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Hey, it’s Tucker Carlson!

The Biden administration arrested Donald Trump this afternoon. They had him arraigned and fingerprinted in a Miami courthouse, like the accused felon he now, technically is.

These were the first steps in a process that is designed to put Donald Trump behind bars for the rest of his life.

Cable news carried every moment of it live. “It’s unprecedented!” they told us, with what looked like shock.

But they weren’t shocked. They knew this was coming. Everyone who’s paid attention knew it was.

What just happened was always going to happen. It’s been inevitable since February 16th, 2016. That’s the day Donald Trump made a blood enemy of the largest and most powerful organization in human history, which would be the Federal Government.

Despite what you may remember, it wasn’t anything Trump had said about immigration or trade with China or rapists from Mexico. Those were the stories that dominated the headlines that year.

“Trump’s a racist!” they screamed, “Stop him!”

But inside Washington, that was just noise. None of it really rated. Identity politics doesn’t really mean much to Permanent Washington.

What matters – then and now – is foreign policy; the invasions and occupations and proxy wars; the decisions which determine which global populations will thrive and which will die – the policies that come with trillion-dollar price tags – the ones that, over time have made the counties around DC the richest suburbs in the world.

In Washington, that’s what actually matters and it’s obvious when you look carefully.

When there’s a debate about anything else – for example, the debt ceiling – both sides take their assigned positions and they start yelling.

But when Congress decides to start a war – no matter how foolish or counterproductive or obviously disconnected from America’s core interests that war may be – when that happens, the leaders of both parties automatically jump behind it like circus clowns.

And then, they stay there. Sometimes for decades. They defend that war relentlessly, against all evidence, until somebody finally rings the “All-Clear” bell and they can begin to admit that, “Actually, maybe it wasn’t such a great idea. We meant well but it just didn’t work out. The good news is, we’ve learned a lot of important lessons.”

In the end, they usually do say something like that – but only after emotions have cooled and the damning details have begun to fade from collective memory. It’s an apology that’s not actually an apology – much less repentance – and it’s years too late to matter, in any case.

But until then, that’s all you’re getting. Until then, no dissent is allowed. That’s the first rule of Washington.

But somehow, Trump didn’t bother to follow it. He was from out of town, so maybe he didn’t know it was a rule – or maybe he just didn’t care.

Either way, seven and a half years later, we can point to the precise moment that Permanent Washington decided to send Donald Trump to prison. Here it is. It’s from the Republican Candidates’ Debate in Greenville, South Carolina.

[Trump onstage with Jeb Bush, etc., saying: “We should have never been in Iraq! We destabilized the Middle East! They lied! They said there were Weapons of Mass Destruction – there were none – and they KNEW there were none! There were no weapons of mass destruction!”]

“We should have never been in Iraq!” Trump said. “We destabilized the Middle East.”

Now, by the time Trump said that, a lot of Republican primary voters were starting to reach the same conclusion – how could they not?

But it was the next line that doomed Trump to today’s arrest. “They lied!” he said. “There were no weapons of mass destruction – and they KNEW there were none!”

Now, when he said that, there were a few in the crowd that booed. Most just sat there in silence, stunned. “Can he say that?”

Well, he said it, anyway. And by saying that, he sealed his fate. That was the one thing you were not allowed to say, because it implicated too many people on both sides – which, on this topic is really just one side.

Hillary Clinton was guilty of it – but so was Paul Ryan. All of them were guilty. They all knew. They all lied – and to a person, they hated Donald Trump for exposing them.

After that, it was pretty clear that even if he did get elected president, Trump was going to have a very hard time controlling the Federal Government he was supposed to be in charge of. Most of Permanent Washington decided that thwarting Trump was the single most important mission in their lives. Everything depended on it, many of them said so publicly.

But others didn’t say so, publicly. In fact, the stealthier ones took another path: they ran toward Trump, not away from him. They sucked-up to him. They ingratiated themselves to the man they intuitively understood was susceptible to flattery, which Trump is.

And they did this in order to subvert his new administration from the inside. There were a number of these and you could spot them immediately. They were flatterers.

Invariably, the ones who flattered Trump the most hated him the most and disagreed the most strongly with his views.

You saw them in the hallways of the White House and at press conferences. They were there, slobbering over their boss with elaborate self-abasement, as if they were addressing a monarch or a god. It was a scene from the Ottoman court. It was filthy and decadent – and it was false.

Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, Lindsey Graham in the Congress. They all called Trump a “visionary genius”, up until the moment he lost power – and then, they unsheathed their real agenda – as always, the Neocon War Agenda – and they piled on with maximum force.

Here’s Mike Pompeo, for example on Fox News this morning.

[Pompeo yammering about Trump having classified documents].

