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This latest episode of Lara Logan’s Rest of the Story documentary series about the events of January 6th features Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins, who was a police captain and crime investigator for many years.

Based on all the evidence that he has seen, Higgins believes that the January 6th Capitol Riot was staged and fomented by the FBI.

Higgins says that there were two buses that were the first to arrive at Union Station in Washington DC on January 6th at 5AM. They had been sloppily painted white and had no markings and they were loaded with large, strapping men who stayed inside the buses, as did the drivers. Higgins believes these men were all FBI assets.

He also refers to as-yet unreleased J6 footage he’s seen of police officers – Capitol Police or Metro Police or both – entering rooms and coming out dressed as Trump supporters and construction workers.

Higgins says that the FBI had already been infiltrating online chat groups of people who were chafing against the COVID lockdowns and mandates, many of them peopled with Trump supporters who later attended the January 6th rally. So many of those who attended the January 6th rally had already been under FBI surveillance for months.



Lara – studio intro

We’re breaking with our regular series to bring you a rare, in-depth interview with a man who is no stranger to controversy and doesn’t seem to give a damn what people think of him. Clay Higgins has gone from cop to congressman. And along the way, did things law enforcement officers don’t normally do, like the way he delivered his message in crime stopper videos that earned him the name the “Cajun John Wayne.”

If you look him up online, you’ll find no shortage of articles condemning Clay Higgins as a far-right conspiracy theorist, peddling in crazy, unfounded ideas about January 6th. Then again, these are the same people who told us Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation and President Donald Trump was a Russian spy. Simply put, they often lie and we don’t care what they think.

We know we’ve been deceived about January 6th because the narrative has shifted. For example, we now know from court cases and the FBI itself that the bureau did have undercover assets on the ground. That’s one of the reasons we wanted to speak to Representative Higgins. He’s one of the few in Congress who’s challenged the insurrection narrative from the start and as a former law enforcement officer himself knows a thing or two about investigations.

Powerful people who dominate the flow of information don’t want you to hear what he has to say or what he’s learned over the past two and a half years. That alone seems like a compelling reason for us to find out.

(Interview begins)

Lara: This is a letter from Bennie Thompson, who was chairman of the January 6th Select Committee, and he sent this to TSA, to the Honorable David Pekoske, who’s the administrator for TSA.

They want a briefing on “efforts to address the travel of white supremacists and other domestic terrorist groups. Options for quickly denying air carrier service to individuals posing a potential threat, and current status of efforts to identify and add to watchlists.” How far does this go?

Clay: That letter was the beginning of an executive action by the TSA to use its authority to instruct America’s air marshals to track and follow Trump supporters that have been charged with no crime. They were guilty only of – of arriving by air into D.C. on January 4th, fifth or sixth. And those – those manifest were turned over to the FBI.

The FBI went through those manifest. And every American that they identified, that the FBI identified as a Trump supporter, that was on those manifest was added to the FBI’s suspected domestic terrorist watch list. The FBI create the profile on those people – a suspected terrorist profile, and then the TSA administrator used his authority to instruct air the Marshals of America to track those Americans wherever they fly and

Lara: Still today?

Clay: It’s still happening. This is who our air marshals are following, the Trump supporters and that letter signed by Bennie Thompson, who was chair of the J6 Select Committee and signed by John Katko, who at the time was a ranking member.

Lara: A Republican.

Clay: He was the lead Republican of the Homeland Security Committee advising the- the Pekoske, the TSA senior guy to use all of that authority to track Trump supporters that have not been charged with a crime. They were guilty only of arriving in D.C. by air.

Lara: And every time they fly, they’re being tracked?

Clay: That’s right.

Lara: If they have never been convicted of terrorism, why are they on the terror watch list? It’s a violation of the First Amendment. They exercise their First Amendment rights. They’re being punished for it. It’s a violation of the Fourth Amendment. I mean, how many laws does this violate? How many rights does this violate? This is not a free country.

Lara: You’re not a free country where you’re tracked by air marshals, by the way, at taxpayer expense. And we’re not talking about an insignificant expense. Teams of three air marshals tracing people all over the country? You’re putting physical detail onto people.

Clay: That’s right

Lara: That’s the most expensive form of surveillance that exists.

Clay: Let me say – let me clarify. It’s very comforting to Americans to think that there’s, there might be an air marshal on your flight.

