This video is a bootleg of a interview of Clif High by David Nino Rodriguez, conducted in August 2023, of which I cannot find the original.

Clif High’s Web Bots and his psychic friends, over at Dick Allgire’s Future Forecasting Group had predicted an imminent 9/11-style event – except, “Three to thirteen times” more emotionally disturbing.

Clif says this false flag event would similarly usher-in a 2,000-page “pile of cr@p” piece of legislation that has already been written and is ready to be enacted, the same way as the Patriot Act – in which OBrandon actually takes pride and takes credit for writing!

Clif says that the combination of his data and that of Allgire’s group point to an extremely violent Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) attack, using a High Powered Microwave (HPM) weapon. Based on Clif’s highly-censored description, I’m guessing something like THOR, in combination of a laser-based DEW that pokes a hole through the atmosphere to make the HPM effective.

He says it was something like this that was used to cause the “Dustification” of the World Trade Towers, which caused them to collapse at free-fall speed and that “magically” eliminated 1.25 million tons of material, which was talked about by Dr Judy Wood in her book, ‘Where Did the Towers Go?’

Based on his aggregated data, Clif was guessing that this attack would occur in the vicinity of a mountain, causing him to suspect the underground base at Cheyenne Mountain, outdside of Colorado Springs, CO or at Denver Airport, “and one other place I’m not going to go into,” he says.

He said this DEW attack would be blamed on a “natural event”, which made me think of all the Near Earth Objects (NEOs) starting to be reported everywhere, like Asteroid 2024 ON, NEO 2024 RW25, the “mini-Moon” 2024 PT5, about which is said that it will actually “will spend about two months orbiting Earth,” starting on September 29th.

And after writing the above, I rolled the video and Clif confirmed that “They’re going to blame it on a meteor.”

The third potential location that he’s guessing – and that he didn’t want to say out loud – would break the backbone of the internet, especially in the US. It would technologically Balkanize the country and take 10 years to repair, due to lack of equipment, workforce, etc.

Clif says the crater it creates will “look” like a nuke hit. He says if the target is Denver, “They’re after whatever is underneath it” but the main purpose of the attack is for the psychological power that it would generate and capture everyone’s total attention and milk this PSYOP for a at least a year but it could do major damage to a large swathe of the State of Colorado. (Remember, Clif said this a year ago, not long after the DEW attack in Lahaina but the script wasn’t deployed, so it could still be used).

The base at Cheyenne Mountain is a possible target and it has been sealed-off from the outside world ever since the COVID Emergency was declared on March 15, 2020, due to what Juan O Savin has described as a “War going on within the US Government, between the federal bureaucrats within the Senior Executive Service (SES) against those who control the nuclear codes – who’ve been holed-up at that underground base complex, since that time.

Back in 2022, Juan announced that it was the SES who did 9/11 and he predicted a potential date of October 29th for the “Next 9/11” or “Cuban-Missile Crisis”-type event, because it corresponds with the Greek Goddess of Chaos, Eris.

At the time, Juan said such an event would trigger America’s automated missile defense systems and knock the control of these systems out of the hands of the SES (i.e., the Globalists and the Biden Regime), because they never got the nuclear codes. The control will automatically switch over to the US Space Command at Cheyenne Mountain and this will be a good thing, because it will be the beginning of getting our country back.

In Clif’s opinion, this event would have to happen before April 3rd of next year but would be more effective to occur in winter, prior to January, to amplfy the conditions of the winter and he concurs with Juan that we are dealing with “Witches and warlocks”.

Clif said this attack could be thwarted if enough people became aware of it’s likelihood and especially if other world leaders would share their data and say, “No, there was no meteor, your government is lying,” and judt destroy the PSYOP, which would be the main purpose of this event.

If enough Normies wake up to the perfidy of the Deep State in this DEW attack, it could result in lynch mobs. They need enough Normies to stand up to the rest of us.

Due to the risks of people finding out that this was a DEW attack disguised as a meteor impact, they may retreat from that plan.

