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We are in an information war and an economic war and the Cabal wants us to get into a civil war to fight each other, when we must unite and take out the Cabal.

Unfortunately, half the country doesn’t understand we’re being manipulated and they want to scream about abortion rights.

The biggest challenge we face is to succinctly and clearly explain what’s going on to those who have been so propagandized and brainwashed.

At the Reawaken America event last month in Virginia Beach, Melody Krell aka Mel K gave an excellent, high-energy breakdown of the architecture of the forces at war with the human race.

Essentially, she explains that the Globalist private central banking cartel functions as a Corporatist Oligarchy. Five of the top oligarchs in the US are Larry Fink, Eric Schmidt, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and George Soros, with each managing their respective domains to bring about a Technocratic One World Government.

The Globalists’ intent is not only to collapse the global financial system, the energy system and the supply chains and to commit genocide, they intend to collapse all of the world’s governments and to replace them with an artificial intelligence-driven system that ties your identity to a Central Bank Digital Currency with track-and-trace technology, controlling where you can go and what you can buy. It is a Corporatist Fascist model that intends to sidestep government, entirely.

The Cabal wants to replace democracies with what they call the Global Public-Private Partnership (G3P), which is already somewhat in place, as we’ve all experienced during the ongoing COVID PSYOP.

To know more about the Cabal’s immediate next steps, Mel K suggests that we take a look at who went to Glasgow at COP26 and to think about what it means that they pledged allegiance to the Build Back Better Bill, that was written by the World Economic Forum and is the same exact bill in every G20 nation.



God wins, here but we’ve got to spread the message, because people can keep talking about the “New World Order” or the “Puppet Masters” or what’s at stake right now but if you really don’t understand it in a way that you can actually say it to somebody who thinks they’re on the other side, it’s not going to matter.

Where we are, right now is that there are enough American citizens that realize that there is no “Right” and “Left”. There is no Republican and Democrat right now, in America. There is only American citizens who love this country and those who are willing to sell us out to globalist dictators; that are willing to sell their souls and this country for a buck.

And the good news is that the installed regime is failing on a level that has never been seen in America – but the bad news is that it’s by design.

The good news about that is that the Left and the people that voted for him do not know that – and that is where we come in.

What you really have to understand is that we cannot win this battle if the people do not know the war and that is what I fear the most, is that people don’t know who we’re fighting – and again, by design.

And what you really need to do is step back and look at your neighbors and your friends who have been propagandized deceived to think that the enemy is within their neighborhood or in their city or in their town or even within their state or their country.

The enemies are not Americans vs Americans. But right now, there are a lot of people greatly deceived by a PSYOP propaganda campaign that is nothing short of – I always say, Goebbels, Himmler and Hitler, looking up from Hell thinking, “Wow! Those people in Silicon Valley are great!” And that’s where we are.

There’s one thing that I want everyone to understand and make sure that you’re able to articulate it to your friends and neighbors. The first thing is that we have to have compassion and love and tolerance and mercy and forgiveness for our fellow Americans, wherever they fall in line right now, because we’ve got to be able to speak to them in a way that they’ve never been spoken to.

I don’t know how many of you, on the 4th of July took out the Declaration of Independence and looked at the grievances; the 27 grievances that our Founding Fathers made against the Crown in England. But I did and I was in New York City, watching the fireworks.

And thousands and thousands of people showed up, cheering. And I thought, “None of these people even know that we’re in worse shape than we were in 1775.” And that is the truth. Every one of those grievances is even worse now. I’m one to say, you’ve got to look back at history and actually learn what really happened.

Because first of all, you know if you watch my show, that I don’t actually believe that the Crown ever accepted the Revolution happened, anyway.

They just went home. They said, “OK, we’ll let the Americans think that they won and we’ll go in and infiltrate them through the banking system and through the government and through the military and through the news and the propaganda.”