Lara: Not if they’re tracking you for your political beliefs.

Clay: Well, not if they’re being used for nefarious purposes. But the people that are complaining about this are the air marshals themselves, digital whistleblowers that are coming forward to tell a congressman that they felt would pay attention.

Lara: This has been going on since January ‘21 and you just found out about it. What else is going on, that we don’t know about?

Clay: We don’t know, but I’m telling you, we’re in uncharted waters as it relates to the weaponization of our government against the American people. I am not frightened of these people. I’ve spent my life serving others and and I love my country. This thing is not going to just slip away. They’re not going to take us without a fight.

And I’m going to fight legally and peacefully and within the parameters of the Constitution that I’ve sworn to serve, but they’re going down. These – these men, and their high perch in there, their position of power and authority and are walking upon our entire history, our deepest core principles. They’re not going to get away with it.

Lara: They have so far.

Clay: We’ll see.

Lara: Powerful people in this country. They want to make sure no one hears your voice. They want everyone to look at you like a far-right, crazy conspiracy theorist. Is that who you are?

Clay: No, m’am. I’m a regular American man. I’m an investigator – police officer by background. I’m going to continue to speak the truth, whether anybody likes it or not.

Lara: You’ve always been controversial. I mean, even when you were in law enforcement, you did those crimestopper videos that went viral. People loved them. You got a lot of heat for them, too. (Plays video).

Was that your idea with you? Were you the reason behind that?

Clay: Those videos, those public service announcements were part of my job that the sheriff asked me to perform.

Lara: Because you were the press officer? Public affairs person?

Clay: Public service, but that was a late in my career. I didn’t ask for that position, I had been a swat cop for long time. In fact, when the sheriff asked me to to take that role, I first I thought he was joking. And I told the sheriff, “I don’t know how to do that.” and he said, “well there, it’s easy.”

And you show up where the TV people tell you to show up and you stand where they tell you to stand and somebody holds the script for you and you read it. I did that a couple of weeks. I read the script, but I was uncomfortable with that because it wasn’t real. It wasn’t reflective of what I had been telling actual suspects for many years.

In the dead of night. That direct conversation that a lone cop will have, whether a young man has taken a wrong turn in life and asked to be arrested. That’s a very special communication for a good cop.

Lara: How do you do that, Clay? How do you have that conversation?

Clay: Well, you speak candidly and honestly and from your heart with compassion, but discipline and confidence. I mean, if – if I show up in your life at 2:00 in the morning, it is not because you’ve had a good day. I don’t consider you to be a bad man. You’ve just done something that has crossed a line and – according to statute, and I’m ‘a help you through the booking process and hopefully lead you to a better day.

Their only path really to freedom was through my jail and – and real freedom. Spiritual freedom would – would be if they could break the bonds of darkness, you know. So the way I deliver the message when I began having to record video segments, I just communicated in that same honest manner. And – and what started happening is people started turning themselves in.

Lara: People responded. And even beyond your little sheriff’s department in Louisiana.

Clay: It was big.

Lara: Right?

Clay: Worldwide. Some of those videos, wh- they were translated in eight languages, I’m told. IT people told me they were viewed 150 million times across the world.

Lara: No one had seen anything like it.

Clay: It was just honesty. And that’s what I do in Congress.

Lara: Well, there is another video of you that went viral not so long ago, which is when you at that press conference on the Hill and that activist kept coming up and you leaned in and took your sunglasses down, you told him, “I’m going to give you an interview. I’ll give you what you want, but this is what you got to do.” And then he came back.

Clay: You had a Freedom Caucus press conference immediately following a Bernie Sanders-like rally. So they had, you know, not necessarily a good mix. You – one could anticipate there might be some activists there that that would not necessarily agree with the kind of things we were saying in our in our press conference. And one of those little fellas figured out there was no police around.

Clay: So he wanted to be more aggressive than he should have been. (Lara plays video).

And he came on and saw the barriers, you know, into the press area. He was not a journalist.

Lara: He was walking right between the group of congressmen.

Clay: Yeah, he came – he was trying to get around to Lauren Boebert and I had already dressed him down a little bit and put him in a box.

That didn’t last but maybe a minute and he decided to get even more aggressive, so I just – I had to escort him out of the area. I turned him over to the police. That was the end of it.

