes to some Elites then maybe Trump will Win.
    But on the other hand if Biden drops out and gets replaced by Governor Newsom ,
    Newsom would eat trump in age and I recently noticed that Newsom is a double libra born October 1967 the host of Chinese astrology transfers to Libra in American astrology.

    Doorbell ringing ,
    Makes me wonder about 2028 and 2032 elections ,
    Trump should Retire and had The Florida governor run for republican president , but even internet says his military record shows questionable stuff

  • club member and company made-man vance gets pushed to the front of the shitshow lineup . hand picked by swamp lover trumpenstein vance vents his pre-election positions for gullible peeps looking for a morally clean less back stabby version of pedo pence . vance looking out for a fast track leg up is following in bulls eye bud trumpenstein’s campaign trail of tears . will his deep state dreams come true no they won’t but he gets facetime and a chance to become one of histories lessons .

  • I saw this video couple days ago and was pretty upset with Really Graceful becuase I feel she didn’t do a very good job of research. She missed a WHOLE LOT of things about Vance that are suspicious.

    1) He was involved in helping a company named Ambrosia get started. It Gives blood transfusions from young people to old people to make them younger. This is way too close to adrenachrome IMO, don’t know if that’s what’s going on but it sure looks that way.

    There’s a lot of suspicious things about Vance and the fact that he flip flps so very much is a very bad sign; I don’t think he’d know the truth if it smacked him in the face. He worked at Sidney Austin Law firm, same law firm Barack and Michelle Obama, worked at. As for Skull & Bones, they are EXTREMELY tight-lipped about themselves, if Vance were a member they would never tell us. He also received over $10 million from Peter Thiel, another deep state entity. More interesting info here:
    I’d like to point out he was born in Ohio, which is not hillbilly country so his book Hillbilly Elegy has a title which doesn’t quite fit. Seems this guy can’t tell the truth even if his life depended on it.

    Here’s what someone else uncovered about him, there’s a lot here – I”ve followed this person quite awhile and she always has good info:

    I’ve watched Trump for 45 yrs, he works in very unusual ways but he’s always 5 steps ahead of everyone else. One thing I noticed is that he appoints deep state people, AFAIK everyone he’s appointed is deep state. It’s the kiss of death for them, because he’s exposing them to the public. We are meant to do research on them. Vance is another one, I don’t think Vance is actually going to be Trump’s V.P. He’s waaay too sleazy and so is his wife. Why did his wife completely wipe her bio from her law firm off the internet?

    • Excellent comment, and you hit all my “points to ponder.” Thanks for the link, I’m gonna follow her on X . I am a qualified Hillbilly out of Clay Co. WVa. I was suspicious that someone from Ohio claimed the title, cause that was considered an insult. His having Kentucky roots makes it a bit less suspicious and contrived. Ohio is generally not mountainous. On the map, he grew up just north of the WV panhandle, still in the same mountain range. So I settle down with my corn-cob pipe and shot gun, (barefoot of course), continue researching this inter-dimensional chess game and wait to see what happens.

      • OH CRAP! He’s a Hatfield? Hello Cousin! As they say in the hills, “Don’t make me no nevermind.” If he’s a brother or a cousin and is a lying snake, I pray to God that he get’s served appropriate justice in this “King of the Mountain” war for world control. Learning about the trafficking of children for sex, organ harvesting and adenochrome production like to killed me 9 years ago. I want to totally trust Trump is ordained by God to clean up this world so He doesn’t have to turn us into a campfire for a big marshmallow roast in heaven. I can’t help checking stuff out and holding on to a “prove it” attitude.

  • Fair, and unbiased reporting.

    Always remembering that it’s not what politicians say that’s important, but what the do when they think nobody is watching their personal associations, and personal political agendas.

  • I have mixed feelings about Vance. Pence turned out to be a real traitor. I feel that President Trump has a good and kind heart and always looks for the best in the people he chooses and because hey know how he is, he ends up getting conned. I want to think this Vance guy is good and refreshing, but after everything that Trump has gone through, my warning bells won’t go away. There is cause for concern.

  • Well, I was fearful of this. I get that the deep state wants to ensure one of their own is there to monitor what is going on in the WH – we already have the NY liberal couple (“close personal advisors”) who certainly support certain agendas – while I don’t and don’t support any other country but America but then again, maybe it’s because I actually love my Country. With that being said, I am glad to see this article. I wanted to like JD and his wife as part of a strong support team for a Trump administration but still not sure as there are too many red flags? Trump himself supported Warp Speed and bragged, “I’m the father of the vaccine” – right? I was upset about that and a couple other things that were, let’s just say, not in America’s best interests. All I can do is to keep trusting God in this, “We the People” have some karmic consequences that we are still going to face, abortion being a big one, allowing communism in our midst is another. I for one am going to put God first and pray and will vote for Trump even though I DO NOT like his stance on supporting “a certain country” and their agenda – it’s anti American for sure and we are being, “sucked dry like the Golden Calf we are”, to coin a partial quote. The most positive thing I can say about JD and his wife is that if they really are on the “wrong side”, I trust that God will expose them and continue to protect the good in America ultimately. I am very glad to see this article, so thank you because we do need to stay awake and aware. Evil does indeed lurk in our midst, we are infiltrated fully. But God is also with those who are with Him and He promised He would heal our land if we repented and turned back to Him. God bless America.

  • I have mixed feelings about Vance. Pence turned out to be a real traitor. I feel that President Trump has a good and kind heart and always looks for the best in the people he chooses and because hey know how he is, he ends up getting conned. I want to think this Vance guy is good and refreshing, but after everything that Trump has gone through, my warning bells won’t go away. All Vance’s associations give me cause for concern.

  • “… Vance was pro-vaxxine but anti-mandates.”

    So it’s OK to market poison as long as it’s not mandated.

    • Agreed! However, I”ve seen videos of him saying everyone should be mandated to take vaccine. This is just one example of this guy flip-flopping. He asbsolutely hated Trump, until recently. Now he is his VP…hmmm.

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