This engaging film by Australian Theosophist, Phillip Lindsay is about the evolution of consciousness, drawing from Hindu, Jewish, Persian, Islamic, Buddhist, Gnostic, Celtic and Christian traditions, using rich visuals and soothing music worthy of a big screen TV.
The audiovisual feast starts with how our Solar System came into existence, with its subsequent planetary schemes, chains, rounds and globes, revealing the secret chronology of human history, from ancient Lemuria and Atlantis to our current “root race”, while following the natural cyclic deluges between races, according to The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky.
The Secret Doctrine derives from Blavatsky’s translations and interpretations of ancient Tibetan Buddhist scrolls which she called the “Stanzas of the Dzyan”. Some believe this referred to parts of the Dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhist wisdom called the “secret” or “inner” teachings. Buddhism was founded by a Hindu prince and contains many Vedic precepts, including the concepts of Karma, the Yuga system of time cycles and the belief in the extreme antiquity of humankind, going back millions of years.
Some Theosophist ideas run counter to Abrahamic and scientific beliefs but one need not feel the need to accept or reject these philosophies and simply embark on this intriguing exploration.
After watching all that, I’m left to wonder how such people as made this video could believe all of that but dismiss out of hand the possibility of a flat Earth. Where do you draw the line? The ancient people were right about timelines but wrong about the shape of the planet? There were actual global floods? Okay, let’s assume that is true. Where did all that water come from, and then where did it go? On a globe Earth, it’s not really feasible, is it? But on a flat Earth, lol, it could be stored up above the firmament, right? But if the world were flat, held up by pillars, what then is holding up those pillars?
Maybe none of this is real, and the Earth has no shape, and maybe humanity has no history outside of the current moment, which also may not exist. Perhaps our perception of linear time is only for the benefit of maintaining our illusion of free will. I make no assertions one way or another, but neither do I keep a mind that is closed or open; I just am, and everything else is suspect.
Hi James. Your reply is quite astute. Lloyd Pye was a real researcher, and we should all miss him after he suspiciously “caught” a rare, but fatal form of cancer. Evolution (I’m not affiliated with a religion) to me, cannot explain to any level of satisfaction the nuances of all the developed species. And we can see no animals in mid-evolutionary cycle (with one wing, or one eye for example) waiting to be eliminated by “natural selection”.
To me, it really looks like purposeful, intelligent, genetic intervention. We should agree that our history is nothing but a carefully layered confabulation of lies deliberately provided to the masses to appease our curiosity. If the most absurd reasons don’t make sense to us, don’t worry.. ANOTHER Layer is available for our consumption. Then another, and another. I like you listen to people who have been permanently SHUT UP or silenced. Royal Rife, Dr. Bradstreet, Lloyd Pye.
Yup, Theosophical masturbation. It inspires a sense of wonder and is well done for sure, but larded with vague undemonstrated generalities and pretty patterns. Yogananda’s teacher Sri Yuketeswar, an Hindu mathematician, ended up disagreeing with these imponderably long cycles, which have utterly NO application to our lives.
I studied Theosophy deeply in the 60’s, always in the Lodge library. then went to TS world HQ in Adyar India where I continued every day in the library.
I have to say, NO help and workable tech for discovering your spiritual side or traveling in the inner worlds is found here.
And now that the Electric Universe has shown so much history from myths and scholarly works that as little as 5000 years ago, the ancients around the world said Saturn was our God Star, standing over the North Pole, unmoving. I have all those books and videos too and find this “highly compelling” as the Mystery History channel on BoobTube likes to say. A very good channel showing abundant ruins of lost civilizations btw.
My litmus test now is what they say about Saturn. TS fails. I have all Blavatsky and can search digitally. Epic fail. Same for Urantia. Same for Bible… well, it IS all encode therein but you have to move past the anthropomorphic.
But go your own way. That is the adventure of “climbing the Tree of memory” back to Source or “God” as you are guided within by Spirit.
NOT ONCE did this “Version” called HIS-Story mention the Great Black civilizations that existed THROUGHOUT Planet some 50 plus THOUSAND years.
It COMPLETELY leaves OUT the Black race…WHY Folks????
Doesn’t even address the existence the OLMEC’s…Califians empires…This whole VERSION was “Whited-Out” just as THEY have been doing since any “Stories” were created…Doesn’t even address WHAT “Melanin” IS.
I DO wish YOU would WAKE UP, WE are talking about the HUMAN RACE!