Lara: I like the way you say “escort him out.” You basically picked him up and walked him over and put him down.

Clay: That was an escort.

Lara: That’s a Clay Higgins escort?

Clay: That’s a Clay Higgins escort, Yeah.

Lara: And you stayed very calm and said, “Calm yourself.”

Clay: Calm down, son.

Lara: It sounded like you’d said those words before.

Clay: Yeah, I’ve said them before. Kind of where we are as a nation right now. It calls for calm consideration and response to the oppression that we face from within. It’s – it’s quite nefarious.

Lara: Tell me what you mean. What do we face as a nation?

Clay: Generationally, we have allowed our federal law enforcement agencies to gradually become commanded by corrupted men, and they’ve been corrupted not so much by money, but by power. And that power really began manifesting itself insidiously with The FBI and DOJ and our intelligence services since 9/11, since the Patriot Act. We gave them great authorities and power.

Those powers are no longer being – being used to thwart terrorists. They’re being used to oppress the individual rights and freedoms of regular Americans like me and like the citizens I’ve sworn to serve. So I have a problem with that.

Lara: The counter to that would be these are not ordinary citizens. These are domestic terrorists. Because that’s, I mean, it’s very clear from Christopher Wray, the letter that he wrote about parents going to school board meetings that need to be investigated as terrorists. You speak at a Moms for Liberty event today, you get targeted by the Anti-Defamation League or the Southern Poverty Law Center or someone like that as a domestic terrorist. And these organizations are working very closely with not just social media companies, but with law enforcement.

Clay: Regular patriotic American men and women are not terrorists. Let me say the factions within our highest levels of federal law enforcement – And I and I and I – FBI and DOJ and intelligence services, these corrupted men we’re discussing, they could be more readily identified and more accurately described as domestic terrorists than – than me. They’re the ones treading upon my individual rights and freedoms. They’re the ones that’s spying on – on Americans. They’re the ones traveling uh great distances to, to insert themselves into the lives of Americans that are just communicating freely, as is our right online or anywhere else, at meetings as we congregate and gather.

Lara: What about those who say your, your right to gather and uh have a conversation doesn’t give you a right to assault police officers and disrupt Congress and so on?

Clay: I don’t support battery on police officers or, uh, nor – nor violent disruption of – of government operations, but I will remind everyone that a free American has a right to resist an unlawful arrest.

Lara: At the last hearing where you addressed Christopher Wray, you produced a photograph of what you called “ghost buses.” Your point really was that they’re unmarked vehicles full of individuals that have not been explained. Is that right?

Clay: A “ghost vehicle” in law enforcement is not an uncommon reference. It’s vehicle has been purposefully concealed to – to whereby it’s not easy to identify. So no license plate. It’s been painted over its original cover. In this case, these two buses were totally painted white, like a cheap, vast overspray over all of the markings. So when you have two charter buses show up, the very first buses to show up in Union Station on January 6th…

Lara: Around 5 a.m.?

Clay: Around 5 a.m. The initial witness, another charter bus owner, arrived at – at 5:20. He thought he would be the first to arrive because he knew the schedule of all the other charter buses and he knew that most the buses would begin arriving around 6. So this charter bus operator was very experienced man. Very squared away. When he arrived with his couple of buses, these two white buses were – were to his surprise already there, and he immediately noticed that these buses were odd because they were totally painted over. It was a bad paint job. There was no markings, no phone numbers, no company name, totally outside the parameters of the way charter buses are required to operate and by law. So he said, “these buses are weird” and no one was getting out.

Clay: So something else that happens within that charter bus driver community is the drivers know each other. The passengers may stay on a bus if they’re especially in a parking lot, and not ready to disembark yet.

Lara: Sure.

Clay: The passengers might stay on a bus, but the bus drivers get off and they talk to each other.

They talk to the other bus drivers. So there are things that happen normally that the absence of that happening was odd. So he was suspicious enough of these buses as a professional, that he collected some digital evidence of those buses and then estimated with him and – and other eyewitnesses between 40 and 50 guys that they described as “Trump supporters.”

They all disembarked from the bus and they gathered in front of – of the two buses and they had like some kind of discussion, a briefing like the way a military leader would address his troops.

Lara: Yeah, they call it a huddle.

Clay: And then they together went to the escalators and up into Union Station and were gone.

Lara: And they were all men?

