Ben Davidson holds the non-mainstream views that the Sun plays a role in earthquake processes, that electrical activity on Earth can help you predict where earthquakes will occur and that “Climate Change” is massively flawed due to improper accounting of solar forcing.

Davidson, aka Suspicious0bservers has been publishing fascinating, catastrophist videos for the better part of two decades.

Catastrophism is the idea that Earth has been affected in the distant past by sudden, short-lived, violent events that were sometimes worldwide in scope.

By contrast, the dominant paradigm of geology has been uniformitarianism (also sometimes described as gradualism), in which slow incremental changes, such as gradual erosion, changed the Earth’s appearance; a view in which the present is the key to understanding the past.

However, the Globalists have been leaning heavily on climate scientists to promote catastrophism and to produce the kind of findings they need to justify locking us down and making us eat bugs. Davidson disagrees with these “scientists”, as well.



It’s easy for people to understand why losing Earth’s magnetic field creates a danger of radiation how it puts our technological world at risk from solar storms and even how it could trigger climate shifts and volcanoes.

But the 90° tilt the world turning over, that takes a bit more evidence – and mechanistic evidence, at that. Let’s do that now, shall we?

It’s one thing to have it be part of most ancient stories, religious texts and in the sediment history, pointed out by every catastrophist for centuries – but even if those lines of evidence are unconnected by timelines and geography, they are still just a curious set of coincidences all suggesting the same thing but in need of some more scientific proof.

So, let’s look at two critical pieces of evidence. We cannot ignore, first the mammoths. This is what most people think about but this is a complete fantasy. What you’re seeing is nowhere near accurate. These animals needed so much food, hundreds to maybe more than a thousand pounds of vegetation a day. Does it look like this mammoth could find it here?

No, in fact every single mammoth that is part of the “Flash Frozen” mystery that so many have heard of is found in an area of the world where there is not enough food and that’s taking today’s climate. We are 12,000 years into a Warm Interglacial Cycle. There’s not enough food, so during a much colder glacial cycle, when these animals were frozen? No chance.

While it is worthwhile to ask how they could have been frozen so quickly, it is perhaps more interesting to ask how they survived in such a frozen place during a glacial cycle? The answer is they didn’t. The simplest explanation is that they were at much lower latitude, where vegetation was plentiful, even during a glacial cycle and they were then thrust to the polar region when the earth turned over 90°.

Combine this physical evidence and fairly elementary logic with the ancient stories and sedimentary coincidences about the Earth turning over and the great floods that resulted and one has to pause and genuinely wonder now, before we hit what I think is the best piece of evidence, this is where people always ask, “But a-ha, Mr Smarty Pants, what about the ancient ice, hundreds of thousands or millions of years old, how could that exist if the world turns 90° and the now polar regions were at the Equator?”

There are two things to consider: first, carbon dating has some problems but when it comes to ice it has catastrophic problems. Carbon-, oxygen-, chlorine-, all the normal isotope-dating methods are complete garbage when it comes to ice. The only way to date ice properly is with krypton isotopes.

This is a great example: the Tibetan ice caps were thought to be older than half a million years, 500,000 years old at the youngest, based on chlorine isotopes but now, after krypton dating, they they say the maximum age may be as young as 177,000 years meaning it could be even younger. That’s a ridiculous error, from more than 500,000 to no older than 177,000 – and possibly younger.

Right off the bat, those old ice arguments are nonsense but let’s go ahead and take that even further: tropical glaciers exist today 12,000 years into a warm interglacial cycle they are still here and in many places in the tropics, so during a colder glacial cycle, you really think Antarctica is going to melt away? No chance and for the people who say, “But wait! Those glaciers in the tropics today are at high elevation!” I’m guessing they have no idea about the elevation of Antarctica or Greenland. Yeah, those are not melting at the Equator. They will persist through glacial or interglacial cycles.

So now, let’s get to that best piece of evidence: Major D White who went to the Arctic and Project Nanook kept the classified data and classified documents from the Pentagon meetings and he gave them to his son, Ken White to publish years later in this book they not only found evidence of a magnetic pole shift every 10- to 12,000 years but that the Earth turns over 90°.

