If you wonder how the COVID hoax was pulled-off, if you wonder how governments around the world agreed in lockstep to crash their economies, to force-inject their citizens with lethal poison and to now starve them to death, the answer lies in our countries’ UN membership, which made them automatic signatories to the WHO’s 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR), which are legally binding on 196 countries. This is all of the countries of the world, except for the Vatican and Palestine, which are “non-member observers”, and Taiwan, which the UN considers to be part of China.
Our governments throughout the world have been infiltrated and are now controlled by World Economic Forum-trained fifth columnists intent on destroying our countries’ sovereignty in order to usher in a One World Government and they are doing this via the IHR, which supersede the United States Constitution and all other constitutions in the world.
Worse, these treasonous actors have caused the United States Government to propose amendments to the IHR that will be voted upon at the next World Health Assembly this May 22, 2022 to May 28, 2022. These amendments would cede additional sovereignty, control and legal authority over to the World Health Organization.
HERE is the official document.
If these amendments are approved by a simple majority of the 194 member countries of the World Health Organization member nations, these amendments would enter into force as international law just six months later (November 2022).
These amendments do NOT require approval by 2/3rds of the United States Senate – or that of any other country. These amendments will give the Director General of the WHO the power to unilaterally declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC, pronounced “FAKE”) even over the objection of the country dealing with an outbreak of disease.
Whereas, the International Health Regulations to which we are currently bound were activated by declarations of emergency by local governments, these new amendments would grant that authority to the World Health Organization, a specialized agency of the UN.
In addition to the Amendments to the IHR, the WHO is also negotiating a proposed “Pandemic Treaty”. The first round of hearings about the proposed Pandemic Treaty took place last week. The next round takes place on June 16th-17th, after the 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHASS), scheduled for May 22-28, 2022.
I joined Sean Morgan with investigative researcher, James Roguski on Making Sense of the Madness last Thursday to discuss all of this and James has done an amazing job assembling the information below.
It’s clear that ultimately, we must abolish the WHO.
As James says:
“The World Health Organization (WHO) and World Health Assembly (WHASS) are abominations that must be removed from the face of the Earth.
“They cannot be reformed. They cannot be saved. They must be defunded, disbanded, abolished and replaced.
“The WHO and the WHASS must be replaced by a truly representative organization and an assembly that LISTENS to the will of the people and works to promote the health of the world, rather than just promote the growth, power and wealth of the bureaucracy.”
Everyone is encouraged to prepare and submit their opinions and recommendations to the WHO’S International Negotiating Body (INB) and to all the delegates to the World Health Assembly.
Although neither the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body nor the United States delegation to the World Health Assembly is likely to listen to or act upon any of our recommendations, IT IS STILL EVERYONE’S OBLIGATION TO MAKE THE EFFORT TO SPEAK THEIR TRUTH TO POWER.
The WHO has updated their public comment period. The first round of hearings have passed. The second round of hearings are scheduled for June 16-17, 2022: http://INB.WHO.INT
Please make it clear to each and every member of the Independent Negotiating Body, and to your countries’ delegation to the World Health Assembly, that they MUST address these important issues:
- The abuse of our health related human rights
- The loss of freedom to practice medicine according to one’s conscience
- The need to restore the sanctity of the patient-doctor relationship.
We must all demand that the issues of medical freedom be included in the discussions of any international agreement.
Please share this information with everyone you know and encourage the people and organizations listed below to publicly speak truth to power.
Intergovernmental Negotiating Body
The six-member of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) are listed below.
- Ms. Precious Matsoso (South Africa) CONTACT: MatsosoP@who.int
- Mr. Roland Driece (the Netherlands) CONTACT: DrieceR@who.int Linkedin
- Ambassador Tovar da Silva Nunes (Brazil) CONTACT: DaSilvaNunesT@who.int Linkedin
- Mr. Ahmed Salama Soliman (Egypt) CONTACT: SolimanS@who.int
- Mr. Kazuho Taguchi (Japan) CONTACT: TaguchiK@who.int
- Dr. Viroj Tangcharoensathien (Thailand) CONTACT: TangcharoensathienV@who.int
Dr Viroj Tangcharoensathien
International Health Policy Programme,
3rd Floor, National Security Reform Office Building,
oi Sataranasuk 6, Tiwanon Road, Nontaburi 11000, Thailand.
