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A World Economic Forum contributor claimed that a coming water crisis will succeed in establishing a world government where the COVID plandemic and the climate change narratives failed.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • “A Water Crisis will bring humanity to its knees”, will it? Here’s a personal anecdote: During the latter part of the 20th Century, I had been a Heroin addict for over 4 decades. I had just purchased a Fix, but I lacked the water to cook it in, and there was no water available nearby. I stopped my car next to a pothole in the street and quickly drew up a syringe-full of muddy water, and used that to cook up my shot, and shot it into my vein with no ill effects.
    Sorry, WEF, but some of us don’t depend upon Ozarka bottled water in order to survive.
    F You, MotherWEfers! Do your worst.

    • I have a cheap water distiller and been drinking from it for a long time, then just sprinkle pink salt or whatever the mineral I prefer.
      Theoretically, I can even drink my own piss out of distiller (though I won’t do that unless I have no other choice) LOL

  • The well poisoners are at it again . Crisis pumpers selling bad Koolaid to plebs too scared to think about what to drink in to the desiccated soul .

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