However Clif suggests that another event could result in the same “pitchforks”-type of result, namely the sentencing of Donald Trump in the totally bogus New York State case presided over by Judge Juan Merchan, which was delayed on September 18th until November 26th, which Tore Maras’ computer models are telling her would result in Trump being thrown in jail, after wining the election – until the mail-in ballots are counted – and then, Kabala would be declared the “winner”, just as everyone is uncovering illegal votes.

Tore’s models predicted that this would be the last straw for Trump supporters and they would take up arms, starting in smaller cities, where they will start to get violent toward their local governments, causing WEF-controlled governors to lock down their states and call in the National Guard, followed by crime erupting everywhere, the invasion of PLC and IRGC troops from the Norther Border and the emergence of UN Blue Helmets from their lairs inside certain Native American Reservations.

The US would then come under United Nations control, under Global Governance (technically, it already has, since last Sunday with the UN’s aoption of the “Pact for the Future”, that includes a mandate for the organization and its Secretary-General to manage “complex global shocks.”

Tore said this outcome is also avoidable and she admits that she could be wrong, as many similar scripts have already been thwarted – but she reminds us that it is OUR game to lose and that Unity will be key.

We need to change the election laws. We need to end these fraudulent election machines and mail-in ballots in the courts and we need and pre-emptively disarm the traitors from using these methods, which continue to remain legal, at this time.

During Wednesday’s Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, former FBI Staff Operations Specialist, Marcus Allen choked back tears, while testifying to the Subcommittee about the retaliation against him by the FBI, after he raised questions about some of the Bureau’s actions toward the January 6th protestors.

He said the FBI was totally unhinged and treasonous, at this point and he issued a warning to the American people not to trust the SES/Globalist/Communist staff of the current FBI.

Marcus also recommended that we all vote, become armed and learn how to defend ourselves, create a buddy system among our neighbors and to stock our pantries with 3-4 months of food and tinally – to pray.

Clif concludes with some wild rsearch he’d been doing that he found in pre-Persian literature:

“Talking about the period of time where the Elohim, the space aliens, that are in the Torah; that are they’re behind the Old Testament where those guys had to change their command-and-control structures; in their mind-to-machine software…

I”t’s my opinion that the Elohim came down here to capture humans, in order to jack us into these machines…where you are the spaceship’s control system.” This reminds exactly of what Sabrina Wallace has been talking about; the deployment of 6G Wireless Coomunications network, particularly the 6LoWPAN , which will use the human biofield to not only route internet traffic, but to power it, as well.

Clif continues, “– and that’s how that’s how gross this is, right? – it’s not a pleasant thing to work with these people but at some point, the this ancient society that lived in Iran made notes that they knew that the Elohim had had to change the command and control language.

“Why? Because there was a revolt, there was a rebellion among the humans and what had they done; they had allowed us to control all the machinery in their uh entire Empire: we were controlling their water pumps their heating – everything through our minds, in this the machine interface – we knew the control code so well, that when we revolted everything shut down [the whole technological system].”

Clif says this was a big deal and that the story comes down to us, to this day in the Biblical story about the Tower of Babel.

Clif continues, “And that was the point where they had to go around and slaughter humans like mad, OK?”

Nino interrupts “– They’re, again kind of we’re at that point again, in humanity, right?”

Clif replies, “We’re fighting the same enemy, in a sense. The El may still be here, in Antarctica they may be on the Moon.

“I don’t know about that, right? but I do know that the mother-WEFers worship the Els, as Satanists worship Satan, OK? They think of the El in this exact same way that a Satanist thinks of this image of Lucifer…Oh, also, by the way, the image of Baphomet; the the horned goat and you know all of that – the fingers and stuff – that’s the El! that’s what they look like!”

Clif cointinues, “Now the good news, we’re winning, OK we’re winning, everywhere, on all different kinds of fronts, little tiny bits at a time and every time you take a little bit of that foundation away, their footing gets more unsure…”

Clif refers to doctors who will be facing personal retribution from patients who thet have vaxxed and/or on whom they have performed transgender surgery; that this will happen.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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