GEEE…Mr. Crothers…What ELSE did you THINK I was talking about???
Can YOU at least address WHY all the LIES contained in the European Version called HIS-Story…I already KNOW…Do YOU???
Give me a REASON for all the LIES, because for the longest time I used to follow what is called “Light-Workers” for over 10 years after learning about RELIGION.
I have since learned there are TWO races on this planet…ONE was the ORIGINAL “HU-MAN” CREATION…ONE WAS A “VERSION” OF CREATION CALLED “MAN-KIND”…Do YOU know anything about this at all???
Do YOU know about the REAL-Story about any of this???
I await your response.
Myths are beautiful but remain a myth, never leading to Truth! Why would you promote something of theosophic philosophy, known for its Luciferian agenda in a channel that claims to espouse truth?
I did not say this was the truth. I said it was Theosophy.
I “Suggest” that IF you are a LOVER of EXCLUSIVELY the REAL TRUTH, Avoid posting ANYTHING Short of TRUTH.
There is already enough madness ongoing NOT to address REAL TRUTH.
IF, You Care and LOVE about “Divine Source/Creator’s’ ORIGINAL Creation seeded on this planet…STAY WITH ONLY THE REAL “TRUTH”…Can You Understand???
I was following what I thought was truth ALL MY LIFE…Only to learn it was ALL FRAUD….Now I am sadly learning that the so-called “Light-workers” have turned into WHITE WORKERS.
I suggest you look into:
Because IT at least SEEMS to address the RACE problem BEST I have see so far….IS THIS OK, FOR YOU???
Not too far down the page linked in your comment I saw a tab that appears to be for the purpose, as it clearly reads, to “pay reparations”. Lmao. I bet there’s all kinds of truth to be found there.
Shrug, the roots of Theosophy are seeded from the oldest known records of mankibd, the Vedas.
I’d submit that, by inference, you are labeling the Unknowable Unspeakable as being your bad element needing exorcism?
“Evolution” we was modified, apes have 27 chromosomes, we have 26, our second and third chromosome are fused. Please let me know how evolution made that happen. Plus the other mistakes in our body’s. We don’t have a natural built in way of learning like other animals on this planet do. Don’t get me wrong, I know other species evolved down in size, I know that there were giants, ( the Smithsonian has done a great job of destroying the evidence) Have you ever heard of a man called Lloyd Pye? He was introduced to cancer like so many others have that disrupt the established system, inverters, especially. I believe we were “modified”. You can make your own mind up. But after listening to 110 minuets of “evolution” I gave up. Have a better one today.
Hi James. Your reply is quite astute. Lloyd Pye was a real researcher, and we should all miss him after he suspiciously “caught” a rare, but fatal form of cancer. Evolution (I’m not affiliated with a religion) to me, cannot explain to any level of satisfaction the nuances of all the developed species. And we can see no animals in mid-evolutionary cycle (with one wing, or one eye for example) waiting to be eliminated by “natural selection”.
To me, it really looks like purposeful, intelligent, genetic intervention. I listened as long as I could. We should agree that our history is nothing but a carefully laered confabulation of lies deliberately provided to the masses to appease our curiosity. If the most absurd reasons don’t make sense to us, don’t worry.. ANOTHER Layer is available for our consumption. Then another, and another. I like you listen to people who have been permanently SHUT UP or silenced. Royal Rife, Dr. Bradstreet, Lloyd Pye.
While I appreciate the effort and attempt to synthesize knowledge into one unifying thesis, it is vain. Moreover, it is folly, sheer folly. However, this is useful to mislead.
This film is perfect for any who wish to worship the creation in contrast to the Creator. I suggest one worship the latter.
The earth is designed to recycle itself and there is nothing any species can do to alter that. Forget “races.” We are separate species.
No matter what it may be, the Universe is what it is despite any narrative we may create to explain our experience of it.
Indeed. Language has its limitations, science has its limitations, mythologies, spiritual systems and indeed humankind all have their limitations. I shared this for those who wanted to know what was at the heart of Theosophy.
I was first introduced to Steiner’s book Theosophy in the late 60’s by Prof. Fritz Koerln at Bowdoin college. He was lecturing on Anthroposophy and seemed to be recruiting at the time. The hierarchy of it all and regimentation had little appeal for me then, but I do enjoy hearing about this other point of view, even if my experience since then has been entirely different and infinitely more personal.