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by Christina Laila

Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks had two cell phones and used three encrypted accounts overseas to communicate.

The FBI found Crooks’ second cell phone at his home with only 27 contacts, The Daily Mail reported.

Congressman Mike Waltz told Fox News host Jesse Watters that, according to an FBI briefing, Crooks had multiple encrypted accounts and said more will come out Monday.

Rep Waltz said the Trump shooter had the overseas accounts at the same time we heard about the Iranian assassination plot against Trump.

Jesse Watters asked if the two are connected (they aren’t).

The Intel agencies leaked an Iranian assassination plot story to CNN to throw chaos in the camp and distract from Saturday’s Secret Service failures.

Crooks did not work alone.

Police found a cell phone and a bomb detonator next to Thomas Matthew Crooks after a Secret Service sniper fatally shot him on a rooftop outside of Trump’s Butler, Pennsylvania rally.

“Channel 11′s Nicole Ford also obtained exclusive photos showing the cell phone and transmitter device found next to Crooks moments after a Secret Service sniper shot and killed him.” WPXI reported.

It was previously reported by The Wall Street Journal and CNN that Crooks had explosives in his Hyundai Sonata which was parked next to the rally.

Details about the explosives are not known.



Congressman Mike Waltz says according to an FBI briefing, the Trump shooter had three encrypted accounts OVERSEAS, at the same time we’re hearing the Iranians are plotting against Trump.


Congressman Mike Waltz: I just talked to one of the agents a few hours ago. I talked to some Sunday. The agents are pissed. They’re frustrated. They’ve repeatedly asked for resources. Donald Trump isn’t your normal, average former president. He’s not Jimmy Carter sitting in the old folks’ home.

And oh, by the way, some other things are coming out, like the shooter had three encrypted accounts overseas at the same time we’re having an “Iranian plot”.

I think this is going to go much broader, much deeper, but the agents are going to hold her [Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle] to account. Their lives are on the line, and she was not giving the resources they were requesting.

One other thing, Jesse: that Pittsburgh Field Office was the one responsible for the advance. That was clearly not done appropriately – and distracted by Dr Jill.

Jesse Watters: And the Pittsburgh Field Office was also responsible for covering up that bribery-Ukraine tip that came in, as well.

Are you saying that you’re getting information that says there’s encrypted communications between Crooks and foreign sources?

Congressman Mike Waltz: What we know—and this was on the briefing we just received—he had three encrypted overseas accounts the FBI is trying to get into.

Jesse Watters: What do you mean by “overseas accounts”?

Congressman Mike Waltz: Well, we know that they were based in servers overseas, and so you’ve got to work over there with the FBI liaisons overseas to start getting into them through their authorities.

Do you believe this attempt on the former president’s life has some sort of foreign nexus?

Congressman Mike Waltz: Well, we know the Iranians have been trying for years, not only him, but everybody—Pompeo and others—involved in the Soleimani strike and we also know—it’s finally come out, many of us have been fighting this for years—that they pulled National Security Advisor O’Brien’s detail completely away. He’s had to go to his own private security and local law enforcement.

So there is all kinds of issues here, and we’re going to get to the bottom of it, starting on Monday.

Jesse Watters: I’m just not so sure I believe everything that I’m being told about what’s inside his phone yet. I just don’t trust the people doing this investigation.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • “three encrypted accounts” doesn’t tell anything.
    of course, the data is encrypted on the phone (unless you enter the password), duh?

    Have you folks realized that authorities are trying to remove encryption from all of the devices (means they can spy on ya anytime they want)?
    Yes, that’s exactly what the 3-letter and politicians want!
    They want to put client side AI scan (which already is on Apple devices & MS copilot), which will break the encryption & send the data to HQ (so the HQ can pass the data to 3-letters anytime).
    Are you seeing the pattern yet?

