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Lynette Zang from ITM Trading joins Sean from the SGTReport with her very level-headed analysis of the markets during this transition into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, already upon us.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a fusion of technologies that blurs the lines between the physical, digital and biological worlds, formed by AI, robotics, sensors, the Internet of Things (IOT), blockchain and DLT, 3D printing, autonomous vehicles and bio-engineering.

Zang discusses the concerning trends in the markets today and ideas for growing and preserving wealth during this technological explosion and the downsides of Big Data, the Global Information Grid (GIG) and total global connectivity. She argues that the more people are aware of these developments, the more choices we that we will be likely to keep in a world where all things, including ourselves become nodes on the network.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • It is an industrie of emotions and emotional feelings, which is as old as humanity is.
    Here near death experiences and reincarnation happens.

    The concern should be pure feelings, where an alignement between the one and those ones on earth happen by feeling feelings.
    Feelings are not caught inside a wave, where emotions and emotional feelings are.
    Who is interested in near life experiences?

  • The fly in the punch is that technology demands uniformity. Ain’t ever gonna happen.
    For millennia the various cultures of the planet have remained their unique selves. So the implication of this conversation is that ‘vanillaizing’ of the entire family of humanity WILL BE, successfully implemented and humanity homogenized because money is gonna make it that way.


    The diversity of mankind is what makes for the internal growth and spiritual success of our species. For this ‘expert’ to not see the jeopardy makes for a big question as to just what her motivations are…OR, maybe her expertise is too narrow in view.

    • There is over 20T missing but Mr Wanta has nothing to do with it. (Look up Kathryn Austen Fitts)

  • Just remember that everything involving currency belong to the bankers. The modern stock market was created at the same time as the modern banking model in the mid 1400’s. It’s all a ruse. Currency is just a means to control the masses, States, etc. It is a slavery mechanism. Great show and insight, not a huge fan of SGT but thanks for presenting this video

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