Clay: They were all men in all the Trump regalia. These men were in really good shape. They made comments like, “Wow, these are real serious Trump supporters. These guys” and they said they all had elbow pads and knee pads. And least they appeared like they had common equipment, but they were not in uniform, but they – they behaved in a uniform manner.

And we intend to get all of that video evidence from Union Station, from the escalators, from the parking lot. We have other eyewitnesses, much to the chagrin of everybody that was in those buses and everyone who commanded them to be there. We’ve identified one of those buses. And you know what that means? That means that’s their ass, because a bus is a serial numbered vehicle.

And in America, the change of ownership of a serial numbered vehicle…

Lara: Is recorded.

Clay: Is documented. So that means we can begin to trace from the original owner of that bus where it was sold and who bought it, and then who it was leased to and where it disappeared. And then eventually those buses were removed from the Union Station and we’re going to document all of that.

Lara: So you believe that those buses held undercover officers, not informants? Correct?

Clay: I feel very, very confident that – that everybody that was on those two buses were FBI assets.

And I have a high degree of belief there were actual FBI agents. And – and I’m, I’m sorry to say, ma’am, my objective conclusion is that – that senior officials at the at the FBI were deeply involved there.

Clay: You had a combination of FBI confidential informants either registered, unregistered – or a volunteer informant, or actual FBI agents depending upon a group and how significant a group was. Like the agents inserted in say the Proud Boys groups that we’re going to come to D.C. Those are most probably actual FBI agents. Whereas some, you know, random Facebook group of patriots from Arizona or something were most likely an informant.

So it would still fall under the umbrella of an “FBI asset” if they were communicating with the FBI – data that they were harvesting and information that they were recording and delivering it to the FBI, screenshots of text chats or actual recordings of phone calls, things like that – that they were delivering to the FBI, all part of the web of surveillance of the American people.

Lara: What have you seen? What can you tell us about? I know you can’t get ahead of everything. I know there’s limitations on some of this, but can you tell us anything?

Clay: I can tell you that, that the FBI had, had established a formula in 2020 that, that they pursued with all their – their power and authority to infiltrate groups across the country of Americans that were essential discussing online. They’d formed online groups.

Lara: Like chat rooms?

Clay: Yeah, like chat rooms.

Lara: Discord and Telegram.

Clay: Etc. to discuss their frustrations with COVID oppression and so the FBI identified groups and and – and infiltrated them with undercover operations that were very effective and they began planting seeds of discord. If you track the – the text threads, which I’ve – I’ve seen some of again, through evidence that I’ve been able to witness, but I cannot, I cannot share publicly because it would be in violation of – of court orders.

Lara: But to be clear, this is video you’ve seen with your own eyes?

Clay: Yes, ma’am. The evidence that was in criminal cases.

Lara: Is this what it’s based on? It’s based on the digital evidence, what you have on camera and supporting evidence for that and other kinds?

Clay: Yeah, eyewitness testimony, sworn testimony, affidavits, text messages, emails, and digital – digital footage. Yes, ma’am.

Lara: A lot of people would say “Clay, you’re lawman, right? That’s what we do. We infiltrate groups where we perceive there to be a threat or potential of crime being committed. We have undercover officers. We have undercover assets like informants. This is the bread and butter of law enforcement. What are you complaining about?”

Clay: They were the criminals. They were the threat.

Lara: Based on what?

Clay: We were just Americans. We were Americans that were that were angry and – and we were enraged that our freedoms were being oppressed and that FBI and the powers that had become corrupted, the those – those bad actors within the federal government that had this authority, they said “these Americans, how dare those Americans challenge the oppression that we’re putting upon them.”

Lara: Can you share any of the messages yet that you have said you traced back to FBI undercovers inside these groups and these chats?

Clay: No m’am.

Lara: Will you share it when you can?

Clay: The moment that I’m able to reveal that – that stuff, I will.

Lara: You said specifically that you saw that there were undercover police officers who were inside the Capitol before any of the protesters came in.

Clay: That’s right.

Lara: How do you know that? And can you give us any sense of what that means?

Clay: I mean, if you clearly have men dressed as Trump supporters walking around inside the Capitol on the other side of police officers who are, to one extent or another, not engaged with them, like they’re not concerned about them.

Lara: Right.