Email: viroj@ihpp.thaigov.net
Secretariat for the INB
- Ms Jane Ellison, Executive Director, Governance and External Relations CONTACT: EllisonJ@who.int Twitter: @JaneEllison
- Dr Jaouad Mahjour, Assistant Director General, Emergency Preparedness CONTACT: MahjourJ@who.int
- Dr Timothy Armstrong, Director Governing Bodies CONTACT: ArmstrongT@who.int
- Mr Steven Solomon, Principal Legal Officer CONTACT: SolomonS@who.int
- Ms Gina Vea, Unit Head, Governance Unit CONTACT: VeaG@who.int Linkedin
- Ms Anne Huvos, Unit Head, Pandemic Influenza Preparedness CONTACT: HuvosA@who.int
- Dr Olla Shideed, Executive Officer, Emergency Preparedness CONTACT: ShideedO@who.int Linkedin
- Mrs Paidamoyo Takaenzana, External Relations Officer, Governance Unit CONTACT: TakaenzanaP@who.int
- Dr Claudia Nannini, Legal Officer CONTACT: NanniniC@who.int Linkedin
- Mr Kenneth Piercy, Senior Legal Officer CONTACT: PiercyK@who.int Linkedin
- Dr Carmen Savelli, External Relations Officer, Governance Unit CONTACT: SavelliC@who.int Linkedin
Delegates to the World Health Assembly
The WHO has updated their public comment period. The first round of hearings have passed. The second round of hearings are scheduled for June 16-17, 2022: http://INB.WHO.INT
The “proper protocol” appears to be that individual citizens of the world should reach out to their country’s delegates to the World Health Assembly. Each member country can send three official delegates to the World Health Assembly:
Find the delegates to the World Health Assembly from your country in the document below.
NOTE: The details regarding who is supposed to “represent” We the People” at the World Health Assembly (and how to contact them) is maddeningly difficult to obtain. I realize that the PDF above includes a list of delegates to the special session that occurred in November 2021 and that the delegates that attend the 75th World Health Assembly will likely be somewhat different. If you would like to help research this information, that would be very much appreciated!
Each member country can send three official delegates to the World Health Assembly:
- The Secretary of Health and Human Services (Xavier Becerra) leads the U.S. delegation to the World Health Assembly. Share your opinions with him directly. CONTACT: Xavier.Becerra@HHS.gov Twitter: @SecBecerra
- Deputy chief delegate: Mr. Benjamin Moeling, Chargé d’affaires a.i., Permanent Mission, Geneva CONTACT: ??
- Delegate: Ms. Loyce Pace, Assistant Secretary, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: @HHS_ASGA @globalgamechngr
The United States delegation included a number of alternate delegates and advisors:
- Alternate: Ms. Maureen Sinclair Bartee, Senior Adviser, Global Health Security and Biodefense, White House National Security Council CONTACT: Linkedin
- Alternate: Ms Mara M. Burr, Director, Multilateral Relations, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: 202-205-4677
- Alternate: Ms T. Carson, Health Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva
- Alternate: Ms Nerissa J. Cook, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State CONTACT: 202-647-5798
- Alternate: Ms. Barbara De Rosa-Joynt, Senior Health Adviser, Economic and Development Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State CONTACT: Linkedin
- Alternate: Ms H. Lobel, Attorney Adviser, Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Department of State
- Alternate: Mr Colin McIff, Deputy Director, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Colin.Mciff@hhs.gov 202-205-8943
- Alternate: Ms Kristen L. Pisani, Director, Economic and Development Affairs, International Organization Affairs, Department of State CONTACT: 202-647-1545
- Alternate: Mr R. Riley, Acting Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva
- Alternate: Ms Kathryn M. Youel-Page, Assistant Legal Adviser, Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Department of State CONTACT: 202-647-1660
- Alternate: Mr. Jimmy Kolker, Ambassador, Office of the Secretary, Office of the Coordinator for Global COVID-19 Response and Health Security, Department of State
- Adviser: Ms Emily Bleimund, Director, Trade and Health, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Emily.Bleimund@hhs.gov 202-691-2188
- Adviser: Ms C. Boorman, Adviser, Permanent Mission, Geneva
- Adviser: Ms S. Chai, Senior Adviser, Pandemics and Emerging Threats, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Shuen.Chai@hhs.gov 202-260-0435