But even worse than that is, right now, the enemy – and you’ve got to articulate this to your friends, because this is where we can meet in the middle – is the international banking cabal that has no compassion, no mercy, no humanity, no tolerance, no conscience and they have a very longterm plan, you’ve heard a lot about it today but I really want you to understand what is going on and who the players are… 

[Projects large slide with the structure of the NWO, created by Iain Davis]:

I’ve seen nobody put on paper what the New World Order One World Government – or as Brian Deese of BlackRock admitted this week, the “Liberal World Order” – and no, that wasn’t a mistake, because George Soros renamed it that about ten years ago, when he realized too many people were on to the One World Government plan. So don’t be deceived. That was not an accident.

But if you look at this screen, which you need to, this will tell you who we are fighting and I will make it very clear to you: The Public – that’s us, OK? That is the entire world of humanity; gay, straight, Black, white, Asian, Latino, Jewish, Christian, Muslim – it doesn’t matter.

Everyone that they consider a “Useless Eater”, a problem for the resources, because there’s just way too many people, the whole depopulation, the whole myth that we’re running out of anything that God provided – all false, all set up during the Club of Rome and these groups that come out and they talk about how they need to somehow ration God’s Green Earth; the water, the air, everything to the humans, because there’s just too many of us and we’re causing a lot of problems for them but it’s not what they’re saying, right?

So, there, you have The Public. That’s us. Then, you have the Propagandists and the hybrid warfare specialists. That’s, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC – I hate to say it – a lot of people over at Fox News, Newsmax, there are the fact checkers; Poynter Institute, Lead Stories, NewsGuard; their overlords at the media.

And I’ll tell you, one time, there was a problem that they called “Mockingbird Media”, when the CIA infiltrated the media.

The problem is, the CIA is now the media.

So that whole idea, throw it out the window. We are at a mass psychological operation that is being conducted at the highest level, that was come up with by the Satanist PSYOP head of the military called [Michael] Aquino, called MindWar and we are in this mind war.

Next level would be the national governments. That would be the installed regime but honestly, the truth of the matter is the installed regime goes side-by-side with the scientific authorities and the health authorities and people we really didn’t pay attention to until COVID.

But they’ve been working for about 40 years to come up with a way to have science and medicine enslave us.

So, on top of that, are the people you’ve got to know about the most, which are the United Nations, the IMF, the IPCC, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, NGOs, like the Open Society and the Tides Foundation and the Human Rights Campaign and the National Endowment for Democracy – all these things that sound really good, right? Well, you be careful about that.

We’ve got the global corporations and then thousands and thousands of George Soros and other-backed NGOs all over the world that do something called Color Revolutions, which we, in America are in the middle of one, right now and the biggest problem is above them, is, as we’ve talked a lot about today is the World Economic Forum, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, Chatham House, which is the Council on Foreign Relations basically of the Crown, the Rockefellers and above them is the biggest problem of all.

What you need to understand is that there are 5 oligarchs; billionaires and trillionaires in America that are running this country and not one government official has any power right now. None of them. They are all being controlled, blackmailed, bribed, they have committed crimes, be it financial, sexual, they have been blackmailed in a ring started by Epstein and Maxwell that seems to be going away, which we cannot allow.

There are 10,000 hours of footage of blackmail operations from the Maxwell family and then from Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell that We, the People deserve to see.

We need to know who’s on the footage. We need to know who’s on the footage in the Weiner laptop. We need to know what people sold us out, because they were too scared to get caught for crimes that they committed, which is what is going on.

But what I do ask you is to look into the bankers in America right now. Because I will tell you right now, they don’t want you to know this and I’m going to let you know and then, you’re going to research it and you’re going to tell your friends who’s running America.

There’s a man named Larry Fink. He runs a company called BlackRock. He thinks that he’s the king of America and basiclaly, the world and well, what people don’t know about Larry Fink and BlackRock and that he owns 90% of America and most of your pensions is that Larry Fink thought that he was going to be Hillary Clinton’s Treasury Secretary and he set it up during the Obama administration to be just that.

And then, Donald Trump won.

