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Turning Point USA Founder, Charlie Kirk asks Kash Patel, former Chief-of-Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller if the materials on Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell rise to the level of treason by Hunter and of his father President Biden, for whom he has been the bagman, selling out the United States as part of the family business that also includes his uncle ad his aunt.

Kash chuckles and explains why, as a former Federal Prosecutor he would try Hunter Biden for Tax Evasion first and then try him for any “conspiracy stuff later – if it added value”.

If it added value?

I love Kash Patel and he certainly seems like one of the greatest patriots of our time but I can’t help but notice the flag with the insignia of the Senior Executive Service (SES) behind him in his official US Government portrait, which indicates that Kash is member of the SES.

The Senior Executive Service is an agency founded in 1978 during the Carter Administration to enable the Executive Branch to hire the highest-level professionals from the private sector to advise the government at salaries competitive with the private sector.

According to the Office of Personnel Management, the SES was designed to be a corps of executives selected for their leadership qualifications, serving in key positions just below the top presidential appointees as a link between them and the rest of the federal (civil service) workforce.

According to Douglas Gabriel from American Intelligence Media, SES members are basically Crown agents and instruments of the Pilgrims Society, a group who are at the tippy top of the Globalists – we’re talking about the people who tell Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum what to do –  these are the people leading the Commies who are infiltrating our governments and industries and destroying our world. 

There are currently over 8,000 members of the SES who cannot be fired and who are working day and night, paid for by our tax dollars to take down the United States of America.

Gabriel says the Obama Administration put the Senior Executive Service on steroids with Executive Order 13714, creating a “standing army” of 8,156, of whom 7,000 were personally appointed by Obama. The SES pays the best salaries in federal work, with base pay equivalent to that of the Vice President of the United States.

Obama made self-disclosure, even for National Security posts optional. While Trump appointees and employees waited around interminably for their clearances, SES employees didn’t have to complete the disclosure forms normally required for government service – all the better to not scare away the most qualified saboteurs from civil service – and note that these appointees cannot be fired.

The only way to get rid of SES members is to dissolve the agency, which is something that needs to happen ASAP.

We can only hope that Kash Patel is part of a counterinsurgency infiltrating their ranks.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • “the people”? Sorry, I do not see much intelligence or courage out there,
    so expect delay only and then, when it’s too late, you may see coast to coast chaos erupt.

    Not going to be fun, folks.

  • I’m so glad you added that last sentence as I was thinking the same thing. I’m staying the course as the alternative is nothing but defeat.

  • The people will hang him, Biden, Fauci, Gates, and a few choice others. It’s only a matter of time.

    • Obama, and George Soros, sLo-jOe Biden is just a mentally impaired parot for Obama, and Soros, who orchestrated the fraudulent stolen 2020 election.

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