Anti-Death Shot activist and physician, Dr Elizabeth “Betsy” Eads says that a physician has been executed for injecting a patient with the COVID-19 bioweapon, which resulted in his patient’s death.

Dr Eads urges all medical professionals listening to stop injecting this bioweapon at once, if they want any hope of not meeting the same fate.

She says, “You know people are dying from the bioweapon vaxxines. You need to stop what you’re doing. If you have to quit that job and walk away, walk away. These are crimes against humanity. You cannot run, you cannot hide. You will not be able to walk down the street.

“Nuremberg-like tribunals have started. Whether you’re a doctor, a nurse, a pharmacist, a CNA, a lab tech – anyone participating in giving these bioweapon jabs are killing a patient.

“That includes school headmasters. That includes principals, that includes anywhere where somebody was forced to take an experimental medication without informed consent or a CDC cocktail, including ventilation or CDC without consent. Appropriate consent. Not talking about written consent. I’m talking about appropriate medical consent, including what ingredients are being given, what the side effects of the product are and what studies have been done to prove the efficacy of the product.

“Because we know the vaxxines are bioweapons. They are lipid nano; nanotubes or nano Qdot  spot, graphene oxide, which are killing patients.

“We know remdesevir killed 53% of the patients in the ebola study. All of this is readily available to nurses, doctors, pharmacists and healthcare workers all over the world.

“There is no excuse for continuing to push the bioweapon shots remdesivir and ventilation on people. There’s no reason to push a fraudulent PCR antigen test, which is doing nothing but collecting genetic material to be passed on for cloning.

“Please, I implore you to cease and desist what you’re doing, nurses, pharmacists. Walk away if you have to walk away. Repent. Ask for forgiveness.

“Because if you don’t, God will find you and you will suffer the same death that this Malaysian doctor suffered and you will deserve it.

“Go bless everybody.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I don’t know if this particular story is true or not but everything else she said was absolutely factual and you can check it out because the evidence is mounting everywhere that the entire Globe has been lied to regarding the scam demic and false fake vaccine which is actually a lethal injection. I’m very grateful for any information that’s brought out about this as they have murdered so many children in just the last year doctors nurses pharmacist we will see executed publicly and it is time for accountability and it’s time for people to step up for the children they have been used as Global Currency for far too long I’m very much looking forward to that

    • The globe is a lie. This world they designed intentionally to keep everyone trapped under their dark maqick of spells and symbols.
      The indoctrination programs are why we believe were spinning,…the only spinning going on is the webs of lies these parasites are spinning us with.
      We live on a plane,it’s common knowledge for centuries until they ,introduced that lie.Any1 and everyone who studies the esoteric knowledge of the ages or studies magic,or the tarot ,astrology,etc…knows we live on a plane.
      Cognitive dissonance keeps most ppl trapped in their ways,from acknowledging these truths,they’d rather just block it out,or avoid it.

  • I do Harry. if there has been a sentence, it means a Court was involved. Dr Eads does not provide anything substantial information in that matter: no date fo the rulling. No judge name. no court file number. Nothing. SHE is asking people to believe her sayings without providing any evidence. Even though one may think it is good news, it iis not.
    IT means that te basic have NOT BEEN learned. What are the basics? for the speaker: provide the information that enable listeners to check the facts. Listeners should have learned to fact- check everythings…

    • This is alleged to have taken place in Malaysia, although I can’t find any confirmation of it but so much news is being censored. I posted it because she has a good reputation as a physician. It wouldn’t make sense for her to lie and jeopardize her reputation.

  • The only arrest of a doctor I’ve seen in Malaysia is of one who was administering fake jab passes. I think this woman is not telling the truth, sadly. We need to start being more discerning about believing everything we hear – it cuts both ways.

    • Agreed.

      Dr. Ead left a message on my answering machine (yes, I still have a landline) after I called her yesterday. I looked up everything she told me, and there are numerous comments on various sites and videos where people have left a link to that story you mentioned.

      Endless searches with every term imaginable leads nowhere, but to that very story: a doc gave out fake vax IDs. So sad. Still, maybe it will happen . . .

  • My gut feeling from the start was this isn’t true & then I listen to her speaking & she supplies absolutely no evidence , nō name , nō info on her source etc . If we are to be a credible voice of Truth then we must provide substantive evidence for others to link in with & continue their own line of research . This does not help the truth movement at all ! Thankfully we have other sources like Reinmich ,Fuellmivh , Robert Kennedy Jnr , Dr Ardis etc etc who really conduct rigorous & exhausting research to back up everything they say . I do hope that this Dr Eads will be exposed to the comments from those of us concerned to examine herself as to her delivery of such information & the responsibility one has when one undertakes to have a public platform.