Clay: Then you have a set of closed doors like exterior doors and interior doors closed, and you have police officers positioned outside and then in between the two doors and then on the inside of the second set of doors – doors weren’t open yet.

Lara: What time was this?

Clay: This was – a couple of videos that Trump was still speaking and then on the inside, it looked like Trump supporters walking around in groups of five or six, so these were clearly separated physically and by doors and by police officers from the guys on the outside.

Any reasonable man would come to the conclusion– When you have videos of the doors being opened and police officers allowing Trump supporters that had gathered at the door to now enter, no violence, just walking in. “Just come on in, some fist bumps, and come in.” A second set of doors open, then there’s a group of Trump supporters on the steps, interior steps saying, “Come on this way, this way.”

Lara: What does that tell you?

Clay: Any reasonable man would look at that and say this was a coordinated effort by a law enforcement to have these people come in to. So who was that? They had to be, you know, I think as nefarious forces and part of the whole agenda of the – of the FBI with their involvement of this whole thing. We have other evidence, specific observations of police officers, Capitol police or metro, both entering rooms and here in the Capitol in uniform and coming out as Trump supporters and construction workers.

Lara: You’ve seen that?

Clay: Yeah, so…

Lara: Why has that video not been released yet?

Clay: One would say that’s a pretty good clue.

Lara: Yeah.

Clay: The other reason that we believe it’s just practical to have someone who knows how to get around, I mean, you know yourself, you can’t walk around his place. You have to be here for years and years.

Lara: The capitol is a maze.

Clay: That’s right. And it’s incredibly difficult to get around. You have to know where you’re going.

Clay: You had to have people that were very familiar with the the capital itself in order to lead to random groups of citizens that have come from every corner of the country in many cases, never been to D.C. before, much less walked around in the capital. So it – it just makes sense that the Trump supporters that were leading the way and were clearly already inside the capital before the doors were open, were working in coordination with the FBI agents and assets that were embedded into the crowd.

In some cases in these groups had been embedded for months. This is ugly stuff we’re discussing, but the American people deserve to know the truth and I intend to see that it happens.

Lara: A lot of people just won’t believe it without – they have to see the evidence or they just don’t believe you.

Clay: I don’t want to believe these things. I’ve been a cop for a long time, since I was a little boy. The FBI shield was – that was the baddest ass badge a cop could ever earn. It was an honored achievement to become an FBI agent so it’s with great pain I describe the corruption that has taken hold within our FBI, and we intend to clean it up because these rank-and-file FBI agents, let me tell you that a lot of these men and women are quite disturbed about what has happened to their beloved FBI. Same thing inside the DOJ. We have an obligation as Americans to embrace truth, whether it’s ugly or not, so that we can take corrective action.

Lara: Okay so you have the floor now, but you don’t know how much longer you have it for, right? And you don’t have forever.

Clay: We don’t.

Lara: And it’s been how long?

Clay: 10 months.

Lara: 10 months?

Clay: Some things have not happened that – that – that the conservatives within the people’s house would like to happen. We’ve had some disagreements internally regarding who shall be our speaker. We just had to go through what we went through in order to arrive at that particular junction of American history where a man like Mike Johnson became our speaker. Mike gets it, that all the digital evidence of for instance J6 has to be released to the American people, talking about altogether between 40 and 50,000 hours of digital evidence.

No one has a staff large enough to go through that evidence. So it has to be crowdsourced, have to give this stuff to the American people. And then the truth will be revealed, clip by clip.

Lara: Mike Johnson has released precisely 12 and a half thousand hours of that 40,000, and he’s not releasing 5%, which is 2,000 hours. Whether it’s for a good reason or a bad reason, it provides opportunity to hide whatever you want in those 2,000 hours. I’m not saying he’s hiding something because I don’t know.

Lara: But I’m just saying is when you’re withholding 2,000 hours, you can put whatever you want in that 2,000 hours. There are American citizens who are sitting in jail, some of them for three years without a trial. People have gone to solitary confinement for misdemeanor charges, nonviolent misdemeanor charges.

They’re still arresting people. You expect people to go to an election and vote when they don’t even have answers on their questions on the last election. And over time, more and more and more evidence is coming out in court cases. Right? Judges that wouldn’t take those cases when the light was on them. Now they’re not able to avoid them anymore. So what are you waiting for?

The people who don’t want the truth out have complete information dominance.