They dug down and found alternating polar and tropical fossil layers, one after another, each about 12,000 years thick in time. Not only that, but the Pentagon documents he kept included their scientists and those from the Rand Corporation – which is the government’s secret science lap dog – even till today, showed the mechanism of how the Earth tilted over 90° from that magnetic pole shift.

It looks like this a 90° tilt then a tilt back about 12,000 years later when the cycle happens again it is already underway now, 12,000 years since the last one.

Now, there is another layer to this piece of evidence but first, let’s review almost almost every ancient culture and religion describes these events. My favorites are from Ancient India.

The Book of Enoch, the Bible and Zoroastrian texts, they are supported by the geologic evidence of great floods triggered when the oceans wash over the continents as the Earth turns over.

The mammoths could not have survived in the polar region today and definitely not in a glacial cycle. The old ice argument fails twice by isotope problems and by the fact that glaciers remain in the tropics today. And then, the classified data in scientific reports from Project Nanook, the Pentagon and Rand all point to the same thing: the Earth turns over 90º.

Now, the easiest way this happens is during the Great Solar Flash, which is also evidenced as part of being in this disaster cycle. Modern solar storms are proven to induce electric current all the way down into the mantle and when the Big One happens, the Solar Flash, the crust will be unlocked from the mantle, due to the geochemical changes below.

Rand, the Pentagon, Chan, Thomas, Einstein and many others did the math and checked the evidence and they all say that the Earth would tilt, such that Greenland would shift Southward to the Equator and the side of Antarctica, just south of Australia would shift North to the Equator. Now, this would put the new Geographic poles near India and near South America. Remember that.

Now, I said this is underway again at this time, 12,000 years since the last one; the magnetic poles have already begun to shift, well ahead of the Earth turning over and they are actually on a collision course with each other near India.

If we presume one would stay at that location and the other magnetic pole would pop out the other side of the Earth, then the 90° tilt that we have described in this video would put those new magnetic poles right back to the geographic poles from the model that was classified, which also happened to be very close to the Bermuda Triangle and Dragon’s Triangle, magnetic anomalies, respectively.

So, how many coincidences are we supposed to ignore? The ancient stories, the religious stories, the sediment evidence of the great floods, the mammoths, the debunking of the “old ice argument”, the classified documents and the current magnetic pole motion. Yeah, coincidences exist. Not this many.

The world is going to tilt over 90° and the oceans will once again invade the land. Get ready. The math suggests this will happen in the late 2030s or 2040s.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Can anyone tell me how fast I would be spinning at the points of axis?
    I do know that on the Equator I would supposedly be doing nigh on 1000 miles per hour????

  • The Earth is not a sphere. The Heliocentric model of cosmology is false.

    The Earth is a plane and the celestial bodies are the ones that move not the Earth.

    The Earth is stationary.

    Time to start questioning EVERYTHING you’ve been taught in school.

    Is it not obvious that’s all “they” do is LIE?

    For 200 proofs that the Earth is not a sphere, visit
    Or look for Eric Dubay on YouTube.

    • Javier,

      Best to persuade by
      calculating and re-
      porting the tens-of-
      thousands having
      by falling off of the
      EDGE of our flat


  • Ben Davidson created Suspicious Observers (Suspicious0bservers), a pseudoscience YouTube channel. An ex-lawyer, Davidson has no science training. He has a degree in economics from Denison University and a Juris Doctorate from Capital University Law School. Davidson’s ideas have been debunked by climate scientists. He is behind various websites where he sells his scribblings and tickets to his “annual conference”.[1] Davidson makes far-fetched claims about dozens of scientists attending his conferences and conversing secretly with him, but there has only been one notable name at any of his meetings — John Coleman, another notable climate denier. In summary, this man and his followers are delusional.

  • It is a planned test to keep the tard races to a minimum and out of the hood . All the other useful beings reached off world capability before the cycle time completed we are on cycle 7 and the devine PTB feel sorry for our cycle skipping dumbasses and broke the rules to let us in the club this time , so show sum gratitude . WE ARE the laughing stock of the multiverse .

