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by Greg Reese

The Declaration of Independence states that every person possesses three inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Two hundred and forty-seven years have passed, and we have mostly forgotten what those words mean.

Today it seems that most of us think that the pursuit of happiness means the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain and distress. This confusion can best be explained by the dumbing down of America which we covered in our last video, and the gross lack of spiritual enlightenment in today’s society. In modern society the childish Atheist will often ask; if there is a GOD, why do bad things happen to good people? As if the Earth is supposed to be a Utopia where humans are born to experience nothing but pleasure. Like all Utopian ideations, this is a fantasy for the weak-minded who seek to avoid the pain of life. Bad things happen to everyone so that we can overcome them, learn, and grow.

The Earth is nothing at all like a Utopia. It is a wild place where one must kill in order to live. It does not matter if one is carnivore, vegetarian, or vegan. And it does not matter if you pay someone else to kill for you. Life can only be sustained by life. And perhaps this is why civilization was created, but more often than not, they have served the tyrants at the top, while enslaving the people to run whatever system has been put into place. But in 1776, our founding fathers drafted something very unique. Perhaps the most revolutionary form of spiritual self-government ever penned to paper.

They understood what the pursuit of happiness meant. To Thomas Jefferson, it meant the pursuit of a meaningful life. And it was preceded on the list by life and liberty because individual freedom is needed in order to choose your own path in life. If God has a purpose for each and every one of us, then we have the right to live our life freely so that we can pursue our own life’s work.

The American Revolution created a form of government that serves to protect and defend the individual’s right to pursue their very own path so long as they respected the rights of others. It established a form of government whose sole purpose was to protect these unalienable rights that each individual human deserves. But this is obviously not the case anymore. The government today is serving the interests of what we could refer to as the New World Order. A worldwide police state to manage a belligerent population of undisciplined slaves.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are ethical goals. And the problem today is that the American people are no longer an ethical people. Most of us are chasing pleasure in whatever form we can find it in. Whether it be drugs, alcohol, food, sex, or just something to buy that will make us feel good for a fleeting moment.

While the New World Order definitely had a hand in all this, it is ultimately our own fault. They wanted to turn humanity into an ignorant slave class, so they laid out the bait in the form of social welfare, easy money, and easy access to all sorts of vice. And while some took the bait, those that didn’t aren’t really doing anything to help our fallen brothers and sisters. Those of us working towards a meaningful life, are mostly out for themselves and see the rest as part of the problem. And this has likely been a human struggle throughout all of history.

It has often been said that this life is a spiritual battle. And it most certainly is. The majority of the so-called Left, are not the enemy. They are our neighbors who through trauma or ignorance have come to believe the lies of the mainstream media propaganda machine. And they have been weaponized against American patriots by the New World Order. They are the fallen ones.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

If we expect a corrupt government to fix itself while we fight our fallen neighbors, then do we really deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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1 comment

  • Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was not the founders first choice or words, this was; life, liberty and individual property ownership, because a propertyless person or people are dependents at the mercy of property owners whomever they may be.

    Whether it be a landlord, a lease holder, a creditor or lender and by the way a bit coin owner now being talked about as either government owned or private banking consortium owned with the power to deny use of it for any reason, means individual bit coin owners don’t really own anything. The same thing can be said of fiat paper currency and why precious metals remain the final bulwark against tyranny. That and real property ownership.

    Hence, “you will own nothing and you will be happy” is a lie!

    The American framers knew that only property owners would be in position to pursue happiness, and this is why they revised their first draft.

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