Right? You come out with something, you have a committee hearing? Dismissed. Conspiracy theories. “Ah Higgins. He’s a far right lunatic. Now, you know, don’t listen to him.” And so there are millions of people in this country that read The New York Times every day. Some of them were in this room, right? They hear you saying this and they think you’re just a nut.

You’re just a nut. And where’s the evidence or Mike Johnson’s going to release it? What is he waiting for?

Clay: The truth of what happened on those days, J 4 or 5 and 6 is in the digital evidence that Speaker Johnson has control of. And thank God we have a speaker who has stated that he is committed to release all of that data. Now he’s restrained to the extent that he’s restrained by attorneys, but he’s an attorney himself. And, and we’ll see. When you when you say not going to release at all, I say, let’s see.

Lara: Well, those were his words, not mine.

Clay: Well, I know the man’s heart and it is pure and he knows that American needs full truth. I believe, I speak on behalf of “we the people” when I say we demand full release. The whole thing. Not just from the Capitol grounds and within the Capitol proper by the way. We want it all. We want all the DC Metro digital evidence. We need evidence from Union Station and and some other spots that we’ve identified.

Lara: Can you tell me any of those spots that you’ve identified, Union Station being one. What other the spots?

Clay: The parking areas and, and areas for dismemberment.

Lara: What do you mean by that?

Clay: The escalator areas where you can connect the dots from agents disembarking from vehicles and going either on foot to their stations and their teams of three and four and five, or getting in other vehicles that were dispersed and where some actions were noted that were born of of those vehicles, where some actions were taken, nefarious stuff.

Lara: What can potentially happen there? If you were a J6 defendant who’s in prison or was convicted of a crime, but you find out later that – that Brady material was withheld from you in violation of the law, is there legal redress for you here?

Clay: Yeah, that would flip the case. The bottom line is that if we are successful, if Mike Johnson is successful at getting all the digital evidence from J4, 5, and 6 released entirely to the American people, including the body cam footage of – of – of every police officer that was either operating in uniform or not in uniform, shall we say, then all these J6 I call “persecutions”, these political prisoners, those cases will be flipped because it’s exculpatory evidence that’s been withheld and the prosecution has a legal responsibility to provide exculpatory evidence that they’re in possession of to the defense. In this case, in every one of these J6 cases that have been prosecuted, the FBI and the DOJ has most certainly been in possession of all the digital evidence that we’re describing right now. If we’re successful at getting that evidence released to the American people, the American people are going to be stunned into acceptance of the reality that our FBI and our DOJ, and in some cases, head people in our intelligence services, have been corrupted by power.

Lara: Have you seen all the video? I know it’s a lot.

Clay: It’s a lot.

Lara: Have you seen the key parts?

Clay: I’ve seen many segments of video that most Americans have not seen, that is incredibly condemning. They’re so desperate to keep this digital evidence away from Americans, just regular citizen’s review, that they’re going through quite complex legal maneuvers to stop Americans from viewing this evidence. Every American that’s watching this should ask themselves why. Whether you’re liberal or conservative, ask yourself why.

Lara: Why do you think?

Clay: Why are you concealing that evidence from me? Why can’t I see that? It’s video from my own capital. People have a tendency to forget, especially my liberal brothers and sisters across the country. This is your country. This is your capital. You have the right to know what actually happened in 2020 in the months preceding J4, 5, and 6. You have the right to see the digital evidence of what truly happened in your capital on January 4th, 5th, and 6th. This is my position.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Naomi Wolf put out a video back in like 2010 warning us that we was in Stage 10 of 10 stages of a totalitarian take over. So this is it people. The next 11 months will decide the fate of the world

  • Interesting Interview and No nonsense, Intriguing submission by Congressman Higgins. I hadn’t heard about the “FBI assets” arriving on “Ghost” buses preparing their infiltration. I wonder if face coverings were being worn by them at that time of Morning? Or, if they were confident they would never be recognized?
    I want to believe that Speaker Johnson is not just a good man with a “clean heart”, but a Man that was born, elected to Congress and now the Speaker of the People’s House “for such a time as this”. Justice must be served‼️ ⚖️ and it will with or without him.
    God knows the End from the Beginning and we only know in part. So, if Speaker Johnson decides to wheel & deal with the Information within those 2,000 hours to satisfy the RINOs and appease the Radicals in the House, and God’s Hand of Anointing is lifted off him ~ He too will fall, but God’s will will be done.