- Adviser: Ms S.-N. Duncan-Jones, Adviser, Permanent Mission, Geneva
- Adviser: Ms Sarah Emami, Senior Global Health Officer, Multilateral Relations, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Sarah.Emami@hhs.gov -202-691-2023
- Adviser: Ms K. Farnsworth, Health Officer, Global Health, United States Agency for International Development
- Adviser: Mr Jose Fernandez, Deputy Director, Global Health Security, Pandemics and Emerging Threats, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Jose.Fernandez@hhs.gov 202-260-6820
- Adviser: Ms Brittany Hayes, Global Health Officer, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Brittany.Hayes@hhs.gov
- Adviser: Ms M. Holohan, Senior Multilateral Health Adviser, Policy, Planning, and Learning, United States Agency for International Development
- Adviser: Mr L. Kerr, Director, Pandemics and Emerging Threats, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services
- Adviser: Ms Gabrielle Lamourelle, Senior Adviser, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Gabrielle.Lamourelle@hhs.gov 202-260-6034
- Adviser: Ms Maya Levine, Senior Global Health Officer, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Maya.Levine@hhs.gov
- Adviser: Ms K. Mordhorst, Global Health Policy Officer, Economic and Development Affairs, International Organization Affairs, Department of State
- Adviser: Ms Leandra. Olson, Senior Global Health Officer, Global Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: Leandra.Olson@hhs.gov
- Adviser: Ms S. Roberts, Public Health Analyst, Global Health Centers, Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services
- Adviser: Ms J. Seedorff Foreign Affairs Officer, International Health and Biodefense, Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Department of State
- Adviser: Mr P. Riblett, Deputy Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission, Geneva
- Adviser: Mr S. Smith, Representative, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Permanent Mission, Geneva
- Adviser: Ms Serena Vinter, Deputy Director, Strategy, Policy, and Communications, Global Health, Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services CONTACT: uvv3@cdc.gov 404-639-0323
The contact information above is NOT doxing. The people listed above are PUBLIC SERVANTS and the contact information provided is publicly available on the websites listed below.
State Department:
Department of Health And Human Services:
Phone: (202) 690-6174, (202)-260-0399
Email: globalhealth@hhs.gov
United States Mission Geneva
Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
Route de Pregny 11
1292 Chambésy
Tel: (+41) (0)22 749 41 11
The Working Group on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response
- Her Excellency Ms Grata Endah Werdaningtyas of Indonesia CONTACT: EndahWerdaningtyasG@who.int
- Mr Colin McIff of the United States of America CONTACT: McIffC@who.int
- Dr Malebogo Kebabonye of Botswana CONTACT: KebabonyeM@who.int
- His Excellency Mr François Rivasseau of France CONTACT: RivasseauF@who.int
- Dr Ala Alwan of Iraq CONTACT: AlwanA@who.int
- Dr Lyn James of Singapore CONTACT: JamesL@who.int
The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response
- The former Prime Minister of New Zealand, the Right Honourable Helen Clark CONTACT: ClarkH@who.int
- The former President of Liberia, Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf CONTACT: JohnsonSirleafE@who.int
Panel Members:
- Mauricio Cárdenas CONTACT: CardenasM@who.int
- Aya Chebbi CONTACT: ChebbiA@who.int
- Mark Dybul CONTACT: DybulM@who.int
- Michel Kazatchkine CONTACT: KazatchkineM@who.int
- Joanne Liu CONTACT: LiuJ@who.int
- Precious Matsoso CONTACT: MatsosoP@who.int
- David Miliband CONTACT: MilibandD@who.int
- Thoraya Obaid CONTACT: ObaidT@who.int
- Preeti Sudan CONTACT: SudanP@who.int
- Ernesto Zedillo CONTACT: ZedilloEv@who.int
- Zhong Nanshan CONTACT: ZhongN@who.int
We, the people of the world, declare that we hold the power and obligation to reject tyranny and the duty to strongly protect the rights granted by those before us.
We, the people of the world, demand the immediate termination of all oppressive, segregative, dystopian, tyrannical and divisive mandates that have been imposed globally under the premise of a declared pandemic.
We, the people of the world, demand that governments return all powers to medical and scientific professionals to treat patients based on science, knowledge and experience instead of on imposed mandates.
