The United Nations announced last week that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres have signed an agreement to ‘accelerate’ Agenda 2030.
Genocide, New World Order, War
Klaus Schwab & UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres Sign Agreement to ‘Accelerate’ Agenda 2030
July 21, 2022
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So, just what does one do with their excess FRN’s ??? Even PM’s are not the safe haven they were thought to be. Because of all the “paper metal” on the Crimex, it is possible to see $4 silver and $300 gold again. Which would be a wonderful buying opportunity, but would not be good if you were to pay today’s prices for it, especially with the rediculous premiums the dealers are charging nowadays.
We’re sorry but Klaus Schwab was not elected by the people of any nation to lead anyone. This “Clingon” or “Klingon” has no power to wipe any butt or take any moneys from any human living this day. Vaxx and boosters are only for for people who are unable to see the dangers of jabs after being warned countless times of global depopulation.
I’d really treasure being the judge who metes out punishment to these evil clowns like Fauci, Schwab, Gates, Soros, Ferguson, Newsom, and a huge number of others, when they’re found guilty of all their heinous crimes against humanity.
Just for starters, each would be sentenced to mow lawns with a push mower in south Florida 12 hours a day at 29 cents an hour, with no shirts and a 30 lb scuba belt around their waists. Each mower would be adorned with a Murder Hornet nest.
At the end of their 12 hour shifts, if they are in need of camaraderie, they can be dropped off at the nearest Home Depot for a bit of Miller Time to shoot the schitt with the local villagers and illegal aliens. If they’re lucky, they may even ride off with 9 other dudes in a van to even more lucrative jobs, like maybe collecting railroad ties or pulling cable. In order to pay the rent, you know. If they survive 5 years of this, they will be handed over to the people who lost friends and loved ones due to their bloodthirsty psychopathy.
Genghis Khan’s got nothing on me.
Hang them in a sitting position over a pool of piranhas – 4 of them at a time. Lower than hem one notch at a time. Raise them a notch for snitching on someone else. Love were them a notch every time they make a sound. Have pari-mutuel exotic bets as to which one loses the first toe, which one gets his ass bit first, which one cry’s the loudest, which one is eaten first.
F* these bastards. Capture them, try them, and hang them.
Are we not dying fast enough???
I signed a bill for y’all to go FUK YOUR HAT