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Rep Lauren Boebert (R-CO) spoke in support of a resolution to censure Rep Adam Schiff (D-CA) on the House Floor.

Rep Adam Schiff (D-CA) was censured on Wednesday by Congress in a vote of 213 to 209.

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Alexandra Bruce

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  • Thank you for bringing the video. I appreciate all that the people who put these things together do.

    That being said, I’m sure I speak for many when I say …

    I’m tired of censuring.
    I’m tired of rebuking.
    I’m tired of scolding.
    I’m tired of threatening impeachment.
    I’m tired of humiliating.
    I’m tired of excoriating.
    I’m tired of removing from committees.
    I’m tired even of impeachment, should that ever occur within the next 1,000 years.

    What I want to see, and see now, is executions. I don’t even think I care to see any trials. Just execute. Commit our entire GDP to producing guillotines for one year, and then let those blades fall and fall and fall and fall and fall.

    FBI? Bye bye
    CIA? Bye bye
    Schiff? Bye bye
    Pelosi? Bye bye

    I want my streets absolutely bathed in their blood. No hyperbole. I want to see them die. I want to see them dead. In fact, I want to see them tortured over the course of months–on live TV, YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble, Infowars, CNN, MSNBC…Doesn’t matter.

    The country needs this spiritual revival.

  • Screech, blah, screech, blah, How does censuring this boofus do anything. He should be convicted of a crime and jailed.

  • I agree with Boebert. Lyin’ Schiff should be banished from the DC “Government”. If it was left to me, I’d “banish” him with one shot to the back of the head. He exemplifies the term “Useless Eater”.

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