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Nikki Haley says:

I’ve got bad news for the political establishment: I’m not going anywhere…except to my sweet South Carolina. We’re not going to let them coronate Donald Trump when 48 states haven’t voted. #BringIt

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Ms Nimrod AKA Nikki the last wayward jokester standing in the fakest election ever wants us to help her find her way back home . I can hear SC calling her to jump off the trump train since there are no tracks leading her to the promised land. Maybe Brandon could use a little help from the anti trump hate squad and give her a call for duty to ho-swap the current #2 for a bigger #2 .

  • knowing the fact of having no good candidate to begin with, just letting ya know that this Focker wants everyone’s device encryption removed just so the government can spy on everyone 24/7.
    Also this is the same focker that agitated on Syria for bombing it with a false claim about chemicals in Syria (whom Trump chose previously)

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