We, the people of the world, demand that the physician-patient relationship be restored by allowing all medical professionals to practice without fear of punishment.
We, the people of the world, demand freedom to choose our own medical treatments based on uncensored and transparent scientific data and research that is free from coercion, punishment, or threat.
We, the people of the world, demand the right to refuse medical treatments based on health, conscientious or religious beliefs and demand that our infringed rights to bodily autonomy be returned immediately.
We, the people of the world, demand that all employment that was terminated because of the refusal to take an experimental drug be reinstated immediately.
We, the people of the world, demand the immediate cessation of mandates and coercion that impose medical interventions on children without the explicit consent of the parents.
We, the people of the world, demand the immediate release of the medical and scientific data and statistics of all vaccines and medications that have been mandated during this declared pandemic.
We, the people of the world, are enforcing Article 6, Section 3 of the Nuremberg Code which states that: In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent.
We, the people of the world, demand that all liability be imposed onto the drug manufacturers and that they be held responsible for all deaths and injuries caused by the medication.
We, the people of the world, demand a thorough investigation of all corruption and conflicts of interest surrounding this declared pandemic and that each guilty party be punished and convicted for every death and/or injury that was caused by the mandates or coercion, including all suicides.
We, the people of the world, declare that it is our inalienable right and duty to immediately demand the return of our freedoms, truth, liberties and our right to the pursuit of happiness.
ALL of the Alphabet Agencies and Departments NEED TO BE EVICTED !! They’re the one’s connected loosely to the Current Commie Dog Traitors and MUST be shut down. They can’t be allowed to continue to exist. They’re are all on ego power trips, each one more powerful and more corrupt than the next. I would also include that USELESS multinational operation, the UN, for they’ve done little to nothing to prevent death and destruction in virtually Every 3rd world nation. It’s time to send Them packing. We can convert the building into any numerous other uses, or level the entire structure, and build a very nice People’s Park.
But get the UN out of The USA, once and forever !! The UN’s time of usefulness has come and gone !!
The WHO does not need a replacement. That just leaves the door open for the return of these monsters.
Be careful when you send email tho.
Make sure you use an email that you haven’t used before so that they won’t be able to track you.
Also use VPN when you send.
Otherwise, stay strong, don’t lose hope.
I don’t know how yet, but we will one day destroy and bury those corckroaches.
Do not “Spare us” of videos of bodies piling up
Do not “Spare us” of people jumping out of Highrise’s
Do not “Spare Us” of clubbing pets
Do not “Spare us” of viewing concentration camps
Please show evidence, otherwise everything is just a report based on Allegations.
Is the Media Periscope guy a homosexual? He surely acted odd and barely interested, when you did the las segment on the pedophiles.
If President Donald Trump is who and what we think he is, he will dissolve this WHO farce like a spoon of sugar in a cup of warm piss.
If not, that is why the Founding Fathers in their consummate wisdom gave us the Second Amendment.
All true Americans need to realize that we are currently at war with the Globalists et all, whether they call themselves the “World Economic Forum”, the “Great Reset”, or the “One World Order”, and the one factor in our favor is that no matter how Transhumanized they get, they are all still mortal. These creatures seek to enslave and/or exterminate We the People with extreme prejudice at their first opportunity.
I realize that the majority of you don’t like violence, but until you realize that this great nation was founded by and through violence, we are all at risk of literally becoming a mesh bag of cats clawing desperately for our next breath and slowly dying on the hot sidewalks of a Global “Zero Tolerance” Pandemic Policy in a world wide Chinese Communist Party.
If this mental picture does not appeal to you, each one of you needs to realize that collecting guns and munitions is not nearly enough; you must come to accept and to realize that our Founding Fathers assumed when they wrote our Constitution that we were instilled with the ability to use them.
This vid is great for ‘Informative Purposes’ (lets us know what the Psychopathic Globalists are up to), but, when all is said and done, their so-called ‘treaties’ are MOOT! Completely MEANINGLESS. And THIS is the FACT that WE, THE PEOPLE need to relay to the CRIMINALS in the District of Criminals, and our Local/State CRIMINALS.
