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In an interview with Katie Couric, Snowden states that, “We have a two-tiered system of justice in the United States, where people who are either well-connected to government or they have access to an incredible amount of resources get very light punishments.”

Snowden cited Director of National Intelligence James Clapper as an example of this “two-tiered” justice. In March 2013, in testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee , Clapper denied to Sen. Ron Wyden, D-OR, that NSA was collecting information on US citizens. This claim that was disproved by the release of a classified document disclosed by Snowden.

“When we had the most senior intelligence official in the United States, Gen. James Clapper, who lied to the American people and all of Congress on camera, under oath, in the Senate, in a famous exchange with Ron Wyden, he wasn’t even charged,” Snowden said. “But giving false testimony to Congress under oath, as he did, is a felony. It’s typically punished by three to five years in prison.”

Snowden, who is charged with multiple felonies for theft of government property and violations of the Espionage Act said, “Perhaps the best-known case in recent history here is Gen. Petraeus — who shared information that was far more highly classified than I ever did with journalists,” he said. “And he shared this information not with the public for their benefit, but with his biographer and lover for personal benefit — conversations that had information, detailed information, about military special-access programs, that’s classified above top secret, conversations with the President and so on.”

“When the Government came after him, they charged him with a misdemeanor. He never spent a single day in jail, despite the type of classified information he exposed.”

Petraeus pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge in April 2015, receiving two years’ probation and a $100,000 fine. He shared a black book of highly classified “code word” documents — including the identity of covert officers and notes of National Security Council meetings — to Paula Broadwell, a biographer with whom he was having an affair.

Snowden’s US lawyers fear that a Trump administration will take a hard line against him and are seeking either to get him a last-minute pardon from President Obama or to negotiate a plea bargain, that would allow him to return to the country and a light prison sentence in federal prison, for leaking tens of thousands of classified government documents to several mainstream publications.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Most people have begun to recognize that the US “judicial” system is corrupt and politicized from the top down!

  • The crime Snowden has committed is the worst crime you can do as a human being: Pull down the trousers on people that betray their country and the human race. To expose the instigators of terrorists like ISIS – which does this in order to increase the Bankmobs power at home and abroad – is a terrible act.

    All have to accnowledge that the scumbags, that runs the countries all over the world, has the right to do so. They are in power, and that means they have the right to do whatever they like to whoever they choose, outside of their ruling class. They can kill hundreds, thousands, and millions – and they have the right to do so. They can rape and murder kids for their own pleasure – and they are entitled to so.

    So take off your pink glasses and see the world as it is: All the talk of ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’ are just illusions to fool ordinary people. There is no democracy and has never been. There is no such thing as human rights. The only rights a common citizen has is to obey the rich and powerful and humbly accept whatever they lay upon him or her.

    That is what they all mean – and that includes Donald Trump – when they call Snowden a traitor.

  • “When we had the most senior

    intelligence official in the United

    States, Gen. James Clapper, who

    lied to the American people and all

    of Congress on camera, under oath,

    in the Senate, in a famous exchange

    with Ron Wyden, he wasn’t even

    charged,” Snowden said. “But giving

    false testimony to Congress under

    oath, as he did, is a felony. It’s

    typically punished by three to five

    years in prison.”

    Yes the criminal CABAL that runs America can break the law, commit as many crimes as they like, lie, perjure themselves, commit fraud, murder, paedophilia and criminality, and nothing will happen to them. They are immune from the law and prosecution, time this changed, and the law is applies the same to everyone.

  • Our laws only apply to little people, like us, the worker class, the people who try to improve things in this slave colony. Or the ones that try to make right what has gone wrong in this world. Then we have the ones who go for pizzagate, that get away with murder, and are above any law. I do believe in truth, as well as justice, but it’s hard to find in this world any more.

  • Thank you,: To Alexandra Bruce,

    ForbiddenKnowledgeTV is one of
    The Best sites out there..

    Promoting: The Truth.

    I send your sites to friends and family..
    Trying to Wake more people up.

    Reality have shown to be Worse ..
    Then Any Science Fiction out there.

    God Bless your work.

  • That argument doesn’t fly & it’s beneath Snowden to argue it. Petraeus disclosed intelligence to his biographer (whom he coveted but did not “complete” the act of an adultery). By contrast, Snowden made a mass transfer of data for public disclosure. Then he fled to Hong Kong seeking protection from China, so he could escape punishment for his deeds. China politely reviewed the evidence, then showed Snowden the door under threat from Washington. At that point, Snowden fled to Russia and sought sanctuary as a FOREIGN AGENT. So while at first I pitied Snowden, I have come to see that his narcissism and shocking willfulness to disclose America’s secrets FIRST to our rivals — and secondly to the American people– has damaged Russia’s relationship with the West to this day. Taking Snowden has in fact proved to be a devastating mistake that undercuts Moscow’s ability to negotiate on far more important matters. I don’t believe Snowden deserves a pardon. And I don’t believe his actions were benign or harmless. I certainly would never concede that Petraeus disclosed more sensitive intelligence to his biographer/ “girlfriend”

    • Snowden certainly should be given a pardon for any and all perceived offenses. I think a nice silver medal would also be appropriate, maybe a small parade.

      Snowden saw ugly, exposed it and changed the world in a small but significant way.

      Some people just don’t see ugly.

  • Maybe it will be good idea to ask Ecuadorian Ambassy what happen to Snowden, He usely give news often and lots of people wonder what happen to Snowden.I don’t trust Cia,Obama and worse Clinto and Co.

    • Snowden is reported to be in Russia.
      Jillian Assange was reported to be at the Equadorian Embassy. It has been alleged that he was removed by Black ops, his cat abandoned just before his dead man’s switch was activated and the files on pizzagate were released to the world.

      Get your facts and whistleblowers straight and learn how to spell.

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