Dr Reiner Fuellmich is the public frontman for an international team comprised of hundreds lawyers and medical experts, who have begun legal proceedings over the CDC, the WHO, and the Davos group for committing crimes against humanity.

The protocol for the PCR test given by the WHO and the CDC was knowingly set to a level that guaranteed 100% false positives or false negatives.

So there is no pandemic.

This is all about getting people to take the shot. Their argument is that we are at the very least being subjected to an illegal experiment. And at the worst, global genocide.

Dr Fuellmich points out how the experimental jab is in clear violation of all ten of the Nuremberg Codes, which carry the penalty of death for those who violate them.


Number 1: Voluntary consent is absolutely essential. There should be no intervention or any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion.

By definition, a vaccine must provide immunity to the virus, protect recipients from getting the virus, reduce deaths, infections, circulation and transmission of the virus.

We are told the experimental jab does none of these, yet they fraudulently call it a “vaccine”. As far as duress, restraint and coercion, it’s everywhere: If you want your life back, get the shot.

Number 2: The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results unprocurable by other methods.

The most fruitful method would be a healthy immune system, which can be achieved through good health and natural supplements, such as Vitamin D and Vitamin C and Zinc but the people are not being told this. In fact, those that point it out are being vilified and silenced.

Number 3: The experiment should be designed and based on the results of animal experimentation.

This experimental jab skipped animal testing.

Number 4: The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.

According to official reports, there are already thousands of deaths and over a quarter of a million injuries from this experiment.

Number 5: No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur.

Past trials have shown a strong possibility that these new spike proteins will cause a body to attack itself. This is known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and recent doctors have blown the whistle that this could end up killing everybody who’s been vaccinated in the next two years.

Number 6: The risk to be taken should never exceed the benefit.

COVID-19 has a 98-99% survival rate, less deadly than the seasonal flu. The experimental jab is already the most dangerous vaccine in VAERS’ 30-year history.

Number 7: Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.

There were no preparations made. There are no facilities. The subject shows up for their shot and goes home.

Number 8: The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically-qualified persons. 

This experiment has been exclusively run by politicians, the media, celebrities and Big Pharma bureaucrats.

Number 9: The subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end.

Thousands of medical experts have attempted to end this madness and their voices continue to be silenced.

Number 10: The experiment must be brought to an end, if resulting in injury or death.


And yet, the experiment pushes on. Once again, those who violate these international laws are subject to the death penalty.

Legal proceedings are moving forward and evidence is being collected. Whistelblowers are directed to contact the international team at

This is likely the biggest crime ever committed against the world population. The question is, do we still have a judicial system to exact justice?

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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Leave a Reply to Lorraine Cancel reply

  • To whom it may concern
    Who can I contact to protect my right to not take the vaccine? I am a volunteer at a fish and wildlife National wildlife refuge. I have been told that if I don’t take the vaccine by the 22nd of November I will have to leave my position here.

  • If true it’s what we would expect……But …for 100 certainty we still need more research on the document.
    What’s obvious is an old tactic often played……..colour and religeous politics. The British army digital battalions regularly spam with false accounts,sowind doubt and fear and uncertainty.
    One of my favorites for media pychops is when the CIA tried to take down an Indonesian PM . They published lots of fake pictures of him with lots of naughty women to slander him as a leach. It backfired as more people voted for him as they thought he was more virile!
    What next? Fake video of Cliff High caught in the woods eating a pile of McDonalds cheeseburger s? Intelligence Agency is an oxymoron.
    The troll in the comments is obviously unaware that the vast majority of Christians in the world are non pinky Christian people! The protestant and Catholic churches would be finished without non pinky Christians around the world. In the UK the Church of England is the most unrepresentative of all UK churches yet is the second biggest landowner,holds full constitutional influence,so much so that by becoming a bishop you can automatically have a seat in the house of Lords and NO ONE has to vote for you!
    Keep it up Forbidden Knowledge tv……and don’t put up with any racism and hatred . Having a go at someone for being white is RACISM.
    Stupidity….the worlds most untapped resource.

  • This whole plandemic is an outrage. I may lose my precious children over this, I am already grieving and preparing myself for their deaths. These people, murderers must be brought to justice. My life is ruined, my family is ruined.

    • Teresa if you’re a believer cling to God. If not please seek salvation
      I’m sorry, for your pain and suffering. War is evil

    • Thats how the DS (or cabal) planned it.

      You are not alone, thousands of people here in the US are experiencing the same thing, including me!!

  • I am very confused, my daughter is a 100% with this view, i am not so sure and my question is what benefit is this to anyone who designed this nonsense, I assumed this was made and spread from china, so is it China that is behind this or is it Americans that designed the whole scenario.
    I do believe that the virus is no more dangerous than a common flu and from memory the HONG KONG flu in the late sixties killed more people than the covid 19 so far and yet it only lasted about 12 month. my whole family had it and my daughter was only 2 years old, and we were very sick. I like to think that people are more intelligent than to let a select group dictate or rule.

