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Alexandra Bruce
November 7, 2012

In 1957, Princeton physicist, Hugh Everett formulated a theory of infinite parallel universes known as the “many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics,” (MWI) in which all possible alternative histories and futures are real, each representing an actual “world” (or “universe”) — or to use more technical language: it asserts the objective reality of the universal wavefunction, but denies the actuality of wavefunction collapse.

This theory is considered by some to be as important as Einstein’s theory of relativity and Newton’s theory of gravity.

I found this concept to be so fascinating, that I wrote my first book about military personnel claiming to have directly experienced multiple timelines, as described by Everett’s theory, via secret technologies.

This British documentary, below features Everett’s humorously alienated rock musician son, Mark who has many droll observations about both the human and the theoretical aspects of his dad.


Uploaded by RASyared
April 13, 2010

“My father never, ever said anything to me about his theories. I was in the same house with him for at least 18 years but he was a total stranger to me. He was in his own parallel universe. He was a physical presence, like the furniture, sitting there jotting down crazy notations at the dining room table night after night. I think he was deeply disappointed that he knew he was a genius but the rest of the world didn’t know it.”
– Mark Everett.

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Alexandra Bruce

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