May future historians hoping to unlock the mysteries of Late Empire Washington study that clip, because it will reveal everything. 

That very same Mike Pompeo, the one who’s sneering at Donald Trump on TV this morning – that guy – served Donald Trump as both CIA Director and as Secretary of State. Those are the two most powerful jobs on the Federal Government.

And as he worked in those jobs, Pompeo promised – in fact, he swore – to support the President’s agenda. Why? Because that’s the way a democracy works: You vote for a candidate, in the belief that his appointees will carry out the policies that you voted for.

It’s not about the President, it’s about you, the voter.

But Pompeo didn’t do that. He didn’t even try to do that. In fact, he undermined Trump’s often-stated commitment to peace and non-intervention abroad at every turn. His every waking hour was devoted to fomenting war in some far away foreign country or another – Iran, Syria, Russia, North Korea – the list goes on.

But, rather than telling Trump that he disagreed with his ideas, as a man would, Pompeo toadied-up to Trump – a man he despised – in the oiliest, most over-the-top way imaginable. Ask anyone who worked in the White House at the time. 

Who was the appointee most likely to tell Trump on a daily basis that he was handsome, virile, sleek and powerful? Mike Pompeo. That would be the consensus answer. 

Those of us who saw firsthand Pompeo’s relentless kowtowing will never forget it. It was indelibly repulsive [🤣].

No one with self-respect could do something like that but Mike Pompeo did it effortlessly, with relish and verve.

Now, this same person is telling Fox News viewers that he fears for the safety of our military. “Our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines,” in the approved phrase, because Donald Trump took some classified documents home and didn’t immediately return them to the National Archives? What a lie that is!

Mike Pompeo knows that’s a lie. He spent his entire life in Washington!

Washington is a city where internal memos about Labor Day are classified – because everything is classified. Your government has classified more than a billion federal documents, most of them boring and pointless and a danger to no one and lock them away in secret so you can’r see them, because you. may be an American citizen – but not really – and therefore, you don’t have the necessary clearances to know what’s going on.

And by the way, none of this is done in order to make America safer, any more than COVID restrictions were designed to keep you healthy. No!

It’s a caste system. That’s the point. And you’re the Untouchable in this hierarchy.

Mike Pompeo knows that. Everybody who works in Washington knows that.

How many secret documents do you think Dick Cheney took home with him when he was running the Iraq War? How many did his wife read? She never had a clearance.

We’ll never know the answer, because there is no chance Dick Cheney will ever be investigated or his staffers will be told wear wires in his presence. He’ll never be indicted for this. Of course not!

Dick Cheney is a Neocon. Donald Trump is not. Dick Cheney supports war with Russia. Trump does not. That’s the difference. The rest is just a distraction.

The prosecution of Donald Trump is transparently political. He’s literally Joe Biden’s main political opponent. He’s polling at over 60% of Republican voters right now.

So, Joe Biden is doing what no other President has ever dared to do: He’s using law enforcement to lock up his chief rival. That’s happening right now. Anyone who denies it’s happening is lying to you.

But actually, it’s worse than that. Trump’s prosecution isn’t just political, it’s ideological.

Nobody with Trump’s views is allowed to have power in this country: “Criticize our wars and you’re disqualified. If you keep it up, we’ll send you to prison. That’s the message Washington is sending – not just the Democratic Party but both parties are sending. 

Like so many Republicans, for example, the supposedly conservative governor of Texas, Greg Abbott spent yesterday totally ignoring the destruction of the American justice system.

Instead, he signed a highly-important bill called the Crown Act, which according to the celebratory tweet Abbott sent commemorating it, will quote: “Prohibiting discrimination based on textures and hairstyles historically associated with race.”

In other words, in Texas, corn rows are now protected by law. Having unapproved views about Ukraine – is not.

That’s fine with most elected Republicans. They find Trump tiresome and embarrassing. Their donors hate him. They will not be sad if he dies in jail.

But what about voters? What are they learning from this spectacle? Well, mostly, they’re learning that they have no power, at all, because nobody cares about them. But they already knew that.

Unlike so many of our elected leaders, they have been to America recently. They know what it looks like.

Have you seen it? If you’ve got a few days this summer, find out. Take a road trip and see for yourself. Drive 500 miles in any direction, then come home.

How are things looking? Well, they should look great. The Federal Government spent $6.5 trillion last year. That’s more than any government has ever spent – ever.

So, at the very least, you’d expect pristine public roads. Oh, no! That’s not what you see when you drive around in this country. There are potholes and Jersey barriers everywhere. It looks like Tegucigalpa before the Chinese decided to rebuild the infrastructure of Honduras. We don’t have China buying our roads, so they’re falling apart.

