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As we know, there’s a firehose of unnerving developments in the world, along with and endless stream of speculation about an incoming Black Swan event that will soon make our current lives unrecognizable.

Therefore, this may be one of the last times that I can publish a frivolous video about Joe Biden’s plastic surgery. So, here we go!

Joe Biden’s altered appearance has been the subject of mass speculation, with detractors in the alternative media claiming that actors wearing $40,000 rubber masks are portraying the POTUS.

Proponents of this theory believe that everybody from Hillary Clinton to Kamala Harris to Donald Trump to Pope Francis and Benjamin Netanyahu have been replaced with actors sporting expensive masks designed by the CIA that are so thin, they only last a few weeks before they need to be replaced.

Dr Gary Linkov is a plastic surgeon who practices in New York City and who also has a popular YouTube channel. His worldview is worlds away from such “conspiratorial” speculations and he’s likely never heard these rumors but he does have a trained eye for various rejuvenation procedures and he offers his analysis of the work that Joe Biden has had over the years – which is a lot.

For example, where many Biden haters believe that the change in his earlobes indicates that he’s been replaced with one or more actors, Dr Linkov refers to this as a “Pixie Ear Deformity”, caused by heavy scarring from a superficial facelift, in which his skin was pulled back, trimmed-down and reattached but his ligaments weren’t released and his facial tissues weren’t properly repositioned.

In the professional opinion of Dr Linkov, Joe Biden has had two plug graft procedures to his hairline, a more modern Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), a brow lift, a blepharoplasty aka eye lift and a major facelift/necklift. He estimates that the total cost of these procedures, so far has been $145,000.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • A lot of times he has different ears too. Sometimes the bottom curls up like letter U but a lot of the time it just angles into neck like \ but nobody ever brings this up for some reason.

  • Who cares?
    He looks like a butt head no matter which face he puts on.
    Besides if it’s based on real stuff, it won’t survive craptube censorship.

  • Imagine some being from another planet studying Joe Biden, with a completely clinical, cold, and sterile approach. Lol…

    “Note the infraorbital foramen region below the orbital cavities denoting a hint of profound mimicry, which the spare iguanidid lips complement outstandingly as they utter sibilances designed to attract groups of hominids that band together as a defensive mode due to startlingly low intelligence capabilities. The occipital ridge sometimes visible from the rear may indicate a disturbing habit of being reticent of speaking the truth, and together with the squashed in parietal bone will reveal an individual with a very malodorous predilection for young pre pubescent females, as their hair stimulates meesages to the cerebral cortex through his olfactory equipment. The fontanelle possibly closed too quickly and extensively, rendering this individual with a brain not much more advanced than a bit of ganglia at the top of the spinal cord. However, it is wired to an advanced degree to the truculent mandibular fossa, causing mixed signals in the cortex to be babbled even if the individual does not himself comprehend it.”

  • , in which his skin was pulled back, trimmed-down and reattached but his ligaments weren’t released and his facial tissues weren’t properly repositioned. ha ha ha, and he’s got same silicone than the wellknow leaking mammal prostetics also, may be ?
    Strange that his lifting didn’t erase the skin “fatigue” and wrinkles.

  • President Trump has even told y’all that Biden is a fake…
    I’d punch him in his fake nose..Pow, Pow , Pow!!..there would be plastic laying all over the floor !

    Where’s Joe? I don’t think that’s him, do you ? Does ANYBODY know who that is? It’s SOMEBODY !

    I don’t think that’s the guy to be honest . It doesn’t look like him. It doesn’t act like him. It doesn’t sound like him. I don’t thinks that’s the guy !!

    ~President Trump

    What makes a movie GOOD?
    GREAT actors ?


    AND GRAB UR 🍿🍿🍿

  • Alexandra,

    Re :

    “For example, where many Biden haters believe
    that the change in his earlobes indicates that he’s
    been replaced with one or more actors, Dr Linkov
    refers to this as a ‘Pixie Ear Deformity’,”

    Earlobes revealed the “Epstein” body
    on that gurney, pausing before being
    put in an ambulance, was not Epstein.

    —why had his face/head been
    left uncovered, before the
    ambulance ride, if he were found
    dead in his cell ?

    —why had the ( Agency’’s )
    photographer been using a
    telephoto lens, to capture that
    single picture—to assure the
    public against growing doubts
    about anything reported by
    the MSM ?

    —why no mention – if he had
    hung himself with a CLOTH
    “rope” – had nobody noticed
    the 1-inch long nylon rope
    burn ( pattern matching the
    rope threads of a nylon rope,
    exactly ! ) inches above the
    cloth abrasion ?

    Why is Epstein still alive,
    as Mossad agents do not
    allow other agents to be
    killed ?—because the
    system is run by DIRTY,
    C O M P R O M I S E D

    That body on the gurney
    had earlobes which did
    not match Epstein’s.

    He lives—new face / new
    life !


  • If a CIA disguise specialist managed to completely deceive George Bush Senior 30 years ago by wearing a latex mask and then removing it in front of him to his complete astonishment, why is it so hard to believe that such technology is being deployed today with even greater success?

    Perhaps the real ‘conspiracy theory’ here is the plastic surgery one.

    • Could be. Maybe Dr Linkov was paid to refer to Biden’s “distinguished career” and to not notice that he’s wearing a mask?

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