In the meantime, Larry Fink – where’d he go? Not just running all the money in America, not just opening the only find allowed by the CCP in China that American money, through BlackRock is being invested in the trillions but he also joined the board of the World Economic Forum and he became the architect of the Build Back Better Bill.

And guess what else? In January 2019, he summoned Joe Biden to his office. Joe Biden was at the bottom of the heap for all people running for the Democratic Party. Within two weeks, everyone backed down and Joe Biden was in the lead. 

And you know what’s going on now? Brian Deese and a half dozen BlackRock people are running our economy. They are at the top level of the Treasury, Brian Deese is the one last week that talked about the Liberal World Order, why they need to keep slaughtering people in Ukraine that they don’t care about, that they are funneling money through their – $7 billion that they’ve already invested in Ukraine – is anyone wondering why no talk of peace? I’ll tell you why: Because that’s how it’s gonna be. That was planned. This is about money, this is about power and it’s about the Great Reset.

Well, Larry Fink, who basically has more power, right now than the private Western central banks – and the Fed! Because he also runs Powell’s money. So, you really have to start looking at where are your pensions going? Where are your IRAs going? Who’s investing your money and where are they investing it and where is it going?

It has to matter! You have to look it up! Don’t listen to your financial advisor or God forbid your union head, telling you they’re taking care of it. Because they’re selling our country out.

Another man that you should know about and look into is Eric Schmidt. He was the head of Google and Alphabet. You know, he ran Google China.

• You know, Larry Fink is the creator of the ESG Score, which is the social credit score that is about to be installed here, if they get their Central Bank Digital Currency – also Larry Fink and BlackRock and Klaus Schwab. Larry Fink is on the board of the World Economic Forum, also involved in the One World Identification System that would be a track-and-trace surveillance, total control monitoring of you, your family, your future, your children and everything you do, including predictive policing.

I hope you all know that – that it’s not just digital money, it’s digital slavery.

• But Eric Schmidt, which you don’t know, I’m sure seems to be running the entire defense contracting business. It appears that Eric Schmidt and Schmidt Futures right now has about a half dozen of his people.

So, we’ve got all these BlackRock people running our economy above anyone in the government and we have Eric Schmidt Futures and a bunch of people that work for him running an AI, Department of Defense surveillance track-and-trace technology.

So, where is the government in this picture?

• And we all know who’s running medicine and Big Pharma and agriculture. That would be Bill Gates.

• And we already know that Jeff Bezos is running manufacturing and space exploration.

• And we know that George Soros is running the social movements that are destroying our country from the inside out.

So, five billionaires – and believe me, there’s 20 more – are running this country…

You see where our government fits in? [It doesn’t. There is no government ].

They’re already running this model. It is called the Public-Private Partnership. It is out of the World Economic Forum and Davos but the Bank for International Settlements and central banks are above them and it is about all of the corporations will be skipping our governments.

All of the banks will be skipping our governments. Our governments of all of our nations will no longer have any power, at all.

So, where do you think that leaves you? Where do you think that leaves any of us? The goal of the governments now, that all pledged allegiance – our country pledged allegiance, with John Kerry and Bloomberg and Biden and 800 people – everyone should also look at who went to Glasgow at COP26 and pledged allegiance to the Build Back Better Bill, that was written by the World Economic Forum and is the same exact bill in every G20 nation.

So what I’m saying to you now is when we tell you we are in danger, we can win this battle – but not if we think we’re fighting each other.

And this model, they’re playing it out in every country in this world. So the big deal here is sit down next to your Liberal friends that have been brainwashed and say, “You know what? It doesn’t matter what you think about rights for LGBTQ or what they’re doing to our children or what they’re doing to our schools or any of that, if we are all slaves.

We will have no freedom and our Founding Fathers will have failed because we allowed it to happen again and worse.

None of these people were elected.We need to call them out by name without fear.

And what you need to do is you need to look in your own community and you need to find like-minded folks but the bigger thing is find people that DON’T agree with you and ask them who’s running this country and have they heard of any of the people I just mentioned, because I am telling you right now, we have an oligarchy here, no different than the French Revolution and it is taking over this world.

