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Jack Posobiec exposes the destruction of the American infrastructure and the war against the American People in this short segment with Alex Jones.

He says the reason why the Fake News ignored the train derailment and explosion story fin Ohio or over a week is because it diverts attention away from where the foreign agents in control of the US Government want it to be.

“They don’t want people looking at the fact that our railroads are broken, they don’t want people asking why the subways in New York City are 120 years old. They don’t want to talk about the fact that other countries have bullet trains and mag levs and everything else…

“What you’re seeing is an oligarch fight. The idea was that ‘We’re going to bring China in and you’re going to supply the slave labor, you’re going to be the manufacturing base…we’ll provide the intellectual capital, the IP, the Western capital,’ but somewhere along the line, the Chinese Communist Party realized, ‘Wait a minute. If you’re sending us all the jobs, if you’re sending us all the wealth, you actually need us more than we need you. So are you the senior partner or the junior partner?’

“That’s why you’re seeing an oligarch fight now. That’s why you’re seeing George Soros pen Op Eds attacking Xi Jinping. He doesn’t care about the United States Government. It’s about who’s in charge. It’s about who’s in the driver’s seat.

“The CCP wants to be in the driver’s seat and they don’t want to be under the thumb of the Globalist elites anymore, the Western elites.’

Jack says that honestly, China is currently winning. ‘Look a what happened with the Chinese spy balloon looking at our nuclear site, that was a message. And the fact that the United States was not able to defend, was not even able to react until that spy balloon flew over US Territory – had exited US Territory, it was off of US soil and we weren’t able to respond and then, Joe Biden spent the next week blowing up weather balloons from high school kids…

“They were just lying to us. They were sending up F22 fighters to go after weather balloons and pretending like they were fighting aliens. They want you so desperate. They want you conditioned and programmed so that you will agree to your own destruction.

“That’s what this is about. This is about you thinking this is Top Gun and actually falling for it, when at the end of the day, they’re shooting at nothing. They’re shooting a $40,000 missiles at a $13 balloon and telling you that it’s Independence Day again.

“No. The entire thing is theater. It’s conditioning. This is programming. You have to use the mind that Christ gave you to see with your eyes, to look at what’s actually going on in this country and in our world. That’s why they don’t want you talking about Ohio, that’s why they’re currently looking for a scapegoat in Ohio. They’re going to try to blame Capitalism, they’re going to try to blame Trump, they’re going to blame nationalists, they’re going to blame the company [Norfolk Southern]. They’re going to blame anything they can but themselves.”

Jack says FEMA’s persistent refusal to come to the aid of East Palestine (until Trump announced yesterday evening that he was going there next Wednesday) was “A full ‘mask off’ moment for the Globalist American Empire.”

Jack says the coastal elites view Midwesterners and the denizens of the Rust Belt as scum and they’re terrified.

“Because they know that if the people of this country actually have their eyes opened up, if they stop going in to serve in all these Endless Wars, they stop going in with every single new government action overseas and start asking questions about why is the government allowing our water to be poisoned, why is the government allowing our air to be poisoned? Why are you going after a guy like Mike Lindell, who all he does is make pillows to give everyone a good night’s sleep? So hard, just for asking these questions?

“They’re terrified because they know that at the end of the day, that there are so many more of us than there are of them and they don’t want people to wake up, to use their agency and to actually find their inner human, American Spirit…”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Many years ago when I was a member of the cult known as The Church of Scientology (a CIA op from the get go), I was reading a volume that contained a chronological collection of Hubbard’s bulletins, when I happened across a little anecdote that he had written describing a bullfight he had attended. Personally, I think his description of the bull fight serves as a more than fitting metaphor to describe the situation/condition that the lion’s share of humanity is in, with humanity being the bull.

    Quite some time ago I was watching an episode of the TV series Billions, a component (a very important component) of a bullfight was described within one of the characters’ lines. And whether or not Hubbard knew about this I don’t know but this metaphysical component, IMO, is an essential component to be aware of.

    First, Hubbard’s bullfight story.
    I went to a bullfight the other day. In a bullfight there is the Bull, the Picador and the Matador. The task of the Picador is to lance the neck muscles of the Bull so as to enusure that the Bull’s charge is direct. In addition, the Picador, through, his jousting with the Bull, causes to the Bull to tire. Especially tiring those muscles in the Bull’s neck which become fatigued through the Bull’s many attempts to lift and gore the Picador’s horse. When the Picador has fully prepared the Bull, the Matador enters the ring equipped with a red cape. The Matador is there to entertain the audience and kill the Bull. The Matador skillfully and artfully directs the Bull’s focus of attention and attacks to the cape while standing only a fraction of an inch away from the furious animal. To the Bull, the Matador is nonexistent. It is the red cape that must be stopped and that cape is all the Bull can see or think about. Of course, the Bull’s fight is futile and little by little the Bull manifests a failed purpose, tires, drops emotionally downtone and the Matador perceiving that the fight is soon to leave the Bull, calls for his saber and in what has been decided to be the Bull’s last charge, the Matador faces the struggling Bull and drives his saber deep into the Bull’s chest wherein the heart is pierced. The audience cheers as the Bull drops dead. ~ LRH

