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TUCKER CARLSON: Your cell phone isn’t just watching and listening to you. It’s doing a lot more than that. And we’re about to break down the secrets they hope you never learn.

ERIK PRINCE: Well, we’ve been doing a study following our device, a Google mobile services phone, any Android running Google mobile services, (which is all of them or an iPhone). And about 3am we’re seeing a spike of data leaving the phone by 50 megabytes. That is basically that phone dialing home to the mothership exporting all of your goings on while your pillow talk is going to… pillow talk, whatever.


ALEX JONES: Eric Prince recently sat down with Tucker Carlson and exposed the fact that his security slash military company did an internal study of iPhones, Androids, and found that all of them in the middle of the night were transmitting large packets of information back to their home companies, back to the mothership.

Now, decades ago, I showed you industry documents had whistleblowers on that. Indeed, cell phones, even when they’re off are recording the audio and transferring it over to a text document to be sent back to the telecommunication companies and big tech.

But it’s not just the cell phone itself that’s doing this. It’s being sent back through the apps and Prince singles out Mark Zuckerberg, who’s probably the worst offender out there, but this is going on across the board. Look at Amazon and the Alexa that for more than a decade, people have brought into their homes, but it’s also your automobiles.

And now by law, all automobiles sold in the United States have tracker systems in them that can also trigger a kill switch in your car, and are also recording audio. And in many cases, recording video. Now Prince hits the key here and so does Carlson.

They make the point that this is a monopoly, a monopoly of a handful of big tech companies that can use this information to take control of markets and dominate and vertically integrate the economy, shutting down all of their competition. And that’s just on the economic side.

Think of the political power that is there to be able to gauge and manipulate the minds of the population, because each man, woman and child in the Western world, who’s around these quote smart devices that are spying on us is having giant profiles built on us. And that data is being sold. Just a few weeks ago, big banks in the United States, like Chase announced, Hey, we’re selling our customers purchasing history to other companies.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, This is a whole technological breakaway civilization that is operating completely illegally and interfaced with private intelligence agencies to manipulate, censor and steal elections.

We’ve got to educate Congress about this. We’ve got to educate the state attorney generals about this. We’ve got to educate the military and the public about this, because this is a security threat to all of our civilization. Now in the past, this data was crunched by computers and was used in algorithms.

But now with AI that can do trillions of calculations a second, they are able to do even more with this and take full control of civilization.

Just last week when China did a blockade of Taiwan and flew loaded planes with bombs over them in a simulated attack, what did Taiwan threaten to do? The main chip maker in the world, they came out and announced, Hey, for decades, we’ve been putting kill switches in all the microchips that we sold to China and  others. And if you keep messing with us, we’ll kill the microchips in most of your military equipment and your dams and your highways.

Think of what the NSA or the communist Chinese or the Taiwanese or the Russians or hacker groups can do with this? This doesn’t give us redundancy. This doesn’t give us security. This gives us a world that’s like Swiss cheese for hackers and criminal groups and governments and corporations to do whatever they want!

When I would tell people that your phones are listening to you decades ago, people laughed at me, even though I had the documents. Then they roll out all these home assistants and people say, Oh, so what? I trust them.

And then, we now learn that the police have been listening to people over these systems. Ladies and gentlemen, this is going to end up bringing down civilization. We have to educate the public and we have to bring in controls now.

And we have to realize that technology itself is not evil, but it has all been Trojan-horsed by corrupt governments and corporations to make it evil. And the infrastructure that we live in today is the opposite of what Google said in their founding documents 25 years ago, “Don’t be Evil”. Because from day one they had been evil and were set up by In-Q-Tel and the CIA.

And more documents just came out two days ago that indeed the CIA has been in a process of taking over all the social media and targeting the American people.

We have rogue corporations and governments teamed up, playing God, waging war on the economy, cutting off energy, cutting off fertilizer, cutting off food to create a global meltdown so they can offer their solution. The public rollout of this cashless society, social credit score enforced, not by drones in the sky or army tanks on the ground, but by the devices that run and control our lives.

Here’s Erik Prince with the great Tucker Carlson. I hope you share this video and I hope you educate yourself and others around you because this is the most important thing happening in our world today. And when they roll out the next viral scare, whether it’s bird flu or something else, the UN treaty openly states, they’re going to lock us in our houses and turn off our cars and turn off our phones.

If we don’t submit, Australia is the test case and it’s happening now. If you want to live like the communist Chinese slaves in China, you’re about to be living like them unless we stand up as a population and a people and go into these big tech companies and break up these trusts and outlaw this crap now! Bill Gates had Microsoft broken up 20 something years ago for simply running a software monopoly.
This is a trillion times worse. I’m Alex Jones. This is the info war.

Please follow me in X. Now, here is Eric Prince and the great Tucker Carlson. (Cut to podcast).

ERIK PRINCE: I’ve had so many people I’ve talked to about, they said, I was talking to my wife about needing a new mattress in our bedroom. The next day they’re getting advertising for mattresses, which means the camera or the phone was listening to them in their bedroom with all the follow on conclusions to be drawn from that.

TUCKER CARLSON: Yeah. Given what happens in healthy bedrooms, that’s, I mean, what happens to those recordings?