And the rest of the world is counting on America and we’re not going to let them down!

We are the last bastion of freedom on the Planet Earth and it doesn’t matter what they say.

They stole not only this election but HUNDREDS of them around the world!

They are paying puppets. They are stealing countries, they are overthrowing regimes to keep the power of a few in the hands of a bunch of bankers that have bought and paid for most of our politicians, local to federal.

So, you find out where the money is going that you are investing in this country and you change paths.

We should not be giving the central bankers or any of these people one cent of our money if we don’t have to.

Invest locally. Switch to local banks that are putting money back into your community, which is what it was supposed to be to begin with.

Demand that they end the Fed once and for all and that the bankers that got away with it, because of BlackRock and Obama and Biden and 2008 finally pay!

Because they stole our country then and they never paid for it and they’re stealing it now, because we allowed it.

So, please, please do your own research, go to the It’s free.

Find out who the enemy is and tell everyone, it ain’t American citizens. It is not your neighbor. It is not the person yelling about abortion down the street or fighting to keep Critical Race Theory in the schools, it is THEM.

They are doing it all. They know what they’re doing. Divided we fall and they know it.

So, let’s unite, like we never have before.

Please keep showing up. Please know that you have the power.

Please be brave and no matter what, if you know you’re being propagandized, they can’t do it.

Question everything. Find the facts yourself.

God Bless America. God wins.

The rest of the world is counting on us. Do your research. Share it and be brave.

Thank you so much!

Running Time: 23 mins



God wins, here but we’ve got to spread the message, because people can keep talking about the “New World Order” or the “Puppet Masters” or what’s at stake right now but if you really don’t understand it in a way that you can actually say it to somebody who thinks they’re on the other side, it’s not going to matter.

Where we are, right now is that there are enough American citizens that realize that there is no “Right” and “Left”. There is no Republican and Democrat right now, in America. There is only American citizens who love this country and those who are willing to sell us out to globalist dictators; that are willing to sell their souls and this country for a buck.

And the good news is that the installed regime is failing on a level that has never been seen in America – but the bad news is that it’s by design.

The good news about that is that the Left and the people that voted for him do not know that – and that is where we come in.

What you really have to understand is that we cannot win this battle if the people do not know the war and that is what I fear the most, is that people don’t know who we’re fighting – and again, by design.

And what you really need to do is step back and look at your neighbors and your friends who have been propagandized deceived to think that the enemy is within their neighborhood or in their city or in their town or even within their state or their country.

The enemies are not Americans vs Americans. But right now, there are a lot of people greatly deceived by a PSYOP propaganda campaign that is nothing short of – I always say, Goebbels, Himmler and Hitler, looking up from Hell thinking, “Wow! Those people in Silicon Valley are great!” And that’s where we are.

There’s one thing that I want everyone to understand and make sure that you’re able to articulate it to your friends and neighbors. The first thing is that we have to have compassion and love and tolerance and mercy and forgiveness for our fellow Americans, wherever they fall in line right now, because we’ve got to be able to speak to them in a way that they’ve never been spoken to.

I don’t know how many of you, on the 4th of July took out the Declaration of Independence and looked at the grievances; the 27 grievances that our Founding Fathers made against the Crown in England. But I did and I was in New York City, watching the fireworks.

And thousands and thousands of people showed up, cheering. And I thought, “None of these people even know that we’re in worse shape than we were in 1775.” And that is the truth. Every one of those grievances is even worse now. I’m one to say, you’ve got to look back at history and actually learn what really happened.

Because first of all, you know if you watch my show, that I don’t actually believe that the Crown ever accepted the Revolution happened, anyway.

They just went home. They said, “OK, we’ll let the Americans think that they won and we’ll go in and infiltrate them through the banking system and through the government and through the military and through the news and the propaganda.”