The FACT IS…….that We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC…..and ANYTHING that goes AGAINST THE LAW OF THE LAND (aka The Constitution/Bill of Right) is NULL & VOID; ILLEGAL…..PERIOD! They can write all of the ‘treaties’ they want……means nothing; except that it is ILLEGAL. MOST do not comprehend that 99.99999% of the SO-CALLED ‘laws’ (State/Fed) that are passed ARE ILLEGAL! They go AGAINST The Constitution/Bill of Rights. And, therefore, NULL & VOID.
I think it’s ‘funny’ how so-called ‘adults’ are always telling cops and members of our military to NOT FOLLOW ILLEGAL ORDERS……Yet, THEY do it every-single-day (MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY) of their lives! SHOW OF HANDS…….how many out there have ‘Drivers Licences’? If you raised your hand…….YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! One does NOT NEED PERMISSION from the government TO TRAVEL. Here’s another……SHOW OF HANDS…..how many out there are married, and went and got a ‘Marriage Licence’ before doing so? YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! WHY did you need to GET PERMISSION FROM THE GOVT TO GET FKN MARRIED? And I can go on and on.
Bottom line……so-called ‘adults’ who CLAIM they want FREEDOM, are NOT WALKING THE WALK! Want Freedom?…….ACT LIKE A FREE HUMAN….or else YOU are just PART OF THE PROBLEM and COMPLICIT in what these CRIMINALS are doing! YOU…..are JUST AS GUILTY AS THESE CRIMINALS ARE!
Contact the United Slave Nations? Are you N-ut-Z? Those Kreepz are not worth the paper the wipe their arses on. If only these Kreepz would flush themselves down the loo and do humanity a favour. (120 ihs)
LOLs galore…
“we the people of the world demand….”
This is BS. Why pretend? The “peoples or the world ” are fully asleep. Maybe a handful of people “demand,” but seriously:
No. they don’t bow to voters.
They have (unfortunately, but correctly) concluded most sheeple cannot see a larger picture for humanity. Humans follow the ads and myths they learn on TV or in school.
People are uninformed in the masses and thus stupid.
Democracy is like asking 5th graders to make decisions. Uninformed, motivate only by their petty self-interest, which is on a level to playing video games for Like Me points on Wastebook.
No, these NWO A-holes are smarter than that. Not by much I agree.
BUT…your petitions are just another one of their distractions. ]
THEY don’t give a shit what you vote for.
It’s a power play of the fake “elite.”
They pretend to listen. but you are not invited to their strategy meets.
Besides, most are so blackmailed they cannot listen to your petitions. They answer to other masters.
Perhaps the best we can do is just laugh at them and refuse to obey en masse. Civil disobedience on a world wide scale.
If you believe you MUST follow any law passed by these sycophant deviants groomed and brought to power by other deviant sycophants, you haven’t seen what a fake VR control game this is.
You agree to obey cause they told you this is how “democracy” works.
WHY listen to the votes of 90% sheeple idiots?
Nancy told us: JUST SAY NO.
But when will enough Just Say No?
How many are really awakened?
This is the thing. you may have to die as an Outlaw. You can’t wait for the dumbed down masses to get how the Scam works.
Your powers are spiritual, not as voting sheeple.
the Game is a Matrix. Just forget about “winning” the Game.
LEAVE IT. Stop giving it your attention.
Be free in your own mind.
don’t expect others to be free unless they too have done the inner work and self-exam.
NOW your power might do something, WHEN you don’t care and decide to be FREE in yourself. Don’t wait for others to catch on.
That is their responsibility.
The only hold they have over you is Death. Death is a doorway to the next level of the VR Video Game of Life.
Be bold. Say fuck it. Smash into the Boss and beat the level.
It’s all an illusion of Light and Reflection. A GAME.
There’s YOU and there’s 6 BILLION sleeper idiots. Just do YOUR own thing and leave the Matrix, which is designed to make you think you must win some “war” within the Matrix. That is the honey pot, the trap.
YOU are only trapped in the VR Matrix because you have been inculcated to believe this is the ONLY Game.
Stop playing and giving your agreement to perpetuating this version of the Game.
It’s lame.
ALL Games are LAME. Choose your Game.
Then, ….maybe… you become a “god.”
Exactly. STOP agreeing to play the Game by their rules.
I made my earthly living as a Roto-Rooter service man.
Flush these turds down the sewer.