  • I’ve tried warning my friends and family members, nobody is listening. They are all so excited to get jab. I tried to share this video on Facebook, it won’t let me post it. Gee I wonder why. I wish Forbidden Knowledge gave more options like Clouthub to share videos. I have told my 3 daughters not to get jab. Hopefully they will listen to me.

  • We are living on a planet where so-called “White Supremacy” rules a SYSTEM that ONLY caters to its OWN.
    They execute this through a so-called “Justice system” that REALLY caters to JUST THEM…a JUST-US system.
    How long have we been hearing about so-called “MASS-ARREST” being promised???
    THEY, Talk a lot about this, yet NOTHING has CHANGED…YET.
    This reads more like the old saying: Talk is CHEAP…ACTION Speaks Louder than WORDS.
    So don’t hold your breath expecting the AVATARS to prosecute their own System of JUST US.
    When this “Covid19 Scam” was first introduced…It was made CLEAR that “Colored Raced” people should get “Vaccinated” FIRST…REMEMBER???
    Geeee I wonder WHY???


      • Isn’t it VERY Interesting that the very same creatures that allegedly SPEAK about all this “Scam-demic” BS, are also the SAME one Pushing the AGENDA.
        You know…The “Live and Let DIE” creatures among us (Even made a movie about it!)
        The same creatures who spawned the book 1984 (a British M15 agent)
        The ones who made the movie AVATAR…Remember HOW that movie Ended???
        How about the “They Live” movie…”Oblivion”…”Elysium”…”The Time Machine (both versions)???
        The “Luciferian/Satanist”…Cloaking themselves as “Christians”???
        The ones FAKING Who the Actual Jewish people, who were ALL “Melanin People???
        Very Strange Huh???

        • There is only one race – human. We all bleed red. You sound as if you are a non-white person who is convinced white Christians are the problem. Some white people are most certainly a problem, and some who claim the banner of ‘Christian’ are also a problem. But you seem to be conflating whiteness and Christianity with the problem at hand. This is a mistake. It is not hard to see that there are just a bunch of very rich and very selfish people who, specifically because they do NOT believe in Almighty God, think they can do whatever they want with the rest of the human population. Read the Georgia Guidestones. This is not a conspiracy theory, it is a Conspiracy Fact. Also, do not be deceived into thinking Socialism is the answer. It is also a big mistake. 100 million deaths last century ought to be enough for anyone to realise the ignorance and sinister nature of Marxist Ideology. He was a fool, and anyone who follows him is too. Capitalism is not bad itself, it is the unbridled selfishness with which people destroy others and the environment purely for the sake of lining their own pockets. It is the lack of personal responsibility and lack of love for one’s neighbour that is the real problem. Capitalism is needed for people to express their sense of personal responsibility, and people who work hard and show diligence ought to be rewarded for that work. Socialism is not a fair system by any means. It is just as unjust as the selfish and careless capitalist. Those who work hard are deprived of their just reward because it is taken from them and given to someone who is lazy or does not deserve it.

          One thing is certain: this pandemic was a despicable act of war on all of humanity. But I have faith that those who perpetrated this evil will ultimately be held accountable and judged. If that is not true then we are all doomed and there is literally no hope.


  • I already knew that they did wanted to reduce 3/4 of the population, especially us, the old people because according to some others we are not cooperating anymore with society. Great job, I do not want to die yet especially now that I think as never did before during my life! I thank you though, for this information!

    • UN Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030) calls for a reduction in population. (See American Policy Center’s website for more info.)

      I know of two people who, within the past two months, have had leg blood clots. Between the drug companies being granted immunity from prosecution, and us not being able to prove connection between adverse reactions and the vaccines because of a large time interval between the two, it seems to me that we have no legal recourse.i

  • If we pray, and call on God, he will hear our pleas for help and save us, however… we also have a part to play in this crazy time…. keep fighting patriots!

  • UK halts ALL covid-19 vaccines. See attached PDF file. Won’t see this on MSM news. The below paragraph is the last paragraph on the attached report


    The MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the COVID-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans. Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer term effects. As the mechanism for harms from the vaccines appears to be similar to COVID-19 itself, this includes engaging with numerous international doctors and scientists with expertise in successfully treating COVID-19.

    • Oooooh YES WE CAN!
      The ONLY “Out-fit” that Claims to represent “God-on-Earth” Pontifex Maxi mus…REMEMBER???

  • I’ve been following Reiner’s lawsuit for almost a year and have listened to many hours of their discussions. I pray that they will overcome the evil that is upon us as they know they are up against a mighty evil force. May good overcome evil for the sake of humanity.

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