  • I have been tracking the pole movements via data from Electroverse and other sites for the last decade. As far as I know at this time the north magnetic pole is heading toward Siberia and picking up speed. This would be in line with this video. That we don’t give the Sun enough credit for changes to our climate is only in line with the mainline geological community. Again, this theory of Ben’s is very plausible. The question remains, who will survive and for how long.

  • So many talk about the Solar effects on Earth itself and what may happen but you should be feeling the strong energetics in your body from what has been hitting Earth for months now. They have never been so strong. That energy that hits the core of the Earth also hits us. I’m affected significantly with all kinds of physical symptoms that I validate with the various solar graphs.

  • Alexandra,
    Sorry to bother you with this, but please delete this comment and my duplicate comment (the one that ends with “typo alert”) after you change the “177,000 years” to match the “17,000 years” as stated in the video. It’s kind of a huge difference. AJ

      • Reply to Alexandra Bruce

        The CC (177,000) doesn’t match what he is saying (17,000) at about the 3 minute mark. So, if you are getting the Transcript from the Close Captions data (which would explain how you have time to do so many transcripts, something I PREVIOUSLY was in awe of) then that would explain why you think 177,000 is correct. But that WOULDN’T be “an order of magnitude lower”, which is what he is making a big deal about. Not sure what “URL” you are referring to; I got back here via the Archives link.

  • There are more things to consider on this subject.
    The poles have obviously moved before or earth’s axis wouldn’t be at the angle it is. Some say this happened with the nuclear wars Oppenheimer, a student of the Bhagavad Gita, referred to when he said his atomic bomb was the “first in modern times”. That Hindu scripture relates a huge war, evidence of which is seen in places around the globe where sand is melted in the same way as at the Trinity site. At Mohenjo Daro, there is evidence of it in the form of high radiation still and skeletons that look smashed against the ground. Another interesting piece of evidence is in the alignment of megalithic and very ancient religious structures like Angkor Wat that seems to form a circle around the globe, not at the current equator but at an angle to it. Was earth knocked off balance by some cataclism and could it have been interplanetary warring?
    In the stories/legends of interplanetary wars, a planet was Star Wars-like blown to bits becoming the asteroid belt while Mars, a previous moon of this planet, was blown away and found its own orbit between Earth and the planet’s debris. Could be, since one side of it is pockmarked as would have happened in such an explosion by flying debris or was possibly the result of Mars originally being locked facing its planet and the back side marked over time by meteors. There are the faces on Mars and pyramid structures that have never been successfully argued as just being natural rock formations.

    Barbara Hand Clow wrote an interesting book, “Catastrophia,” about how humans have an almost cellular memory of ancient catastrophes that shows in their reactions over time, available at Amazon. The book “Forbidden Archaeology” by Michael Cremo certainly illustrates that we’ve been here a lot longer than we’ve been led to believe, so who knows what could have gone on in all that time. While you’re pondering it, here’s some interesting music to ponder by. You might have to have Amazon Music though. Maybe not.

  • Thanks Alexandra… I saw this recently and have been following this channel, plus their Intentional Community that they are building near Colorado Springs, CO. I may visit, camp, teach …
    The thing is, this whole deal is in process, but likely will not finalize the flip in 2050 or just beyond? It’s good to tell us that there will be natural? events like earthquakes, volcanos, etc.. as the pole travel…but do we Really need MORE FEAR?? Fear drives most advertising for products that most do not need. Children are highly impacted by fear in this society, this world. Much of the fear is driven by the elite..and grifters…or is that the same thing?? I’ll keep this all in the back of my mind, but will live my life to the fullest nonetheless ..ya dig??

    • Yeah. I used to run Ben’s videos more frequently 10 years ago but when he got into this pole shift stuff, I stayed away.

      But I thought I’d throw it in now, with everything else that’s going on.

  • This may happen in 2029. For those who want to research, check the works by Dolores Cannon on Nostradamus (which even she claimed, several of his future prophecies were no longer valid) .

    But taking into account the Many Worlds Interpretation , it is likely to happen in our timelime, though hopefully not as bad and as fully fledged as was predicted.