ERIK PRINCE: Well, we’ve been doing a study following our device, a Google mobile services phone, any Android running Google mobile services, which is all of them or an iPhone and about 3am we’re seeing a spike of data leaving the phone, but 50 megabytes. That is basically that phone dialing home to the mothership, exporting all of your goings on.

TUCKER CARLSON: All your pillow talk is going to them..

ERIK PRINCE: Pillow talk, whatever. So Zuckerberg paid $20 billion for WhatsApp. Why? Because every message, call, video, picture, voice note, everything that goes through there, they say, well, it’s end to end encrypted. Yeah, it’s end to end until it passes through their server where it’s sliced and diced and analyzed and used to push used to sell advertising to that customer.

If you’re not paying for something, you’re not the customer, you are the product.

So if you want to get, well, I think people, people right now are used to Mark Zuckerberg listening from their nightstand every night because that’s effectively what, what’s your phone.

TUCKER CARLSON: So why isn’t he like the creepiest person in world history if he’s listening to what’s going on in your bedroom?

ERIK PRINCE: Because they’re able as big tech to shape that message. That’s, that’s the frightening thing about the power of big tech and their ability to, to influence what you watch, what you think about candidates.

If you search something, how they, how they score those rankings, it’s a, it is shocking. We have an antitrust problem here, in America, vastly worse than in the early 19 eight, late 1800s, early 1900s with oil and railways and steel and all the rest.

TUCKER CARLSON: This is not the Sugar Trust. This is more important.

ERIK PRINCE: Yeah, this is literally how we communicate, interact with other human beings in our lives; how we gather and share information about the realities of life of food, of medicine, of vaccines, of healthcare issues of, of truth. And so it’s an – especially in an era of AI – it’s scary stuff. The average kid in America by the time they reach the age of 13 has had 72 million data points collected on them by Big Tech.

So, so it’s almost like a, that of that much collection allows digital grooming by Big Tech to share and to shape your preferences, how you interact, et cetera.

TUCKER CARLSON: Including your sexual preferences. I mean, if you’re being honest here, yeah, exactly. Considering that young people are introduced to sexuality through pornography.


TUCKER CARLSON: Um, given that there’s no privacy, it’s probably pretty dumb to watch porn.


ALEX JONES: Again, this has been going on for decades. It’s getting worse by the day.

It’s all completely illegal. Congress must act. The governors must act. The legislatures must act. The Senate attorney generals must act now because this is a big tech private intelligence agency take over the world. We’ll be reporting more on this edX at real Alex Jones. Please follow me there.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • “We’ve got to educate Congress about this. We’ve got to educate the state attorney generals about this. We’ve got to educate the military and the public about this, because this is a security threat to all of our civilization. ”

    Really? You’re that gullible? Apparently the author wants to continue to “rely” upon those in charge to (1) be concerned (give a sh#t) and (2) do something about it that will benefit the people. Here’s a clue – that’s the way both congress and the MIC want it! After the plandemic, you expect the gov and its agencies to do something right? to protect us?

    Nothing will change for the better for the people unless we do something about it!! Government is NOT your friend and does NOT work for you.

  • Several years ago I noticed this activity on my I-phone in the wee AM hours. Good luck with getting the US Congress interested. Here’s why, their new owners are:

    Where is Follow The Money going today? Hint, hint: The New Billionaires Getting Rich From AI 2024 (3:53)

    This company owns the world (and it’s our fault) – BlackRock (14:51)

    Larry Fink: The Most Powerful Man On Wall Street (14:21)

    10 Shadowy Facts About the Secret Company That Runs the World –

    Carefully note #4 Warren interview of dodgy Yellen in this report. Then ask yourself how did the regulators let these private equity * firms get away with theft of other peoples property? How did they get past public scrutiny? Start with language. Word parsing scribes are embedded in MSM making sure lies are shrouded in half truths, names are avoided and categories are substituted. But, independent internet reporting is scarcely any better. You have to get the principles names and their personal data out in front of the public, else public’s dot connecting capabilities are hamstrung.

    * I used this term here to cover the waterfront of private non-publically traded, non-reported investment firms, which includes what is called vulture capitaist firms, the spawn of university “Economic Schools” that teach students how to legally steal other people property! The principles of these firms are in turn major donors to these schools and they have positions on the University Boards of Trustees which controls the University! They have NAMES!

    Follow The Money and take down NAMES! Pretty soon a picture emerges when you connect the dots! There is a hidden reason why BlackRock is engaged in Ukraine that taking down names reveals—and a whole lot more!

  • Peter Teal, is missing from this trio of scumbags.

    Old Information with a fresh coat of paint.

    They offered a variation on a Theme.

    Jones has a BIIIIIG EGO Problem.

    • Well, what I was thinking: using as Tucker as your info source is already pretty damn questionable. But Erik Prince? Sheesh!! Wtf, people!? Were we all supposed to have been born yesterday?

      • Carlson is to become the Talking Head on the Big Screen 1984 TV.

        Sponsored by Musk’s X.

        Carlson’s father was Head of Voice of America / Propaganda machine.

        Tucker was groomed to be VOA / Jr.

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