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Wow, I have never experienced a revival like I did in Tulsa this weekend at Clay Clarke’s Health & Freedom conference. Everybody who spoke was so different and each one was so fabulous! I had lost faith in humanity in recent years but that faith is now restored.

Lin Wood ended the gathering on Saturday with a rousing sermon, in which he exclaimed that “Q is the truth! This is about the children, for God’s sake!

“Here you go Newsweek…Here’s your Q! (draws a ‘Q’ with his hand).

“Send this videotape…to Hollywood, the house of Windsor, the Illuminati, the Vatican, the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens and Bushes.

“They are all involved in child sex trafficking!”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • People need truth, but where to find it? Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?”, not knowing he was looking at Truth.
    The biggest truth people need now, is that we, as a nation (each nation), must repent. We must stop our personal sins and repent, donning sackcloth and ashes, as God’s people did long ago, when they finally realized that God will not stop heaping punishments upon them, until they repented of their sins. The whole nation is guilty of allowing perversion and murder (abortion included), and every other sin mentioned in the Ten Commandments. We must repent as a nation, or we can only look forward to harsh punishments–victimization by medical mafia, government and corporations in the name of health and safety, higher costs for goods, and last, but not least, famine. There are others, such as evil rulers lording it over us…

  • Wood is one of them. In this speech, he’s herding the people into the elite’s playbook by promoting the Q crap. In other speeches, its his symbology that gives him away. For example, when he says “true christian”, he’s actually referring to those who practice the inside version of the symbology, not practitioners of the Christian faith. The symbology is old and he’s on the “rainbow bridge”.
    As a side note about rainbows, if people think that “social justice” is new, its not. The earliest known writings, Sumerian, have a goddess named Nanše, who is the goddess of social justice. Its a rinse and repeat strategy the elite’s use to eliminate wealth and competition from the people. They turn the people they’ve been oppressing for wealth against the upper classes. Since the middle ages, “too many wizards” has been a popular manner the elite’s use to describe their “plight”.
    One of the biggest tricks the elites use is lifelong indoctrination into their symbology. This is so the people always gravitate to it. Its the same symbology found in everything: Alice in Wonderland, the story of Jesus, ancient myths, heraldry, government symbols, masterpieces like the Mona Lisa, movies, TV, on and on and on. Its all the same, from birth to death. If the world could see the symbols, it would belong to them.

  • When you see the truth, you’ll be eating all those words. If you do not know the truth then shut up! Do your research before you say they are lies talk to children that have been sexually tortured by Epstein and The criminals that went to the island, little black book shows everyone that flew on Epstein’s plane! Hunter’s laptop shows all, Hillary Clinton’s Emails tells all! Epstein Island had videos of everything, they did to children! You can’t keep us all from telling the truth! We know everything!!

  • Q is a secret government Psy-Op. The object is to discredit real conspiracies by mixing them with reports that can easily be disproven. This is a textbook method of coping with leaks that cannot be suppressed. The criminals in government have NOT been secretly indicted, and are NOT being held at GITMO. There were indeed multiple shooters at the Vegas massacre — but it was an American deep state operation, it was NOT done by the Saudis. The Q-Anon disinformation campaign is designed to fracture the truth movement and pit us against one another in the same manner as COINTELPRO. Divide and conquer.
    So long as we are fighting about what the truth is, there will be no authentic investigation and the perpetrators will never be punished. Q ridicules the CIA because Q is CIA.

    • You will see the truth and when you do you will be eating all those words. If you do not know the truth then shut up!

    • When you see the truth, you’ll be eating all those words. If you do not know the truth then shut up! Do your research before you say they are lies talk to children that have been sexually tortured by Epstein and The criminals that went to the island! The little black boot knows all! Hunter’s laptop shows all, Hillary Clinton Emails tell all! Epstein Island had videos of everything. You can’t keep us all from telling the truth! We know everything!!

  • I am a non believer but if God turns out to be real well if the professes are true he will come back to smight evil and man oh man I would love to see Hillary and her kind at the mercy of God as I am willing to believe I just havnt seen any proof he exists YET cmon God do us a solid mate and purge the world of demonology.

  • the world is run by evil, there is more of us ,good people than the bad ones, we got to find a way to get them dead and out,


  • Lin Wood is an American Hero for revealing the sordid truth about the Evil Deep State Players. Mahalo,Marvin P. Matlock, MD

    • The convention was amazing and Linn Wood was on fire telling us the TRUTH. The problem is people don’t want to hear the truth, they are comfortable in their ignorance.

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