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WOW! Steve Bannon’s speech at the Turning Point Action conference is absolute fire!!!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • ===Stephen Bannon tells ZOA he’s ‘proud to be a Christian Zionist’
    NEW YORK (JTA) — Stephen Bannon, the former chief strategist for President Donald Trump, called himself a “Christian Zionist” at the Zionist Organization of America’s annual dinner. He also…

    Article dated 2018 by Yousef Hindi in french, but well worth putting into a translater to see what happens to the US as it happens to Europe.
    ===L’Europe face à son destin : le piège du nationalisme israélo-compatible

    (The Bannon intervention in Marine le Pen’s party described in the article explains partly why she has finally given up.)

    • Danse, FYI it appears to me that Bannon’s boot licking is more of a pragmatic adaptation than a core belief. Dunno, but his hero DJT is a Yiddishkeit as much as his Father was. ZOA is active in another ill advised Pres. candidacy, such as FL Gov De Santis, for instance where ZOA head of WJC Ronald Lauder, who may now be abandoning support of De Santis and shopping for better political dupe on the take. It seems no matter where one looks outside of RFKJr there is at least one high profile ZOA money man lurking in the shadows and where you see one, you can bet there are more unseen. Until private money is taken out of national elections this is what we get. Few can resist!

      • JD,
        Private money should be taken out, yes, but then there is also the MIND KONTROLLED crowd within the intelligence agencies and the military that would have to be adressed. They are key tools of the system.
        For example today I suppose Tim Ballard is under MK.

  • The Bantum warhawk spokestard fanning trumpster’s election fire flame out into a heap big bonfire of reusable election promises for the return of the prodigal conman in chief . Hosted by the lead cheerleader himself because he has more turf cred and he excels in vigorous BS spreadability . The same circus clowns are back for another grab at the golden ring , so step right up to see the greatest shitshow in town election XXXXVII.

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