    • So what can you do about it?
      I know it’s not gonna be convenient, but if you’re concerned (which you should), you need to go open source – Linux & degoogled phone with Android Open Source Project – that way you will know that spy crap is not there.
      I know what some of ya would say stuff suck as – Don’t use any device, go to forest and become a cave man.
      That’s not a practical solution as most of you won’t able to do such a thing; therefore, be more realistic about the solution.

  • Hi,

    In no particular order but My Grandfather on my Dad’s side was a 32nd degree Freemason and he also was in The Marines for 45 + years , at 1time he was a Body guard for Teddy Roosevelt ,
    He earned / was awarded / 52 Medals 4 For Bullseye’s every time with a Pistol ,
    The other 48 Medals were all for Bullseye’s with a Rifle…
    He was a Sharpshooter / Assassin ,
    By having that kind of family member I believe there are staged events…..

    The Link / article is by an actress who grew up in Harlem New York , and I lean towards agreeing with what she says….

    The above link is very much worth reading to understand the Face to Skull mind control technology ,


    The link above briefly mentioned the mind control also called S2K if I remember correctly ,

    But what IF it’s more worse than we Have ever imagined ,

    The article link above is Very Good article for Tying together A history of Surveillance ,
    There’s going to come a time when Street Lights will be able to call the cops instead of a human needing to call the cops ,
    IF you do research you already know street lights in cities have microphones , it dawned on me that’s why in Chicago they are taking out the Shot spotter a listening device on telephone poles that gives an approximate location of a shooting ,
    With street lights that directly call cops and use AI (Artificial intelligence) the shot spotters became out dated technology.

    Anyway The above last link posted by unlimited , once I read it now combine / add in agent 2025 ,
    I can see how in a few years 4 maybe more years could be civil War , hopefully that doesn’t happen.
    But it also makes sense as to how the Control network is Being set up ,and Was Set-up ,,
    For folks who remember the 1980s and Truly understand it’s a Very Good Article , I enjoyed it for the details and Great Info That Sheds light in Things…
    Maybe I should also say it covers Surveillance from the beginning to The Present Day were in.
    How it All Happened and who did what , a book of who’s who and connections are revealed in detail format ,, I give it a 10 out 1 to 10 scale.

    Just another angle of view ,,,

    And I Can honestly say finally got this next Link working that touched on the old familiar mind control with the mRNA Vaccines.

    But definitely Read the Link From Unlimited Hangout , Middle age folks will really enjoy it is my opinion…. Maybe the young folks also..

    Here’s a run down on views of a Political nature in a sense ,

  • Iranian plot, ok. Wonder who might be desperate to ship some chumps and pawns off to fight their enemy?

    • I don’t think they’d ever directly get involved and it’s kind of a JFK thing where a LOT of people wanted him dead. It’s all about who will control the emission of the world’s reserve currency. The West wants the digital enslavement of the CBDC, the BRICS want the freedom to transact without US sanctions.

      Thing is, the countries promoting the BRICS are not famous for their egalitarian societies, rife with Freedom of Speech. They might have better foreign policy than the US but in the main, the way their treat their own citizens is not so great. Dissident journalists are imprisoned in the BRICS countries.

      Of course, all the Western governments are actively trying to exterminate their native populations, and my business has been censored out of existence, so, I may as well already be living in a BRICS/Global South/Third World society.

      I always thought I could escape the implosion of the US by moving to Brazil, which I can do legally and without any paperwork, because I have a Brazilian passport. If I lived there and wrote about Brazilian politics the way I do here, writing about US politics, I would be imprisoned there by the CIA-installed Lula Regime.

      If things really go south in the US, as Daniel Estulin was saying the other day, and they start tinkering with- or abolishing the US Constitution, then I suppose I will be schlepped off to the COVID camp.

      We all now know what it’s like to have a government that wants to kill us but I also have the personal experience of having my one-woman blog targeted for destruction by my government. That’s another level beyond “Get the vaxx”.

      • watch your 6 , the cornered shit weasels are relentless and it’s getting bumpier as we get closer to the big mask off reveal . this is so exciting

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