    Perhaps you feel, if not all the time some of the time, a bit like the bull in the story above. And maybe there are times when the ending described for the bull is the ending you fear for yourself. Of course, death is inevitable, but we don’t necessarily have to go out like the bull did in Hubbard’s story. In the story there was no mention of querencia. If…metaphorically, you identify with the bull (even a little) querencia is both important and useful to know about. If you don’t identify with the bull now, there is a good chance (considering the way things are unfolding in the world) that you at some point will. That noted, learn about querencia below and I encourage you to put this concept into your bag of survival tips, tricks and tools.

    Querencia is a metaphysical concept in the Spanish language. The term comes from the Spanish verb “querer,” which means “to desire.” In bullfighting, a bull may stake out his querencia, a certain part of the bull ring where he feels strong and safe.

    Excerpt from the TV series Billions. In this excerpt, the character Jock Jeffcoat is saying the following lines to the character Charles “Chuck” Rhoades:
    “You can’t let him find his querencia. God, do they teach a man nothing about bullfighting anymore? Querencia — a place in the ring where the bull feels most safe, where he draws his full power. The whole afternoon the matador is trying to keep him away from there and if he lets up for one second and that bull finds his carencia, well it doesn’t matter what went before because a goring is coming next.”

    Quote – Ernest Hemingway from Death in the Afternoon
    “A querencia is a place the bull naturally wants to go to in the ring, a preferred locality… It is a place which develops in the course of the fight where the bull makes his home. It does not usually show at once, but develops in his brain as the fight goes on. In this place he feels that he has his back against the wall and in his querencia he is inestimably more dangerous and almost impossible to kill.”

    On another note…watched a video of Jeffrey Prathers yesterday on Brighteon (can’t find the video anywhere now). Within his presentation he played a clip of an antifa video on YT that gives instruction on how to derail a train.

  • We are a Republic by the Northwest Ordinance, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States. DC Swamp is a corporation with a president and board of directors incorporated by the Organic Act of 1871. You were not a federal citizen. Take your correct political status at

  • Alexandra,

    To save the American people,
    RE-INSTALL Mosaic Laws and
    NIX all PORN venues :

    Forwarded Message :

    Dear Dr. Naomi Wolf et al.,

    —See last URL, regarding LEGALIZATION of rape of animals

    Forwarded Message :


    Re : psychology of PORN

    Why are parents removing PORN-
    type books from school libraries
    while – with just two clicks on a
    computer mouse – they’re able to
    access EXTREMELY mind-damaging
    SEX Acts of every conceivable kind,
    including bestiality ?

    Children subjected to PORNOGRAPHY
    are at grave risk of ACTING out that
    resulting BRAIN Trauma :

    Forwarded Message :

    — Ted Bundy and Porn // Ten Commandments // Death-to-America List —

    Dear Doctor Miller,

    Re: the S & M “50 Shades . . .“ franchise

    His childhood traumas aside, TED BUNDY had self-analyzed!
    —and reported, that his deadly sexual habit was groomed into
    existence by pornography (( S & M pornography )) !

    Media and psychologists and sociologists had responded by
    coming to the defense of the pornography/pornographers,
    not expressing ANY serious consideration of Bundy’s high I.Q.

    Why not any thoughtful analyses by the professional
    academics ?

    After Bundy’s initial comment and public responses, nothing
    more was said of it.

    Pornography destroys civilized society, but PROFITS rule. And
    serial-killer/cannibal Jeffrey Dhamer had been similarly hooked
    on violent porn magazines during childhood.

    Always mention Bundy’s own analysis, to be fair to T R U T H .

    Females Impacted by S & M Porn :

    Victim’s Story of Ted Bundy Attack (( use language translator ? ))

    Porn Leads to Mental Illness :

    Spain Legalizes Rape of Animals



  • The EPA announced that tons of Asbestos clouds over NYC on 9/11 was safe. Today EPA did the same thing in Ohio…cancerous gas is safe.

    • USA is funneling all our monies Out Of The country for the take over & destruction, stealing rural lands for solar BS! While chem spraying us also true written into congress 2017 water samples in my area have Barium & aluminum Killing the people & they shake it off!! , The masses will obey & take many more with them ,as the death shots are proving at this moment.

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