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Trump’s lawyer, Jim Trusty destroyed George Stephanopoulos on his show Friday morning. Snufalufagus is a scum-sucking POS and I love how Jim Trusty didn’t lose his cool and how he calmly stood up to this Communist piece of garbage.

Jim Trusty had made a series of appearances on various mainstream media outlets last night and this morning, defending Trump, as we just saw. However, shortly after this takedown of George Stephanopoulos Jim Trusty and his law partner, John Rowley jointly announced their resignation from representing Trump on both this case and on his January 6th case. They did not explain in detail why they had resigned, other than to say that, quote, “this is a logical moment” to do so, given his indictment Thursday in US District Court in Miami.

That statement makes zero sense, and possibly intentionally so. I can only guess that the threats they received today were unimaginable, although one person suggested to me that it could be that it frees them up to speak to the people about the case, the narrative, the context, while intellect-shaming dingbats like George Stephanopolous, for all the world to see.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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Leave a Reply to daniel laxson Cancel reply

  • Little Georgie offers nothing but lies and deception on the Throw Up America morning show. Mr. Trusty did a great, cool job of putting the psychomidget in his place while smiling at him. THAT must have really infuriated the corrupt little fecal head.

  • DS media handpuppet & BS salesmidget Gorge GestapoKnobolos takes a victory lap around fantasy island while being flogged with the truth over the pack of lies he passes on as the newz.

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