This was the only video that Russell Simmons ever commissioned from me, even though we were very good friends for years.

Flavor Flav appears in this video and he single-handedly made the video go $16,000 over budget. I won’t get into it but it was nuts!

Fun times!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I love the sense of humor in the comments 😂

    We all could use a laugh in this dark world.

    I did have problems accessing this site about 2 hours ago. I am not experiencing any more issues.

    Thank you for everything you do Alexandra!

  • This database error is annoying.

    Did that Johnson guy not flush AGAIN?

    He is clogging up the database.

    Dammit Johnson, flush your crap next time!

    • I’m not getting the errors that you guys are talking about.

      But early this morning, at around 3AM, my website did crash for about half an hour (“Error connecting to database”)

      It may be cached files on your end? Maybe try restarting your computer.

      I will text my hosting server guy about your complaints.

  • Guuuuuuuuuys,

    Please help me!!

    I am suffering!!

    I can’t keep up like I used to!!

    I don’t want to die!!

    I am stuffed to the brim with Forbidden Knowledge!!

    I am stuffed to the brim with your comments!!

    Please help me, oh pretty please!!

    I did not Epstein myself!!

    Your Friend:
    – Alexandra’s Database

  • Pretty Cool Alexandra, thanks for sharing. I was curious about what music videos you had a role in from the things you said in the comments of the previous article.

    I have been getting “Error establishing a database connection” errors. It could be because your database is so loaded with so much Forbidden Knowledge that it is having trouble keeping up. Maybe the database needs to be “Lettin Off Steam”.

    If you haven’t done so, I would recommend downloading a back up of your database. This important work must be preserved and continued!

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