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As an American, watching my country being destroyed by these criminals posing as our government who take our money and launder it through Ukraine and who use our tax dollars to finance the human trafficking operation of tens of millions to replace us with foreigners and terrorists who hate us, I don’t want to ever talk about Ukraine or Israel again, frankly.

And if you think all of this is happening because Joe Biden is brain dead, here he is 10 years ago, describing exactly what he and the Deep State were planning to do to us.

So, what happens if we have millions of people with no loyalty to the US living on public benefits and the country goes bankrupt— what happens then? Patrick Byrne was on with Alex Jones earlier this week to talk about how we are being set up for a civilization-ending decade.

Jack Posobiec was on with Steve Bannon to talk about the trigger that will set it off.: Once Bibi Netanyahu invades Gaza, anti-American sleeper cells will activate.

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Alexandra Bruce

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