You’d think the people you would pass would look happy and prosperous – again, this is a very rich country. But a lot of them don’t. Quite a few appear to be strung-out on drugs. You see them shuffling by shuttered storefronts in small towns. And you wonder, as you see all of this, “Where did all the money go?” It’s certainly not here.

Well, it’s in Washington. It’s in Fairfax and Loudon counties and in leafy, perfectly-manicured Northwest DC. And, of course, a huge chunk of it went to Ukraine, to Zelenskyy and his friends, not because you voted for that – you didn’t vote to give it to them, you never would – but because Joe Biden and his many allies, from Chuck Schumer to Mitch McConnell to Paul Ryan and every single news anchor on all of television – all of them believe that Ukraine; its borders, its future, its infrastructure are all more important than the town that you live in. They sincerely think that and it’s obvious. Everyone in power thinks that. Except for Donald Trump.

Whatever else you say about him, Trump is the one guy with an actual shot at becoming president who dissents from Washington’s longstanding pointless war agenda. And for that – that one fact – they’re trying to take Trump out before you can vote for him.

And that should upset you more than anything that’s happened in American politics in your lifetime. 

Even if you don’t plan to vote for Donald Trump, even if you would die before voting for Donald Trump – which is your right and a lot of good people feel that way – even still.

The destruction of our democracy, which is the right of voters to support any candidate they want – even candidates who don’t want war with Russia – the destruction of that should keep you up at night. 

Yes, Donald Trump is a flawed man but his sins are minor compared to those of his persecutors. 

In this life, we don’t get to choose our martyrs, we can only choose our principles.

And America’s are at stake. 

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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Leave a Reply to Metube1 Cancel reply

  • Excellent presentation in which I totally agree with Tucker on all the points he brought up . My point is the
    👹 DEMONRINOCRAPS💩 gotta go

  • Pompeo says Israel has biblical claim to Palestine and is ‘not an occupying nation’ “[Israel] is not an occupying nation. As an evangelical Christian, I am convinced by my reading of the Bible that 3,000 years on now, in spite of the denial of so many, [this land] is the rightful homeland of the Jewish people,” he said.

    Here’s the root of endless wars! For over one hundred years fundamentalist Christians have been indoctrinated with “literal interpretation” of prophecy and through televangelists since the last half of the twentieth century the rest of the Evangelicals have been indoctrinated in the very same error. Let me repeat, because this is central – literal intepretation of Hebrew picture language in prophesy!

    The result of this has been the replacement of heavenly Zion with temporal Zion in the minds of tens of millions of Christians, who today are willing to sacrifice treasure and life in defense of temporal Zion. This never would have been possible had these two groups of Christ claimers not been sold another bill of goods regarding non-accountability to the Decalogue, by the very same wolves who taught them to venerate temporal Zion!

    I am eyewitness to four false rapures taught by some of these deluded people. End time false alarms that soaked up all the oxygen in their church houses and left them naked and undiscerning!

    • Christianity is so simple love everyone. Lots of evangelicals chose to ignore that one important distinction between the New Testament loving God, and the vengeful monstrous God of the Old Testament.

      • Metube1, you are exactly right. Loving G-d and loving neighbor as one’s own self is the sum total of all the Law and all the prophets according to Jesus. Any Christ claimer who practices any other thing contrary to this command is a liar.

  • super video and so true.
    I would add that in my opinion Trump on most occasions is saying nothing to allow the other side to RE ACT or to spout off so we the people can better see those that hate him or those who wish to eliminate him. Just look at the past year or so on how many have now shown their hand. We as a populace have to come to our own conclusions about what is going on. We as a populace have to learn to think for ourselves. We as a populace in this world have to see for ourselves how our political systems is compromised. Imagine being told by someone who hates Trump and no matter what you say you will not change their mind but on their own to view or hear something other than in the mainstream media is going to be more powerful in my opinion.
    We in Canada have the same thing happening with our Mr. Trudeau.

  • Mike Pompeo was trained to be liar by the CIA and a chameleon who was placed in his position by pretending to be acolyte of Trump in order to keep the intelligence agencies in control of America and the world. It is a shame that JFK was killed by this traitorous intelligence agency, before he could break it into a thousand pieces. And let’s not forget that domestic bastion of tyranny, the FBI that now controls the DOJ and is attempting to override the constitution by with holding necessary information from congress’ to impede congress in it’s constitutional oversight duties and reign in an agency gone wild! It is time to remove and defund both these traitorous non-constitutional agencies from the control the American government and destroy them! I am no fan of Trump, but from time to time, such a person is raised up by God in order to correct and aright the ship of state and that time has now come, if not now when?

  • Sundance at said this was not even far enough for Tucker to go. But then, he has a family.

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