But even worse than that is, right now, the enemy – and you’ve got to articulate this to your friends, because this is where we can meet in the middle – is the international banking cabal that has no compassion, no mercy, no humanity, no tolerance, no conscience and they have a very longterm plan, you’ve heard a lot about it today but I really want you to understand what is going on and who the players are… 

[Projects large slide with the structure of the NWO, created by Iain Davis]:

I’ve seen nobody put on paper what the New World Order One World Government – or as Brian Deese of BlackRock admitted this week, the “Liberal World Order” – and no, that wasn’t a mistake, because George Soros renamed it that about ten years ago, when he realized too many people were on to the One World Government plan. So don’t be deceived. That was not an accident.

But if you look at this screen, which you need to, this will tell you who we are fighting and I will make it very clear to you: The Public – that’s us, OK? That is the entire world of humanity; gay, straight, Black, white, Asian, Latino, Jewish, Christian, Muslim – it doesn’t matter.

Everyone that they consider a “Useless Eater”, a problem for the resources, because there’s just way too many people, the whole depopulation, the whole myth that we’re running out of anything that God provided – all false, all set up during the Club of Rome and these groups that come out and they talk about how they need to somehow ration God’s Green Earth; the water, the air, everything to the humans, because there’s just too many of us and we’re causing a lot of problems for them but it’s not what they’re saying, right?

So, there, you have The Public. That’s us. Then, you have the Propagandists and the hybrid warfare specialists. That’s, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC – I hate to say it – a lot of people over at Fox News, Newsmax, there are the fact checkers; Poynter Institute, Lead Stories, NewsGuard; their overlords at the media.

And I’ll tell you, one time, there was a problem that they called “Mockingbird Media”, when the CIA infiltrated the media.

The problem is, the CIA is now the media.

So that whole idea, throw it out the window. We are at a mass psychological operation that is being conducted at the highest level, that was come up with by the Satanist PSYOP head of the military called [Michael] Aquino, called MindWar and we are in this mind war.

Next level would be the national governments. That would be the installed regime but honestly, the truth of the matter is the installed regime goes side-by-side with the scientific authorities and the health authorities and people we really didn’t pay attention to until COVID.

But they’ve been working for about 40 years to come up with a way to have science and medicine enslave us.

So, on top of that, are the people you’ve got to know about the most, which are the United Nations, the IMF, the IPCC, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, NGOs, like the Open Society and the Tides Foundation and the Human Rights Campaign and the National Endowment for Democracy – all these things that sound really good, right? Well, you be careful about that.

We’ve got the global corporations and then thousands and thousands of George Soros and other-backed NGOs all over the world that do something called Color Revolutions, which we, in America are in the middle of one, right now and the biggest problem is above them, is, as we’ve talked a lot about today is the World Economic Forum, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, Chatham House, which is the Council on Foreign Relations basically of the Crown, the Rockefellers and above them is the biggest problem of all.

What you need to understand is that there are 5 oligarchs; billionaires and trillionaires in America that are running this country and not one government official has any power right now. None of them. They are all being controlled, blackmailed, bribed, they have committed crimes, be it financial, sexual, they have been blackmailed in a ring started by Epstein and Maxwell that seems to be going away, which we cannot allow.

There are 10,000 hours of footage of blackmail operations from the Maxwell family and then from Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell that We, the People deserve to see.

We need to know who’s on the footage. We need to know who’s on the footage in the Weiner laptop. We need to know what people sold us out, because they were too scared to get caught for crimes that they committed, which is what is going on.

But what I do ask you is to look into the bankers in America right now. Because I will tell you right now, they don’t want you to know this and I’m going to let you know and then, you’re going to research it and you’re going to tell your friends who’s running America.

There’s a man named Larry Fink. He runs a company called BlackRock. He thinks that he’s the king of America and basiclaly, the world and well, what people don’t know about Larry Fink and BlackRock and that he owns 90% of America and most of your pensions is that Larry Fink thought that he was going to be Hillary Clinton’s Treasury Secretary and he set it up during the Obama administration to be just that.

And then, Donald Trump won.

In the meantime, Larry Fink – where’d he go? Not just running all the money in America, not just opening the only find allowed by the CCP in China that American money, through BlackRock is being invested in the trillions but he also joined the board of the World Economic Forum and he became the architect of the Build Back Better Bill.