  • No trial or doctor has been executed in Malaysia.
    Will takes years before a guilty person can be executed as there are court appeal procedures etc.

    People are feeding fake info to the Truth movement to discredit it.

  • Great comments on this. Shows that there is healthy skepticism happening.
    One way or another the medical industry just took a very high explosive, below the waterline. Recovery not possible.
    The behind the scenes payola from gov’ts, especially USA, to big chain hospitals, insurance companies, big pharma, city, county and state health functions, when revealed, will be the columny icing on the cake of modern 3 tool medicine…scalpel, radiation, crude oil derived pills, thank-you John D.-hand-out-the-dimes Rockefeller.

  • Dr Eads’ general message is a good one but the lie about the Malaysian doctor being executed has completely ruined her credibility. These false statements are what causes people to distrust the ‘truth’ movement.

  • Could we have the source of this story – the Doctors name who was executed the date of the trial the news story anything – all we have is your word and no way to check it out whatsoever. Please give a reply and a link to source – thank you

  • Names and proof would be good. So far all we have heard for the last 12 months is that numerous have been executed. Hollow words and propaganda if there is no proof. Something like this happening cannot be hidden, someone would get the real proof out there…so far nothing to support the claim.

  • You’re guilty of the same murder as the perpetrator by aiding and abetting to commit murder thus, both violated the 7th, 11th & 13th 18 (not 10) Laws of God & Creation.

    Hence, the 13th Law of God be applied to enact justice as per the nuremberg code which’s based on The 18 Laws of God & Creation!!
    The 3 Laws of God violated if not more;
    7. YOU SHALL NOT MURDER YOUR FELLOW MAN. (Killing to preserve your life or of your family is not murder).



  • I searched for verification of this but I only found sites with the same video, some of which I don’t feel are credible, so I’ll reserve judgment until it is verified.

  • This is in Malaysia, will never happen here in US or Europe…unless civilians take it upon themselves to become the executor of these mindless monsters and it would have to be done in darkness at night no prying eyes…

    • IMO.
      God does not punish his people.
      He gave us a free will. And will never interfere in our actions.
      Because, as I understand His Words, it is our own free will deciding good or bad actions towards our fellow human beings.
      We ourselves are responsible for our deeds.

  • “There’s no reason to push a fraudulent PCR antigen test, which is doing nothing but collecting genetic material to be passed on for cloning.”

    There is ample evidence that the PCR test deposits radio-active, crab-like nanoparticles on the brain barrier, intent on clawing their way into your brain to do irreparable damage.

  • at last ! Nuremberg-like tribunals have started ! Hourras !
    I have been waititng for this moment, from the beginning !
    Could we have a specific link of this Malaysian docteur’s death penalty, please ?

  • IMO.
    God does not punish his people.
    He gave us a free will. And will never interfere in our actions.
    Because, as I understand His Words, it is our own free will deciding good or bad actions towards our fellow human beings.
    We ourselves are responsible for our deeds.

    • Right and wrong, DarkEyes.
      Yes God gave us a free will… but NO He does not accept everything… He is expecting us to make the right- the good choices…. He sent prophets in the time of the Old Testament (the Torah) to call people to change their minds and consequently their doings…. Yes God is patient. Yes God waits a lot before acting/punishing… BUT NO: God does not accept passively our wrongdoings: and YES there are consequences to our wrongdoings. Read the story of Jonas (among many others) who was sent to Nineveh calling them for repentance: repentance means “change your heart, turn away from your bad doings and do well, or change your practices”. And the story tells us that Nineveh was not destructed because the people made 3 days fast and repented and they changed their hearts and doings…. It is even written “And God repented and did not destroy them”… So to summarize: YES God can punish his people. It is wrong and even deadly theology to believe. False belief won’t save anyone. The truth only will set us free. Among the truth, there is the fact that God is altogether very compassionate AND a just judge – and as a just judge, he can sentence… in other words he can punish IF we don’t repent… AND as i wrote above, repenting is a change of heart that produces a change of behaviour.

