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20-year veteran investigative journalist Liz Crokin joins Sean at the SGTReport about her bombshell claim that the Wednesday shooting at a baseball field full of Republicans in Alexandria, VA was more than likely an attempted assassination of Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA). Scalise is at the forefront of a campaign against human trafficking but he now lies in critical condition. MedStar Hospital – the same hospital where Seth Rich was taken – released this statement about the Representative:

“Congressman Steve Scalise sustained a single rifle shot to the left hip. The bullet travelled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs, and causing severe bleeding. He was transported in shock to MedStar Washington Hospital Center, a Level I Trauma Center. He underwent immediate surgery, and an additional procedure to stop bleeding. He has received multiple units of blood transfusion. His condition is critical, and he will require additional operations. We will provide periodic updates.”

That the shooter, James Hodgkinson left his Illinois residence some 2 months ago and had been living in a DC YMCA indicates that that the shooting was premeditated. That he is dead means that we’ll never know for sure.

Crokin believes that this shooting and everything else that we see awry in Washington, the claims of “Russian Hacking”, the calls within the Mainstream Media to assassinate Trump – the lot of it – is due to the DC pedophilia ring’s desperate attempts to keep a lid on their racket and to shut down the Trump Administration’s initiative to end human trafficking.

The conversation segues momentarily into the wild chaotic circus around George Webb, who was arrested for Driving Under the Influence last night, while following investigative leads in Zanesville, Ohio. Webb apparently made his $3,500 bail late this afternoon…

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • The Rothschilds are the puppet masters, all the Bilderburg group are the puppets,hey are the swamp. They worship Satan. They want the new world order. The Rothschilds own all the countries in the world except 5, Cuba, N. Korea, Syria, Dubai, an Russia. Now do you suderstand why they want us to go to war with these countries, So they can wake. right in with their bank. If they get these count r is, they will have world domanation for their sinful new world order. Yes, t ghost at own the federal reserve, it has nothing to do with our government. They have never paid taxes, they have no paper work, no accounting.

  • She has got this right. Bill Clinton was involved in sex trafficking in Bosnia, which is why Ron Brown was murdered there by Bill’s people because he had agreed to talk. Bill Clinton is involved with Jeffrey Epstein on “Orgy Island” in Florida where high powered politicos from around the world go to have sex with girls 12 years old and older. Jeffry is Bill Clinton’s close friend.
    In a few more days, my book, “HILLARY UNMASKED” will be appearing in PDF format on this site. It lays out the global connection of the Clinton’s with sex trafficking, pay-for-play, hit men, murders, and much more. Cheers.

    — Carl Looney [ }

  • Very important interview. It would be great for every American to watch this video and know this information. The horrors need to stop!!! TY for sharing this video!

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