And guess what else? In January 2019, he summoned Joe Biden to his office. Joe Biden was at the bottom of the heap for all people running for the Democratic Party. Within two weeks, everybody backed down and Joe Biden was in the lead. 

And you know what’s going on now? Brian Deese and a half dozen BlackRock people are running our economy. They are at the top level of the Treasury, Brian Deese is the one last week that talked about the Liberal World Order, why they need to keep slaughtering people in Ukraine that they don’t care about, that they are funneling money through their – $7 billion that they’ve already invested in Ukraine – is anyone wondering why no talk of peace? I’ll tell you why: Because that’s how it’s gonna be. That was planned. This is about money, this is about power and it’s about the Great Reset.

Well, Larry Fink, who basically has more power, right now than the private Western central banks – and the Fed! Because he also runs Powell’s money. So, you really have to start looking at where are your pensions going? Where are your IRAs going? Who’s investing your money and where are they investing and where is it going?

It has to matter! You have to look it up! Don’t listen to your financial advisor or God forbid your union head, telling you they’re taking care of it. Because they’re selling our country out.

Another man that you should know about and look into is Eric Schmidt. He was the head of Google and Alphabet. You know, he ran Google China.

• You know, Larry Fink is the creator of the ESG Score, which is the social credit score that is about to be installed here, if they get their Central Bank Digital Currency – also Larry Fink and BlackRock and Klaus Schwab. Larry Fink is on the board of the World Economic Forum, also involved in the One World Identification System that would be a track-and-trace surveillance, total control monitoring of you, your family, your future, your children and everything you do, including predictive policing.

I hope you all know that – that it’s not just digital money, it’s digital slavery.

• But Eric Schmidt, which you don’t know, I’m sure seems to be running the entire defense contracting business. It appears that Eric Schmidt and Schmidt Futures right now has about a half dozen of his people.

So, we’ve got all these BlackRock people running our economy above anyone in the government and we have Eric Schmidt Futures and a bunch of people that work for him running an AI, Department of Defense surveillance track-and-trace technology.

So, where is the government in this picture?

• And we all know who’s running medicine and Big Pharma and agriculture. That would be Bill Gates.

• And we already know that Jeff Bezos is running manufacturing and space exploration.

• And we know that George Soros is running the social movements that are destroying our country from the inside out.

So, five billionaires – and believe me, there’s 20 more – are running this country…

You see where our government fits in? [It doesn’t. There is no government ].

They’re already running this model. It is called the Public-Private Partnership. It is out of the World Economic Forum and Davos but the Bank for International Settlements and central banks are above them and it is about all of the corporations will be skipping our governments.

All of the banks will be skipping our governments. Our governments of all of our nations will no longer have any power, at all.

So, where do you think that leaves you? Where do you think that leaves any of us? The goal of the governments now, that all pledged allegiance – our country pledged allegiance, with John Kerry and Bloomberg and Biden and 800 people – everyone should also look at who went to Glasgow at COP26 and pledged allegiance to the Build Back Better Bill, that was written by the World Economic Forum and is the same exact bill in every G20 nation.

So what I’m saying to you now is when we tell you we are in danger, we can win this battle – but not if we think we’re fighting each other.

And this model, they’re playing it out in every country in this world. So the big deal here is sit down next to your Liberal friends that have been brainwashed and say, “You know what? It doesn’t matter what you think about rights for LGBTQ or what they’re doing to our children or what they’re doing to our schools or any of that, if we are all slaves.

We will have no freedom and our Founding Fathers will have failed because we allowed it to happen again and worse.

None of these people were elected.We need to call them out by name without fear.

And what you need to do is you need to look in your own community and you need to find like-minded folks but the bigger thing is find people that DON’T agree with you and ask them who’s running this country and have they heard of any of the people I just mentioned, because I am telling you right now, we have an oligarchy here, no different than the French Revolution and it is taking over this world.

And the rest of the world is counting on America and we’re not going to let them down!

