Russian UN Ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, delivers statement on the Sevastopol attack, saying that direct US involvement in this attack is “beyond any doubt”, saying:

“Washington and its allies encourage their Neo-Nazi puppets in Kyiv to commit terrorist attacks against civilians.”

HERE is some live cellphone video of the attack.



Russian UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia: Kiev regime supported by the USA carried out a heinous attack against civilians in the Russian city of Sevastopol in Crimea. Ukraine launched five US-supplied attack MS missiles armed with cluster munitions. All flight missions were introduced by the US experts based on the satellite intelligence.

An American global hawk UAV was patrolling the airspace over the Crimean peninsula. The beach area packed with peaceful citizens enjoying their weekend and Orthodox holiday was hit. Fire came from the sky on unprotected people who had nowhere to hide.

Sand turned into blood. The video footage from the scene is just shocking. 151 persons were injured, among them 27 children.

Four people died, including two children. They will never have a chance to enjoy a summer day again. The investigative committee of the Russian Federation has started to investigate this heinous crime.

All responsible for this and other terrorist attacks will be held accountable. The fact that the U.S. is directly involved in this crime is beyond any doubt. Washington and its allies foster a neo-Nazi regime in Kiev and encourage their puppets in Kiev to commit terrorist acts against civilians.

Recently, the NATO countries gave the Kiev regime a green light to conduct strikes deep into the Russian territory.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • International Public Notice: Not Us, Not Our Guys, Not Our Money

    Just in case anyone missed the Memo, the Americans are not behind Joe Biden or Donald Trump or any of their corporations pretending to be us or to represent us; we do not condone nor support any attack on Russia.

    That’s them, their deceptively named foreign corporations, not us.

    So far as we are concerned, they are renegades and criminals operating as rogue commercial entities. Anyone who gives them aid or succor at this juncture is either an accomplice or a fool.

    We did not order nor do we condone any action deploying technology developed in The United States being used against Russian civilians in Sevastopol:

    “The US Air Force directed the ATACMS missile strike against Russian civilians today. This is
    an act of war by the US Govt against Russia. Did Joe Biden seek permission from Congress to
    start a direct war with Russia? Did Americans sign up for this?”

    No, we did not.

    Any bank continuing to back these criminals in their unauthorized draws on our credit and assets for purposes of war-for-profit around the globe needs to be shut down permanently as a criminal organization.

    This includes any extension of credit or assets for a proxy war in Ukraine or Gaza or Africa or anywhere on Earth.

    Our contract is strictly limited to the defense of this country.

    Anyone who can’t read The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, including those currently sitting in the Territorial and Municipal Congresses, is invited to get a Reading Tutor.

    This continued heinous interference in the lawful governance of Ukraine and commercially-motivated rape of Gaza and over a dozen countries in Africa needs to recognized for what it is — the action of criminal commercial interests abusing our military as mercenaries under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit.

    Shut them down.

    If SERCO won’t pull the plug, pull the plug on SERCO.

    If the Federal Reserve continues to fund these illegal, unlawful and immoral operations, shut down the Federal Reserve.

    If the BIS continues to fund war-for-profit and indulges these criminals, shut down the BIS.

    These are corporations. If they don’t operate lawfully, which is a higher standard than mere legality, they have no right to exist.

    You have our authorization to shut them down, lock the doors, and throw away the key.

    You have our authorization to arrest these war-mongering criminals and charge them wherever you find them; you have our authorization to charge these imposters with treason, personage, barratry, conspiracy against the Constitutions, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, fraud of all kinds, counterfeiting, illegal securitization, breach of trust, breach of contract, racketeering, identity theft, credit hacking, human trafficking and genocide.

    We have a treaty Alliance with Russia which we have always honored. We do not authorize our Federal Subcontractors to do anything that would jeopardize or harm our venerable Alliance with Russia which has stood since 1858.

    Any hostile action these mere commercial entities undertake should be understood as the action of private commercial corporations and not this country and not this nation. The men promoting these acts of violence should be recognized as criminals and arrested and prosecuted as such.

    It should also be obvious that any Board of Directors or Board of Trustees pretending to be operating “for” this country in any capacity, which fails to honor our treaty obligations and fails to properly direct the use of our resources according to our contracts, is operating illegally, unlawfully, and immorally.

    Any such persons standing by and allowing this behavior from any Administration deserves to be summarily arrested and court martialed.

    It’s past time, White Hats. We will not go to war with Russia. We will not allow conscription of our sons and daughters. We will not allow the extension of our credit for these attacks and purposes. We will not allow ourselves to be misrepresented any longer.

    All International Law organizations on this planet are hereby served Notice: any attack on Russia is not authorized by the American Government.

    You are explicitly made aware of the fact that these hostilities are being promoted by foreign commercial entities and are in no way authorized by, supported, nor encouraged by this country or its people.

    These corporations are acting on their own as rogue commercial entities and rogue municipal states that are impersonating The United States of America and The United States, neither one of which condone any of these attacks or other acts of violence being promoted “in our names”.

    America is at peace and we are telling you that these criminal elements are abusing our Title IV War Flag in ways and for purposes never intended and never allowed by the American Government.

    We are flying our peacetime flag; our Federal Subcontractors have no basis to continue flying our wartime flag in any version.

    Any Postmaster who continues to fly the Title IV Flag is guilty of mutiny; any Post Master who continues to fly the Title IV Flag is guilty of Gross Insubordination and Dereliction of Duty.

    This country is at peace. It has been at peace since 1814. The gross misbehavior and breach of trust on the part of these corporations and the foreign Principals responsible for their operations speaks for itself.

    We stress that these misrepresentations and acts by our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors are all criminal in nature, not political, not religious, not racial; these matters must be addressed as what they are — crimes against our lawful government and crimes against humanity, not acts of “war”.

    Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.

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