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Janet Ossebaard made this announcement late last June. She been missing for over two weeks, according to the announcement below by David Sorensen of StopWorldControl.


by David Sorensen

Dear friends, it is with deep sadness that I have to inform you that our good friend Janet Ossebaard has been missing for several weeks. I share this with the approval of Cyntha Koeter, with whom we are in close contact. Janet had not been doing well for some time, and she left a few weeks ago with the message that she was taking her own life.

In my opinion, Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter have made one of the greatest contributions to kick-starting the global Great Awakening, with the production of their groundbreaking and unimaginably revealing series THE FALL OF THE CABAL. In this series of documentaries they unmask the satanic elite, who pull the strings of all governments and large companies behind the scenes. They do this with a clarity, accuracy, depth and clarity that was previously unprecedented.

They were inspired in 2017 by the military operation called Q, which called on people worldwide to investigate and expose the extreme crimes of these elites for all humanity.

See the short video below that summarizes what Q stands for: a plan to save the world by activating countless citizens to stand up against corruption.

Janet and Cyntha took this call very seriously and delved into the depths of hidden evil. Janet is an award-winning journalist and linguist and Cyntha a former police detective. So they had a lot of experience with in-depth research.

The documentary series The Fall of the Cabal explains how everything in our world is a hoax, and how we are all being lied to by an extremely wealthy and highly satanic group of people who subtly manipulate humanity. That was always dismissed as a conspiracy theory, but these two ladies presented thousands of pieces of evidence, irrefutable, verifiable, and extremely carefully documented.

The purpose of this is to awaken humanity so that there would be an unprecedented exposure of this evil, and humanity would join forces to build a better world together without these evil elites.

Jane and Cyntha made it their life’s work to carry out Q’s mission and open the eyes of humanity.

Emotional exhaustion

Their documentaries were watched by many millions of people worldwide on YouTube, until they were censored. They moved to Bitchute and Telegram where they continued their mission.

Few people have done humanity as great a service as Janet and Cyntha, as their documentaries have activated millions of other researchers to do the same.

Janet had been suffering from emotional exhaustion for several years, and in recent months everything unfortunately became too much for her. Especially after yet another forced move, the zest for life had disappeared. She left two weeks ago, without money, without any possessions, without her dogs, with the message that she was taking her own life.

We try to support Cyntha as best as possible. If Janet is alive, we pray that she finds peace and hope and knows that millions of her fellow warriors around the world love her and are ready to support her. When she has left earth, we know that she is in the joyful embrace of Jesus and the angels, enjoying the fruits of her labor.

We ask for your prayers for both Janet and Cyntha. If you can make a financial contribution to help Cyntha during this difficult time, please do so generously. It would be nice if they could get out of poverty. Click on the button below.


Please also continue to spread the historic and groundbreaking documentaries of the Fall of the Cabal wherever you can. We continue the fight that Janet has waged and know that victory is certain. Cyntha Koeter also continues bravely.

ATTENTION: There is a rumor going around that Janet Ossebaard was murdered by the Cabal, which is not true. There is also a rumor that she was taken to safety by Q, which is also untrue. Third, her body has not been found to date, so it is not clear whether she died or not. Please don’t spread false rumors. We only ask for prayers and support, and hope that she may return alive. Thank you.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • I don’t know much about her though I hope she’ll be fine.
    Instead of leaving this place, she should just leave other things aside and focus on her well beings.
    F this place, we shall all have our own place when this thing ends THOUGH sometimes, just let things go until the time comes (meanwhile we all have something to learn).

  • hmmm… dunno. I often pray to stay alive long enough for my pets to die, can’t imagine one would bail on two dogs over exhaustion ( and an apparent cat ).

    With such a strong passion for her mission, narrative fails the continuity check. Seems that folks make the exit when they don’t haven anything to live for, but Janet appears to have much to live for. Being knee deep in the ever-deepening, ever-widening rabbit hole – filled with increasing levels of shock at ‘how bad it is’ – for decades does come with it a unique sense of burden, frustration, and sorrow, but I found the resulting righteous indignation transforms much of this into motivation. While wayyyyy past ready to recover the stupid amount of daily time spent unraveling the Gordian Knot we’re all in, off’ing myself is the last thing on my mind.

    If true, I suppose it supports the truism that “When white people are pissed off, they commit suicide. When black people are pissed off, they commit homicide.”

  • Oh – oh – another Arkancide??? Similar to the Ann Heche and video of her trying to get out of the body bag – fake proceedings!!!

  • I don’t want to know why this old British gal did a video suggesting she was naked…lol
    I suppose life is incomplete without distractions

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