Give them no respect, don’t answer to petitions within their games.
Don’t ask their permission.
Just laugh…and DESTROY them with your mental spiritual focus:
WE deny your STUPID version o f “reality”
YOU are idiots, depraved and stupid economists of decent values. Your System is NON-survival.
WE reject YOU entirely.
GO get fucked.
Disappear you Losers.
Go pretend you count, pretend you know ANYTHING.
You are selfish cretins, ANTI-LIFE.
Once these Older Souls were useful, to teach Earth humanity the USEFUL qualities of civilization.
NOW you are parasites, viruses, a downdrag.
GO…and recycle you dying ancient souls. Come back REBORN AND re-join LIFE in a positive manner.
Your OLD ways are toast. Let go. Be re- born..
They are fearful…. even of retribution for their controlling ways,
Send them LOVE. It’s OK. You helped Earthlings evolve.
NOW become Earthlings and let us move on. YOU included.
Meld with us… LIFE is an adventure. STOP clinging to the past. We are discovering NEW ways to play the Game.
Join us. Your OLD SHIT is DONE.
We don’t have to look backwards. Explore the NEW.
Peace and Love to fucking Old “Elites,” Get over yourself.
In the immortal words of GWB: “It’s just a god damn piece of paper!” Quit feeding the people with the boot on our neck. Quit fixing their plumbing, selling their homes, cutting their grass, everything. CERTAINLY quit playing along with their stupid WHO/UN crap. If we need less people (something I have believed since developers turned my summer camp into a housing tract), then PAY people to get “fixed”.
Capture wealth by converting all debt to EBT benefits and then charge everybody 1% per month for “infrastructure maintenance”. Use the $3 or $4T proceeds to replace all forms of income taxation and fund all levels of government on an equal per capita basis and COMPENSATE (which means it’s not their money to withhold in any way) every adult legal resident with NSA $500/wk for the government’s TAKING of their RIGHT to free access to land as required to support their RIGHT TO LIFE (which are just meaningless words otherwise). We won’t need Social Security, won’t need Minimum Wage laws, won’t need IRS, etc.
In the human body example of “God’s government”, the heart pumps the blood around without asking if each little cell has earned its nourishment today; the cells just do whatever they were created to do. First thing we need to do is to quit feeding the cancers.
Here’s an comment to all WHO actions.
There is no emergency, there never was.
Shut down all WHO ‘s announcements,
IGNORE any WHO’s representatives like it’s dust.
it’s all crap and always has been.
shadow govern;ments are going down.
Someone that actually knows what they are talking about. Thank you Darla!
This is the most dire threat the world faces today!
Medical tyranny began with “ya gotta sign it before ya read it” Obamacare. With which the unaparty went right along while whimpering & whining about it.
Actually the seeds were sown decades ago with HMO’s to degrade elderly health care and set up Hospices to ease the elderly out of all the social benefits and give relief to the social security system.
There are lots of other “becauses”, not the least of which is financial. Next in line would be the new industrial revolution caused by automation, robotics and off-shoring. The short term solution was consumerism, but now we know that is unsustainable.
The only solution in the minds of the military industrial complex is war and/or murderous mandates. Too many “useless eaters”! This is the same kind of policy carried out by the un-Holy Roman Empire as religious tyranny.
There is nothing new under the sun, what has happened before will happen again. Only this time the tyrant is the medical profession and your family doctor is part of it!
Yep, he will throw you in a Faucian protocol creek in a heart beat to save his ability to save himself, or lose his license to practice tyranny!
People !! You NEED to Realize that Barry Sotoro, aka Barack Hussain Obama, was NEVER born, on, near, or around any part or landmass of Hawaii, or any other U.S, Territory. Barry Sotoro was BORN IN KENYA, making Him a Kenyan National, NOT a US citizen, and he’s Also a British Subject !! That means he was never, and can never be, a legitimate US President !! He was a usurper who was voted In as an illegal, which by law, Constitution Law, is a Federal Crime, making EVERY document, Rule, and Every Law, NULL AND VOID !!!
Please ask James the question, is it the best avenue to contact delegates. Which are the best or most potent contacts to make
WATCH THE “TINY DOT VIDEO”! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6b70TUbdfs/
We must all scientists and all make sure that the who is disbanded and the wef do not get their small opening to take over our democracy.