    • Babbit was a crisis actor. These people have Hollywood on their side as Hollywood is satanic as it gets, so they can pull off false flags that look VERY VERY Real.

  • Well,
    Here the date us getting close to 3 tears since Jan6 ,
    People need to Stop following a 2 party political system abd realize both sides democrats and Republicans are no good.
    It’s a lucky person, no luck , well maybe a little, special kind of person, No not really special, just ordinary folks who do research To Realize What’s Really Going on.

    Good information on above link.

    Above link is about FUN VAX Satanic Global Agenda.–historical-facts1mp4-109026

    Merry Christmas ! ! !


  • only little complaint i have for Clay here is when he says towards end of vid that “conservatives” need this matter to be cleared up… Do. Not. Confine. this issue to “conservatives” . Many many Left leaning(at least formerly) voters are very much awake to the J6 shenanigans. THIS IS NOT A CONSERVATIVE VS LIBERAL Issue. We need to get past that kind of dichotomous thinking

    • Good point. Thank you. Most people who live in the perpetrated machine-world narratives of the agenda have been abused and victimized. Pray for them and be patient. At heart, most of them are very good people and truth will unite us as the world reveals itself.

      The knowledgeable perpetrators though? Hang them and then pray for their souls.

  • I saw enough the morning after J6 just to know there was gonna be a bunch of patsys after that Q- shamen guy got arrested I knew it was a set up because the magic video that ” broke” on Fox was all over the internet J7. I wish I saved some of it.

    Anyway, when you guys dismantle the FBI, please give me a job, because I am still on the terrorist watch list from after 911, and I am not allowed to even work at Walmart. I literally was thinking about sneaking back into the country for a new identity. I finally got my driver’s license back, but it requires a camera and breathalyzer from a DUI in 2003. It seems like these ” watchlists” just go on autopilot, then onto the taxpayers tab.

    I paid all my fines and debt to society over 20 yrs ago.

    Speaking of that, community service sometimes is better redemption than ” His” jail. Some of these kids never had an adult tell them how to do anything, and most were told to their face they were worthless from day 1. Unfortunately, those types seem to breed the most. Having an identity and a reputation is a big deal. Go figure.

    As a 44 yr old woman, I like Mr. Higgins and wish we now had a whole country full of guys like him, but he is so right… that power corrupts.

    Anyone, judges to agents to officers, that uses our laws and agencies for personal agendas should be required to pay restitution for all the years and money it costs to have detail on these people.

    PS: Merry Christmas Alexandra!

    • The DS targeted and destroyed my business over the past 8 years and it’s been horrible – but I always count myself very lucky that: 1) I didn’t take the Death Shot; 2) I didn’t go to DC on January 6th.

      I’m so sorry about the endless, unwarranted pain and sorrow that these Sadistic cowards have caused you.

      And on that note – Merry Christmas!

      • Thank G-d you are well Alexandria. Not just a few of us saw what was coming and tried to warn people to stay away from DC, it’s gonna be a trap, and it was.

    • You were wiser than me. I didn’t put it together at the time that Pelosi was in charge of the Capitol cops and that Capitol cops opening the barricades was going to be a trap. But hang on a minute..nor did I know that the whole “insurrection” was a two-party plot. Now it becomes provable that FBI and DOJ assets were bused in. Who planned that? Well, we have to look at the other side, because the people who did the planning and execution of DOJ and FBI assets on the buses were all Trump appointees. Yep, the weasel Wray and…wait for it…the weasel king, Bill Barr, who resigned right before Christmas, 2020, and was followed by Jeffrey Rosen, soon-to-be liar and betrayer, also appointed by Trump as acting Attorney General. He took over from Barr on Dec. 24th and was acting AG until Jan.20th, two weeks afterJan 6. Was it Barr who planned and put DOJ and FBI guys on the buses or was it Rosen?? Does it matter? It was one or the other of them. What this all tells us is that both parties were involved in setting up the “insurrection.” Rosen later testified to the Democratic Inquisition on the matter that Trump immediately pressured him to send alternative electors, saying that he would take care of the rest with the Republicans in Congress. This was immediately reported by the msm as a crime (which sending alternative electors wasn’t, if it ever happened at all that Trump involved Rosen.) As to Rosen’s implied illegal conspiracy with Republicans in Congress, is that what it would have been, or was Congress supposed to hear the case properly under the Constitution? Well, that didn’t happen either, did it? Parenthetically, how long are we going to see people partisanly charged with non-crimes that are treated by the courts as real crimes? Unbelievable!
      Jan 6 was a stitch-up by both sides. I don’t think there can be reasonable doubt of it, and I hope Clay Higgins proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  • They claim white people are domestic terrorists? Then they claimed Catholic people are domestic terrorists? Also anyone who took a flight to DC in Jan5?
    Let me make my own list? Anyone who is fat with purple hair? Anyone with mask? Anyone with subscriptions to NY Times, Wahington Post LA Times? Anyone from NYC, DC, LA, san Fran, Boston? Anyone who voted for Obama?

