REPORT: Obama and Renzi Orchestrated the Theft of US Elections

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The Georgia Senatorial run-off election appears to be a repeat of November 3rd, with Dominion machines in three of the largest Republican precincts malfunctioning early in the day and voters told they couldn’t scan their own ballots. Poll workers promised to scan the ballots on voters’ behalf as soon as the machines were fixed.

There were also reports of 90%+ turnout in Democrat districts, as well as massive ballot dumps.

Live on ABC TV, 32,000+ votes were deducted from David Perdue and shredded ballots were found in Fulton County, complete with invoices from the ballot printer in China.

At 10PM, just as the GOP candidates began to pull ahead, counties shut down their counting operations, saying they would restart counting at 8AM today.

Meanwhile, Trump supporters going to DC for the Stop the Steal rally will find that not only have all the local businesses been ordered by Mayor Bowser to freeze them out of town but both Google Maps and Apple Maps have canceled their directions services for the DC Metro area.


But the breaking story from BlueSkyReport is that Italy was heavily involved in the 2020 Election fraud, in a plan dating back to 2016, during Obama’s final State Visit to Italy.

Obama and former Italian Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi reportedly orchestrated the theft of the US election from President Trump, with the help of General Claudio Graziano, who gave the CIA and the State Department access to an Italian military satellite, allowing elections in all US states to be manipulated with “Fractional Magic”.

US election data was forwarded from Frankfurt, Germany to Italy where members of MI6, CIA, and the Leonardo group built the algorithms to manipulate US election data.

In other words, Obama and much of Italy’s left wing government conspired and colluded to steal Trump’s election win. When their efforts failed to overcome Trump’s massive turnout, four of the five States were ordered to stop counting.

Graziano is also the head of the European Union Military Committee, which is comprised of all the chiefs of staff of every EU member state. So, if he wasn’t acting on his own accord, it suggests that every EU member state is also complicit in the election fraud that has occurred in the 2020 Elections.

All of this is according to articles and videos shared by tech entrepreneur and former CEO, Patrick Byrne, who funded private cyber security teams to monitor the 2020 election and who vouched for the veracity of this story on Twitter.

Former US Deputy Secretary of Defense under Obama, William J. Lynn III led the Department’s efforts in cyber security and space strategy. Lynn is also currently the CEO of Leonardo DRS, a US subsidiary of Leonardo with approximately $2 billion in revenue.

This story broke in Italy on December 1, 2020 in the Italian national newspaper, La Verità, with the headline, “Trump’s lawyers have no doubts: An Italian hand in pro Biden fraud”. The article outlines the alleged operation executed in Rome with the complicity of Italian defense contractor, Leonardo.

This video Zoom call with BlueSkyReport and her supporters gives more of the details in this story and tells of her efforts to get this information in front of President Trump.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I am sick and tired of talk. Either Trump acts to save America or we are done. Plain, simple, and permanent.

  • Why do alt right sites censor the most? I’ve seen weird comment bans mostly at these places though these tend to be the only places that give the illusion of comments to begin with.

  • Supposedly took place at the American Embassy on the Vio Veneto. BTW, know who the ambassador to Italy is? Lewis Eisenberg. Born in Chicago; worked for Goldman Sachs; chairman of Port Authority in NYC during 9/11; arranged the leasing of the Twin Towers to Silverstein. Have to wonder if this dude has been on Trump’s sh*t list for awhile.

    • All that my sources know is that she has not been in the office at Langley. It is not known whether she is alive or dead; in prison or in witness protection.

    • Pompeo posted a pic on his Twitter feed in the last week of himself, Trump and Haspel. I figure she has decided to roll over and try to save her own life.

  • I have been watching President Trump address the throng that has gathered to support him and at the same time watching what was happening in Congress.

    The President made it publicly clear on more than one occasion that he had no confidence in his vice president to uphold the Constitution. And sure enough, Mike Pence has supposedly declared that his roll in the business is simply ceremonial.

    Christ! How on earth are we to win this war when ‘Evil’ successfully whispers into the ears of those whom should not be so treacherous.

    Unless a miracle happens in Congress, the only thing left with the Supreme Court turned sour, is, for the President to declare Martial Law.

    It seems that rentamob pretending to be Trump supporters have stormed the steps to the Congress and a curfew has been imposed.

    I fear that President Trump is really just too nice a guy despite his declaration that he will not let ‘Evil’ win?

    • I have just watched further and seem how damned hypocritical members of Congress say they must stand up to tell the truth, namely that there has been has been no fraud.

      To watch and hear their despicable spiel makes me sick to the very core! And I am not American!

      God help this world if President Trump doesn’t do what is necessary. But the trouble is that Congress are blaming President Trump for today’s violence!

      It seems to have given them the ammunition necessary to pull off this Biden stunt

      God help us all!

      • Christ the hypocrisy is despicable. They claim that Donald Trump must be watched so as not to cause America more harm!

        • You’re quite right on the “it seems Trump is too nice a guy,” he truly is and was literally just giving this evil scum “every possible chance” to do the right thing, of course they’re truly EVIL and we knew they never would….NOW COMES THE PAIN…buckle up, it’s about to get bloody and this is where I COME INTO PLAY! Hoorahh, Semper fi..WWG1WGA. Let’s kill some mother fuckers!!

    • Also we were warned by Patrick Byrne that Mark Meadows is a naysayer and that’s not helping Trump’s fortitude.

    • If he declares martial law they will have what they need to go forth with their ‘Trump using the military to protect his ass’ story they’ve been peddling since early summer.

  • Alexandra, here watching the scene at the capital, I must say bravo to you for your guts and your patriotism. Donation coming.

  • Good this is still good news, it may be dark but let us be Thankful there is still light in the dark, ‘Be thankful that we were only
    ‘in the darkness of Blackness, and not
    in the blackness of darkness’.

    Jude 1:13

  • Wow !!! in listening – when she says she’s trying to work with Mark Meadows , that seems to not be a good idea. Patrick Bryne put out that Meadows is working against POTUS – he is one who is in on blocking Sidney Powell – limiting her access to White House – he was screaming disrespectfully to POSTUS at the meeting Bryne attended . Is this factual? …. if so, does she not know this? She has done amazing work ! – I had not known of her and the organization – thank you for putting her info up!

    • White House Counsel Pat Cipollone was the one screaming. Mark Meadows is a politician and swings whichever way benefits him best.

  • Whoopty Doo. You can find all the evidence of fraud ypu want. It matters a hill of rice if no one is interested in pursuing it, or all your jurists are complicit.

  • Dear Alexandra,

    I would very much like to afford the protection ‘Energy’ that I continue to afford the President every since his Covid-19 infection, to the couple whom are struggling to get this information collated and to the President.

    Can you therefore give me links, in confidence, to whom they are please? You have my private email addresses should you prefer to use those.

    This couple must be given all the support we can possibly muster, for what is very much evident, is that hitherto, the President and his legal team have lacked true evidence.

    I am not in a position to donate financially but I can afford them huge protective energy, if only you would assist, please?

    Thank you.

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