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I first saw this video tweeted by Sal Russo aka @starseedastro, with his comment:

“Anti-American #psyops are kicking into high gear on election year! This is a sign of fear and desperation from the Deep State. No mortal can stop the divine work of God that will soon be done in Gemini where Jupiter will begin to transit on May 25th. President Trump, the Gemini, will have God’s favor, Satan be damned…Thanks to @AussieCossack for the share.”

The video was originally tweeted by @AussieCossack and now, I just saw his comment: “Did @CBSNews really just get highjacked live on TV with this pro-Ukrainian video broadcasting direct threats against the fmr US President @realDonaldTrump? The pro-Trump Maga people will lose their sh*t at Zelensky if this clip is real!!”

Given that there is no corroboration of this story on other venues, it appears likely that this video is a hoax. I wonder who made it?

A major aspect of 5GW is constantly not being able to tell the difference between reality and parody, however, that is no excuse for my shoddy journalism, here, for which I apologize.

I hope I can be forgiven. After all, the official Ukrainian Military spokesperson was, until recently an American transwoman, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, who would go on these cringe-soaked tirades about “hunting down all Russian war propagandists.”




And CBS let it run for a full minute, allowing images of the recently-slain Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Slovakian President Robert Fico, who survived being shot 5 times last week, as well as anti-Globalist Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to run, serving as a warning to Trump.

Graphics calling Trump a “LIAR”, “TRAITOR” and a “MURDERER” roll, followed by the warning, “An enemy of Ukraine is an enemy of America. Stay home. Ignore the Trump rally. Glory to Ukraine!”

As someone who has worked at a few TV networks, I can tell you that the Technical Director or Producer who allowed that hacked video to run for nearly a full minute would be fired from their job.

The fact that the CBS Senior Producer didn’t cut to a commercial or in any way override what was happening and allowed the Ukrainian video to run means that this was on purpose and this is how childish and desperate the Establishment has become. It’s too pathetic for words.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I don’t know I’d this is real, but at the first 30- 45 minutes of the televised Trump rally last night someone or something was definitely scrambling the feed or signal being sent to all the channels. I started watching it on Fox, then switched over to Newsmax. Finally Newsmax come on and said there was something interfering with the feed from the rally because all the networks were having issues. It finally stopped and was fine after that. The Democrats and Deep State are becoming desperate!

    • I updated this article last night, in case you missed it. As you know, communications from the Ukrainian Military have been less than professional or believable, when they’re not false – as with the “Ghost of Kyiv” PSYOP – or contentious and bizarre – as with the crazed pronouncements of their official spokesperson, American transwoman Sarah Ashton-Cirillo.

      In light of the Ghost of Kyiv and Sarah Ashton-Cirillo – along with the full-throated support within the US Mainstream Media for these aforementioned shenangigans, the unopposed hijacking of CBS seemed credible. That is how nuts our planet has become.


      I first saw this video tweeted by Sal Russo aka @starseedastro, with his comment:

      “Anti-American #psyops are kicking into high gear on election year! This is a sign of fear and desperation from the Deep State. No mortal can stop the divine work of God that will soon be done in Gemini where Jupiter will begin to transit on May 25th. President Trump, the Gemini, will have God’s favor, Satan be damned…Thanks to @AussieCossack for the share.”

      The video was originally tweeted by @AussieCossack and now, I just saw his comment: “Did @CBSNews really just get highjacked live on TV with this pro-Ukrainian video broadcasting direct threats against the fmr US President @realDonaldTrump? The pro-Trump Maga people will lose their sh*t at Zelensky if this clip is real!!”

      Given that there is no corroboration of this story on other venues, it appears likely that this video is a hoax. I wonder who made it?

      A major aspect of 5GW is constantly not being able to tell the difference between reality and parody, however, that is no excuse for my shoddy journalism, here, for which I apologize.

      I hope I can be forgiven. After all, the official Ukrainian Military spokesperson was, until recently an American transwoman, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, who would go on these cringe-soaked tirades about “hunting down all Russian war propagandists.”

  • I try not to get fired up but this is so heinous and just outrageously desperate behavior by the Dems/Leftists, Ukraine, Biden, and the MSM. THEYRE ALL IN ON THIS BS TOGETHER. This was planned, directed, produced and exercised by them. I don’t know how any American can stomach them all let alone still support them. Yet they do! It’s insane–they’re all insane .

  • CBS had to be compliant, having shown this.

    It warned of a psy-op planned, either false flag or real for Trump Rally.

    The Source for this, I don’t know if it can called a hack, or just programming.

    As a mystery it can be used, by both sides…..which may be its true purpose.

    Like breaking an egg in two parts and the Yolk comes out.

    It is one Egg, but now shown in two parts, and the Yolk, may just be on the Public.

    DHS, has to explain, by doing what is supposed to be their job.

  • Big mistake by Ukraine, I wasn’t particularly in support of MAGA but threats to America will not stand. NUKE UKRAINE!

    • hen, oh my but we can……..theres Kennedy and you can write in another Covid 19 hero Rand Paul for instance! We must not become cowed. Besides, Chicago is looking ripe for revolution. Be prepared for contingencies.

  • There are different ways to interpret this, but this one is for certain—the coup of America could not be plainer!

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