We are the last bastion of freedom on the Planet Earth and it doesn’t matter what they say.

They stole not only this election but HUNDREDS of them around the world!

They are paying puppets. They are stealing countries, they are overthrowing regimes to keep the power of a few in the hands of a bunch of bankers that have bought and paid for most of our politicians, local to federal.

So, you find out where the money is going that you are investing in this country and you change paths.

We should not be giving the central bankers or any of these people one cent of our money if we don’t have to.

Invest locally. Switch to local banks that are putting money back into your community, which is what it was supposed to be to begin with.

Demand that they end the Fed once and for all and that the bankers that got away with it, because of BlackRock and Obama and Biden and 2008 finally pay!

Because they stole our country then and they never paid for it and they’re stealing it now, because we allowed it.

So, please, please do your own research, go to It’s free.

Find out who the enemy is and tell everyone, it ain’t American citizens. It is not your neighbor. It is not the person yelling about abortion down the street or fighting to keep Critical Race Theory in the schools, it is THEM.

They are doing it all. They know what they’re doing. Divided we fall and they know it.

So, let’s unite, like we never have before.

Please keep showing up. Please know that you have the power. Please be brave and no matter what, if you know you’re being propagandized, they can’t do it.

Question everything. Find the facts yourself.

God Bless America. God wins.

The rest of the world is counting on us. Do your research. Share it and be brave.

Thank you so much!

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • She’s absolutely correct!! Unfortunately, it goes even deeper then this. Think biblical, spiritual. There is immensely real true evil which means they will go at any and all costs to achieve their evil goals. Think deeper. Love and Light.

    • That’s when I tuned out. If I wanted to go to an auction, I would have. If she has good things to say, she shouldn’t need a dog and pony show. Screams (pun intended) of fake and or controlled ops.

    • Rule#1: It’s ALWAYS about the money.
      As has become painfully obvious, there’s only one ruling entity (which is what I call the “actual” government) over this planet, it runs on money, and it uses the Fed’s “U.S. Dollar” to transact business. Which is our only handle on them: we have to convert Federal Reserve money to our own “specie” by converting all debt, public and private, to electronic credit money. The world will benefit, but the U.S. is where the war will be won or lost.

  • Great speech. I am a South African and a big fan of Mel K as well as president Trump. What I would like to comment on is the fact that everywhere I turn to find information to wake people up (speeches, documentaries, truths truth and more truth) I find a lot of it is very “Americanised”.
    I understand a fair bit of what is going on in America and realise how what happens in the USA affects the rest of the world, I also understand that a lot of the elite that need to be taken down are in the USA.
    The problem is when I try to “wake people up”, they think I`m hooked on American “politics” and loose interest.
    It is like that great 13 min long move ‘The plan to save the world’ did a lot to wake people here, but to a degree to the “sheep” it looks like it is just pro-Trump propaganda. Which is not a major problem as far as I am concerned.
    My point is, that I wish more of the speakers, the people doing such great things to wake people up, would realise that they are talking to the world. Please say things like ” this is happening all around the world, this affects everyone in the World, this is not only an American problem” or similar.
    I hope you get my point. I have to add. Thank you Mel, and yes the rest of the world is relying on America in a big way. wwg1wgawolrdwide

    • Your critique certainly seems unfair for this article and I do often post about the Resistance in other countries. If you read what I wrote and listen to what she says and that I transcribed, we both do talk about how this is happening all over the world, in several instances.

      1) In my intro I wrote: “The Globalists’ intent is…to collapse all of the world’s governments and to replace them with an artificial intelligence-driven system…”

      2) Mel K said:

      • “All of the corporations will be skipping our governments.”
      • “Our governments of all of our nations will no longer have any power, at all.”
      • “Everyone should also look at who went to Glasgow at COP26 and pledged allegiance to the Build Back Better Bill, that was written by the World Economic Forum and is the same exact bill in every G20 nation.”

  • I think Brendon O’Connell is hysterically funny and I’ve run a couple of clips on here but I don’t agree with everything he says. He, himself admits that much of it is high-octane speculation.

