This was the third music video I ever directed. It came out in the sping of 1989. I was 23 and Special Ed was only 17!

Ed was truly a brilliant lyricist and this low budget action-movie-style video is just flat-out ridiculous, complete with a hovercraft chase scene and a helicopter. I have no idea how I managed to do this all for $13,0001

I had aspired to become an action movie director, so this was a test for me to learn some of these tricks but the Hollywood was very misogynistic back then – the opposite of what it is today, where the prerequisite for being hired is to either be a woman or a Person of Color. I was very salty about that whole situation.

I never became a Hollywood action, like my rold model, Kathryn Bigelow. In hindsight, this was probably a good thing, as I might have been molded into a monster.

Anyway, this video totally cracks me up! Those were the days!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I was obsessed with hip hop during those years, it’s crazy to look back and think that I was watching your videos back then and had no idea who you were…lol. I live in CT, very close to Uconn and in the early 80s they had a campus radio show that played exclusively hip hop once a week for a few hours. The DJ was a guy named “DJ Doctor 9” and I found some of his old shows online recently. The creativity of that time was absolutely insane. It’s wild to see the Diddy scandal and what these satanist freaks managed to do with such an incredible art form.

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