    • No, unlike the typical made-up fear porn, this may be true. But not to worry, you won’t be any worse off than the dinosaurs.

  • I think it’s man causing all these earthquakes and floods, storms and so on. I know harp is involved somehow causing all these weather chaos. Seeding the clouds to cause more disasters and destructions. Snowing in places where it has ever snowed or flooded. Causing floods that’s takes out a whole town or city that has never flooded before. They have been messing with HAARP so much the powers that be are trying to destroy this beautiful planet and humanity on. Also the DEW where they are shooting lasers to start fires all over the world trying to burn everything down even the precious animals that live on it. These evil entities will do anything to bring humanity to its knees. Oh, don’t forget the tusumas. They need to be stop. Shut down CERN also before they kill us all. Just my two cents on it.

    • Synickel: Don’t worry about it, this has nothing to do with you; just keep playing with your game in the backseat there, dear. We’ll be home soon.

      Jan: He was predicting a FUTURE event which has nothing to do with current cataclysms or microwaved Hawaiian towns; just keep playing with your game in the backseat there, dear. We’ll be home soon.

      Daniel Laxson: The “flat earth”comment gets a “wtf???”, and the
      “global warming has saved our bacon”
      comment gets a
      “NOPE, it doesn’t have anything to do with more or less ice”;
      like they say:

      Joshua York: My original comment (which see) was actually in response to yours, but it can’t work like that if, in fact, the poles alternate between the same two geographic positions. I theorized the same mechanism (90° flip caused by ice weight caused by nuclear winter after a micronova caused massive and instantaneous oceanic evaporation) until just now after watching this video. But still, “great minds…” as they say.

      John: The point of the video is that
      (there’s tons of evidence
      of a previous
      that got wiped out
      ABOUT 12,800 YEARS AGO).
      All that is up for debate
      (the only “theory” part of it)
      At this point, it happening
      would not surprise anybody
      who has looked at the
      From this point on
      treating every day
      is completely reasonable.
      Have a nice day.

  • That’s EXACTLY what I thought had happened… until he said the poles keep flipping to the SAME PLACES.

    How I had it was: the micronova pops and flash -evaporates much or all of the ocean on the side of Earth facing the Sun at that moment; then all that evaporated water forms dense clouds that block the Sun’s warming energy for hundreds of years. All the while, the polar areas are getting inundated with snow turning to ice hundreds of miles thick, and when the mass at the poles exceeds a certain amount only known to those who didn’t drop their Advanced Placement Physics class (cuz “dude, this shit is WORK!”), the poles snap to the equator and the wooly mammoths get crushed, flash frozen, and still edible in the Siberian permafrost. And if you are a human and not in a big big floatation device or off-planet (by “some means”), then you are soggy toast.
    But my scenario would lead to random areas of the Earth ending up at the poles every 12k years…and he’s saying the same places swap from the poles to the equator, over and over.
    Which means it must happen all at once. Oh joy.

    What I’m thinking is, all this bologna going on is part psyop (to keep the children in the backseat preoccupied so they won’t notice that our car is stuck on the RR tracks, the car door locks are broken so the kids can’t get out of the car, and a train is barreling down the tracks a couple seconds (in geologic terms) away, and part “survival of the fittest” test to figure out who are the 500 million humans deserving a spot in the Deep Underground Military Bases, because we have a duty to humanity’s survival to only save the best.

    So what is the point of continuing our struggle (particularly in the case of someone like myself who was driven to get vasectomized by an idiosyncratic shrew, prolly not gonna live long enough anyway, and was never that macho to begin with)?

    To paraphrase my ex-stepson “We don’t want to go out like a clown”. In the next few years we want to create something the 500 million who get saved will be talking about for the rest of their (probably very long) lives, and that people will be telling THEIR children about for the NEXT 12,800 years.

    BUT…as long as we are content to use someone else’s MONEY, WE ARE NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF CLOWN CHILDREN USING DADDY’S DOLLARS.

    Change the money, change the world!

    (You missed how much trouble “my keyboard” had suggesting a couple of the words in that last sentence. Pretty f’n funny.)

    PS. Other names of interest in this area are Doug Vogt (and his Diehold Foundation) and Randall Carlson.

