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I’m so happy Mouthy Buddha is back! I’d lost touch with his new videos after he was de-platformed by YouTube 9 months ago.

His latest was released yesterday and I remain blown away by his amazing talent as an editor but in this piece, he keeps a rein on his flashy skills and lets the content and the research by Memory Hold take center stage.

The video follows the history of the State Department’s Art in Embassies program, which appears to be a front for a tightly-controlled shipping operation in and out of every US embassy in the world that sidesteps customs and normal security procedures.

The groups associated with the Art in Embassies project have been connected to illegal activity, including human trafficking and the cover-ups thereof. One of many such cases involved US Ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, who was accused of soliciting sex from minors. The State Department managed to sweep all of that away.

The State Department is perhaps the stinkiest region of the swamp, whose denizens, like Norm Eisen orchestrated both fake impeachment trials against Trump and just bragged to Time Magazine about how they stole the 2020 Election.

The piece follows a harrowing trail, leading from the art world to “baby farms” in Brazil, whose infant victims were sold to Satanists worldwide in order to be sacrificed and then to the International Center for Missing & Exploited Children, of which famous artist Jeff Koons is a Founder and Member of the Board of Directors, which is concerning, given that his ex-wife, Italian p*rn star and politician, Cicciolina alleged that he sexually abused their infant son and that Koons went on to father an additional six children.

Recall Cathy O’Brien’s recent testimony to Sean Stone that ICMEC was founded in 1998 through the FBI for the specific purpose of giving cover to child sex trafficking operations. Cathy said that her “owner” in the CIA’s MK Ultra operation, the late West Virginia Senator Robert C Byrd, “Had an office at the FBI, just for establishing this catch-net operation.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Orion lines channel covers this well. Project Camelot interviewed William Tompkins space engineer who said Bush, Obama, Clintons were shape shifting aliens Trump was not. We know what there needs are if your here you know what they do. Until all humans know we are enslaved we will have wars, debt, hunger, disease while they steal patents for energy, cures, healing, food production. They pollute and destroy our planet and currently want to control us or depopulate. Do not comply or consent to anything!

  • Alexandria,

    Sexuality UNDERPINS all conflict between
    the EMOTIONAL Brain (( right hemisphere ))
    and the RATIONAL Brain (( left hemisphere )),
    impacting ALL political conflicts between
    libertine liberals, among right-hemisphere
    Democrats, and the moral moralists, among
    left-hemisphere Republicans (( e.g., libertine
    Pelosi – subconsciously, so! – seeks to seduce,
    say, moralist Ted Cruz into IMMORALITY.

    Men (father) vs. Women (mother), re above
    paragraph, has been with us from the
    beginning—from, say, the Garden Drama.

    And the band plays on :

    Dalai Lama Cover Up


  • Should be pegged on a Fire Ants nest while alive and left there until all eaten (the John of God put on the nest first)

  • Agenda 21, here called Cornerstone 20/20, is the Chinese interface with our neighborhoods. Get out of it on a local level first and their strength is gone

  • Thanks so much for posting this film. The art world is a very captured and intolerant environment, even the little bit of it that I know about.

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