  • It was all planned to set up President Trump to stop him from ever running as president ever again. Nancy Pelosi was also in on it that’s why she turned Trumps request to send in the National Guards. Why isn’t she being interrogated about that? She turned it down people. She was in on it. Also why was her son in law Micheal I think that’s his name, not sure who is married to her daughter, what was he doing their at the capital that day? I saw a photo of him where I read a caption that said Nancy Pelosi son in law at the capital during the jan6 riots. Why hasn’t anyone question him what was he doing there that day also? Why don’t you question them? Why they are not brought in to testify. Oh right, no one has the gonads to do it. She is not speaker of the house anymore, so what’s the excuse not to question her she and her family are not above the law as they as they love to tell other people other wise. She is not above the law and she should be question even though she will lie through her teeth as always. These are the real criminals that set this whole mess up to blame trump for something that he never said at his rally. He was a mile away from the capitol, he didn’t even know what was happening or was going to happen while he was giving his speech to his supporters. He said peacefully but the demorats turn it around claiming he was advocating for violence when that was way far from the truth. This whole mess was all planned way ahead in advance. Who were the men posing as the capital police? I very much doubt they were even the real police but posing as one. Why did they attack the protesters at the capital? They weren’t the real police, they acted like the mafia police. Why haven’t anyone tried to get those innocent people who are prisoners out? Where are they? Why isn’t anyone doing anything to get them out? Are there really prisoners being held hostage? Someone needs to grow a pair and hold these criminals that planned all this to account. Also I read some of the police committed suicide or were they murdered because they knew the truth of what really happen that day? I am not buying the suicide bs. These are questions that need to be investigated big time. A lot of people should be going to prison but since everybody seems to have immunity since they work for a foreign entity they will never get prosecuted ever, unless we get some real people with gonads who are not afraid to do what’s right and throw all the people that were involved in this disgusting event in prison for the rest of their lives. President Trump Is Innocent and you all know it.

  • It’s self evident these two precious souls have solid rudders, but if this Congressman trusts speaker Johnson as he says he does, then I question his discernment. Johnson appears to be a Zionist and that does not bode well for America!

    Confused loyalties are what ails our government and people now! When Speaker Johnson announced his priorities what was FIRST on his list? Israel! What was first on his predecessors list? Ukraine!

    What does Ukraine and Israel have in common besides US Congressional loyalties? If you say Zionism, you would have guessed rightly. Do not fall for the Neo-con deception regurgitated by former CIA Mike Pompeo that Zionism and Judaism are the same things, they are not! To wit, recent Jewish protests against the murderous fruit of Zionism now being witnessed in Gaza.

    As I write there are Neo-con/Zionist lobby efforts in the US Congress to criminalize speech against Zionism, but MSM wont tell us about it until they are sure of success! These concerns are not limited to the US Congress.

    What President has demonstrated more than any other, that his loyalty to temporal Zion is superior to all others? Only one man fits that pair of shoes and it ain’t Biden.

    The end game isn’t checkers, it isn’t even three dimensional chess, it’s fourth dimensional chess, let us not overlook the spiritual dimension.

    • JD,

      If one SEMITIC tribe, Palestinians, attacks another SEMITIC
      tribe, Israelis (( excepting those white Khazarian Paeudo-
      Jews, having no genetic link to Abraham ))—then, how
      may Western media charge Palestinians with
      Anti-Semitism (( “Semite” is a term related
      to ancient tribes speaking certain
      languages, in the Levant )) ?


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