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Despite WHO Director-General Tedros’ protests, Alex Jones reveals the United Nation’s plan for world government by simply reading from their own documents.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Some of us have been talking about this for three quarters of a century and Trump came too close for comfort to facilitating it! Would he, had he survived as President? We will never know, because he got cut off in the middle of the transition.

    I’m glad Jones mentioned Alan Greenspan, a prominent member of the club, whose free-market philosophy & smooth talk allowed Glass-Steagall to be foolishly dismantled by the US Congress, and derivative regulation to fail that turned out to be a bonanza for sharp crony investment bankers (with names) who were then given access to commercial bank deposits for leverage, a disaster for mortgage lenders, the financial collapse in the 90’s and again in 2008. Now to the novice this all sounds like real money moving around, but in a ‘fractional reserve’ central banking system, it’s not. It’s digits on paper being exchanged by wire at the speed of light, ever since the US Congress surrendered control of currency to the private bankers (with names). Nixon then erased even the last vistage of reality from this banking system when he killed the gold reserve requirement. All while Americans dreamed on in their Hollywood make believe world produced by the club (with names).

    Another club member by the name of Rochelle Paula Walensky, Biden’s appointed CDC Director, having come up through a string of medical bureaucracy positions, like Anthony Fauci, she is not a practicing MD, she’s a medical establishment scientist bureaucrat! She’s recently been grilled by the US Congress over her role in the WHO take over of America. In order to understand this much, its needful to know something more about the CDC. In December 2009, CDC Director Gerberding became president of Merck’s vaccine division after resigning as CDC Director 1/20/09 on Obama’s inauguration day so as to enable Obama’s appointment for CDC director of (club member) Tom Frieden to assume her position. These maneuvers are Key to understanding the nature of the CDC’s revolving door for globalist medical establishment bureaucrats with Big Pharma!

    Names – if anybody starts taking names, and making connections it doesn’t take long to figure out just how far down the rat hole we’ve been secretly dragged and by whom!

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