Here’s Dick Allgire with some thoughts on who really runs things, and what you can do to make your life better. A very positive message.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • This is the guy who, several years ago, said he knows who rules at the top of the pyramid but he doesn’t want to rock the boat.

  • But seriously, if you want to spend crypto you need to convert it to a spendable medium which will most likely be controlled and banned from being used to convert crypto. Plus you need to have, not just electricity, but a whole Internet (neither of which is guaranteed to be around when you get a yen to try out that new McBugger sandwich)?

    But , for ME, the kicker is: I can’t keep track of stuff that I CAN see (wallet, keys, glasses, phones, Kroger coupons, you name it; so how the frick am I supposed to keep track of an INVISIBLE wallet???

  • 10 minutes and 58 seconds (okay, I did boost the speed after I nodded out a couple of times, so more like 7 minutes, but still…) that I will never get back.

    Is that guy a relative, AB?

  • What he outlined and argued is very close to Freemasonry, in fact Masonry categorically identifies with those visuals he cited. For all I know he may be taking his inspiration from Morals and Dogma by Freemason Grand Master Albert Pike.

    Aside from that, every ancient pagan civilization had a pagan goddess, like the US Statue of Liberty, by different names all the way back to Semerimus, identified in scriptures as the wife of Nimrod founder of Babel. The record is extant.

    To tie it all together, the Statue of Liberty was a gift, a Trojan Horse from a French Freemason which was sappily received by US Government.

      • Right, no matter how many times I’ve relearned how to spell it, I often revert back to this and am then struck by a fit of laziness.. Thanks. – j

    • Yes! It’s secret hidden “deity”/ruler (like the terra papers describes also) of male/female, birth & death, chaos or discord that’s been hidden from us throughout history. Edris, Isis, a slew of other ‘dieties’ are all so similar in name, description and intent across all cultures. Is this also the hidden 13th zodiac? Semiramis sounds very similar only much more historical. Probably not the same entity.

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