    AB: TYPO ALERT. he did NOT say “177,000 years or less”; he said “17,000”. (I went back and double-checked.)
    I know, hard to believe; but that was his point.

    • There’s a guy, Paul LaViolette, an astrophysicist or some such, who put out the theory that there is what he calls the “heartbeat of the galaxy”…a vast flash that goes off rhythmically from the center of the galaxy and wreaks havoc across it. And he believes it’s tied to sudden and periodic catastrophes on earth. Pretty soon they’ll do ads like they did during the cold war, where if there’s a nuke you were supposed to crawl under your school desk and cover your head, they were called “Duck and Cover” from the cute little jingle that accompanied them. Yup, and while you’re down there, kiss your sweet ass goodbye.

  • It’s a good thing the earth is really flat so that tilting thing can’t possibly ever happen more than once , whew we mostly dodged a big one or is it the end of this sides time in the light and after the flipperoo the other side starts to shine and we have to crawl through hollow earth to get back to the light . Place your bets heads or tails on the big casino in the sky going bust .

  • Something to ponder is this: If you have a spinning sphere, the heaviest part will fly out to the equator. If the ice buildup was extreme on the poles, the sheer mass of the caps could cause the sphere (earth) to flip to a spin more appropriate for the weight distribution, and as it stabilizes, it would again find equilibrium with the new weight. Thankfully, our caps aren’t as heavy as they once might have been.

    • Sooo , global warming saved our bacon from the flip flopping induced by polar ice instability .
      The CIA is gonna be pissed at you for leaking the secret plans for the carbon zero earth tilt game .

    • That’s EXACTLY what I thought had happened… until he said the poles keep flipping to the SAME PLACES.

      How I had it was: the micronova pops and flash -evaporates much or all of the ocean on the side of Earth facing the Sun at that moment; then all that evaporated water forms dense clouds that block the Sun’s warming energy for hundreds of years. All the while, the polar areas are getting inundated with snow turning to ice hundreds of miles thick, and when the mass at the poles exceeds a certain amount only known to those who didn’t drop their Advanced Placement Physics class (cuz “dude, this shit is WORK!”), the poles snap to the equator and the wooly mammoths get crushed, flash frozen, and still edible in the Siberian permafrost. And if you are a human and not in a big big floatation device or off-planet (by “some means”), then you are soggy toast.
      But my scenario would lead to random areas of the Earth ending up at the poles every 12k years…and he’s saying the same places swap from the poles to the equator, over and over.
      Which means it must happen all at once. Oh joy.

      What I’m thinking is, all this bologna going on is part psyop (to keep the children in the backseat preoccupied so they won’t notice that our car is stuck on the RR tracks, the car door locks are broken so the kids can’t get out of the car, and a train is barreling down the tracks a couple seconds (in geologic terms) away, and part “survival of the fittest” test to figure out who are the 500 million humans deserving a spot in the Deep Underground Military Bases, because we have a duty to humanity’s survival to only save the best.

      So what is the point of continuing our struggle (particularly in the case of someone like myself who was driven to get vasectomized by an idiosyncratic shrew, prolly not gonna live long enough anyway, and was never that macho to begin with)?

      To paraphrase my ex-stepson “We don’t want to go out like a clown”. In the next few years we want to create something the 500 million who get saved will be talking about for the rest of their (probably very long) lives, and that people will be telling THEIR children about for the NEXT 12,800 years.

      BUT…as long as we are content to use someone else’s MONEY, WE ARE NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF CLOWN CHILDREN USING DADDY’S DOLLARS.

      Change the money, change the world!

      (You missed how much trouble “my keyboard” had suggesting a couple of the words in that last sentence. Pretty f’n funny.)

      PS. Other names of interest in this area are Doug Vogt (and his Diehold Foundation) and Randall Carlson.

  • This type of information should be taught in schools. Geography, history, & science, all rolled up into one absolutely fascinating topic.

  • I have been following this site for over two years and there is an archive of videos for more info. Once you absorb as much info via fact checking you will come to your own conclusion. I feel the more you research the more this becomes reality.

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