    • Right and wrong, DarkEyes.
      Yes God gave us a free will… but NO He does not accept everything… He is expecting us to make the right- the good choices…. He sent prophets in the time of the Old Testament (the Torah) to call people to change their minds and consequently their doings…. Yes God is patient. Yes God waits a lot before acting/punishing… BUT NO: God does not accept passively our wrongdoings: and YES there are consequences to our wrongdoings. Read the story of Jonas (among many others) who was sent to Nineveh calling them for repentance: repentance means “change your heart, turn away from your bad doings and do well, or change your practices”. And the story tells us that Nineveh was not destructed because the people made 3 days fast and repented and they changed their hearts and doings…. It is even written “And God repented and did not destroy them”… So to summarize: YES God can punish his people. It is wrong and even deadly theology to believe. False belief won’t save anyone. The truth only will set us free. Among the truth, there is the fact that God is altogether very compassionate AND a just judge – and as a just judge, he can sentence… in other words he can punish IF we don’t repent… AND as i wrote above, repenting is a change of heart that produces a change of behaviour.

  • I agree. We should execute any and every one complicit in any form of manufacturing, distributing, and promoting any aspect of the mass Depopulation “COVID-19 Vaccine” and attribute their loss to said Depopulation Agenda. Look at it as a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.
    God Bless Everybody.

    • Yes Elaine: I was having the same question: if there has been a sentence, it means a Court was inviolved: so ethere must be a date, a court file number and some names (may be the name of the doctor; surely the names of the judge, of the town and probably the name of the hospital or the clinic where the doctor was working: for i don’t think he or she was working from homeLumina…)

  • Where’s the killer virus? Covid was rolled out as a killer virus but no sign of it the only thing that’s killing people is the injections! The world had a giant floating Petri dish with the princess cruise liner that was quarantined in Japan for 6 weeks. It takes 14 days to isolate a virus if it can’t be isolated then it’s not a killer virus. It’s pretty simple so obviously we’re being lied to and these injections are not vaccines! Bill Gates said on Ted Talks ” depopulation through vaccination”. Nuremburg ll if they didn’t learn the first time show n o mercy the second time!

  • So who was executed and where? Her claim alone means nothing. I agree that this should be the punishment, after all of their assets are seized and given to the families of their victims, and that the list of those who have committed crimes against humanity in all of this likely runs into the millions, but where is the proof?

  • Where did Dr Eads get this information? It will never happen in Malaysia. This is one country where the leaders, either from the right, left or center, will tow the line set up by the “International Authority” for fear of reprisal.

  • The info was there also for the general public. Caregivers, parents, media, public officials, corporations, in addition to the medical personnel were ALL complicit. Ignorance or chosing to keep your job, or keeping your children in school is no excuse for participating in this travesty. The truth is coming out, silence and fear is taking over. Families are in mourning. My mother and niece have passed, my always healthy sister is now in end stage lung cancer. They all insisted on ignorance, trusted their docs blindly, and are paying the price. I worry for all my children, as they too took the death shots, ignoring my pleadings. They said I was crazy. I’m so very sad and mad.

  • Dr Eads has not provided any source for this information. Verification is really important – is anyone skeptical is going to be convinced without that?

    • If only people had been so resilient against the jab as they are here, as shown, towards this news. The trubunals will happen all over the world.
      I am convinced it is true. Why?

      Please lookup/search for “Dr. Fuellmich”. He is the universal coordinator for Covid tribunals all over the world to be held in cooperation with his organisation and other organisations worldwide. He is working for all people against the jab, had the jab, the consequences of the jab, etc.
      Dr. Fuellmich is an inernational German-American wellknown Lawyer coordinating for covid tribunals at the moment on the European continent.
      He is famous from the past by international case against Volkswagen.

    • I do Harry. if there has been a sentence, it means a Court was involved. Dr Eads does not provide anything substantial information in that matter: no date fo the rulling. No judge name. no court file number. Nothing. SHE is asking people to believe her sayings without providing any evidence. Even though one may think it is good news, it iis not.
      IT means that te basic have NOT BEEN learned. What are the basics? for the speaker: provide the information that enable listeners to check the facts. AS listeners, we should all have learned that we should NOT believe anyone sayings when we cannot check the facts…

  • I deeply wish this were true. But I have not seen adequate confirmation of this online.

    Such a precedent must and ought to be set, but until i receive confirmation this could very well be simply a piece of fake news put out there to quieten down the masses with a false hope.

    If any can confirm this piece of news lease offer it.

    If confirmed you may hear me rejoicing even from here

  • Need confirmation on her story – no amount of websearch leads to any story out of Malaysia on it. Found some office phone numbers in Florida for her, no email, etc.

    If this is true, it’s huge, and why would she lie, but we all know too well how these things have gone too many times.

  • Thank you so much for posting this. We need more to come forward with the truth about this bioweapon killer! TY TY TY God bless!!!

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