    I think “the Jews” in this equation are the front-of-the-house for certain European aristocratic families, so that they can be scapegoated and in order for anyone who badmouths them to be called “anti-Semitic”, thereby contributing to the growth of the all-important censorship industry.

    That said, if you continue to use this comment section as a venue for slagging “the Jews”, I will not publish your comments. I abhor anti-Semitism and all forms of prejudice. Go make your own website if that’s what you want to post about.

  • Learning the real truth may be painful. We need to open our eyes wide open. The knowledge of truth will awaken us and give us the strength to fight for our Liberties and Freedom. We have to recognize our Enemies and expose their Evil Diabolical Transgressions. We need to vote in people that won’t be compromised that will fight for WE THE PEOPLE to save our REPUBLIC.

    • if you want to get people together you have to have a party based on CONSENSUS (which I define as “greater than 7/8s support”) and EVERYBODY needs to leave their little left and right religions at home. In lieu of consensus, we “pick a name out of a hat” (figuratively speaking). Same with laws and regulations; and existing laws lacking 87.5% support need to get rescinded. Our choice are Very libertarian or Very Totalitarian: the middle will not hold; (Bill) Clinton was “the middle way”, and here we are. The U.S. Constitution was a Hamilton-led coup that created a small, centralized government, easily controlled by money; we need a government “too big to buy”, starting with 1000 times as many U.S. Reps teleworking from their home (located in the district in which they were elected, NOT in D.C.) and transitioning to direct democracy cuz “representative government” is what got us here. The only way to claw back our money is to capture wealth electronically (by converting all debt to credits) and fund all levels of government with a flat 1% per month “infrastructure maintenance fee” to be levied on every entity that uses our damn money (including any and all of the “tax exempt” variety, including trusts and foundations). Any other bright economic idea is going to kill more people than the jab. Maybe that seems like a good idea to some, but (even though I’ve considered the world overpopulated ever since my Boy Scout camp was turned into an upscale housing tract), I don’t like it. alanforcongress

  • At the very outset one must understand who the “Crown” is… the deadly wound is healing… and the beast will raise its ugly head in the USA and around the world… as the lamblike beast makes an image to the beast and causes all great and small, free and bond, rich and poor to receive a mark in the hand or head ( what you do or what you worship!) …. don’t all roads lead to Rome ….learn your history. God bless the USA

  • Must include Pilgrims Society and Queens Privy Council to reveal the source of the operation! Only people I know of covering this angle are folks at

  • It is a Corporatist Fascist model that intends to sidestep government, entirely.”

    It’s not a “sidestepping” of government (revealing your false idea about government as a public-serving entity) because governments have always been corporatist oligarchies, it’s just getting rid of the public-fooling manipulation called government ( because it won’t be needed any longer in total digital prison system.

    • It goes off-planet. If it’s the last thing you ever do read “Preparing for The Greater Community”.
      Google that. I am an advocate for The Allies of Humanity. We have The Briefings and a certain quotient of humanity must get this education.

      Thank you. Amazing article! You’re awesome Sister!

    • Depends on how you define the term; mine goes like this:
      “Government”, can be defined as  “one or more persons who claim natural resources, are willing and able to defend those resources, and who make and enforce decisions regarding the allocation of those resources”, iand is the DE FACTO (i.e, ACTUAL) owner of everything within its domain.
      Has nothing to do with which puppet party or “leader” we are allowed to favor. Has everything to do with maximizing the yield from the sheep without the sheep banding together and erecting a guillotine. In the end, the sheep need to figure out how to BE the government. It worked for Athens for a while. with electronic record-keeping we should be able to do a bit better. In case anybody missed that part, Athenians democracy was only possible because human slaves were doing the manual labor, leaving time for “the citizens” to shoot the shit, write plays, vote on stuff, much as WE will soon be doing as our electronic slaves take over all the drudge work.

  • Hope you are well Alexandra, have not been on FakeBook for about 9 months at least. You are about the only one I miss Many Blessings always Joey Boomer

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