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One of the most forbidden topics on the planet right now is the connection between COVID-19 and 5G technology. Greg Reese does an incredible job of breaking the information down in this 3-minute video, transcribed below.



We know the prescribed PCR tests are not detecting the COVID-19 genome. According to the CDC’s own literature, the tests do not rule out bacterial infection or other viruses. They are detecting all varieties of coronavirus, including the common cold – and counting it as COVID-19.

And it has been pointed out for months that the geographical locations experiencing the most cases of COVID also seem to have active 5G technology. After a video went viral, in which David Icke suggested that 5G is somehow responsible for positive cases of COVID-19, YouTube deleted it and began deleting all videos on the subject, including a video we made, that pointed out how on October 30th of 2019, Wuhan became the first major testbed of 5G technology.

In late June, a new research paper entitled, “5G Technology and Induction of Coronavirus in Skin Cells” was published. This paper gives a scientific explanation of the relationship between 5G technology and the coronavirus.

Unlike 4G or other radio waves, the 5G millimeter waves can penetrate the nucleus of a cell. The DNA then acts as an inductor. It reacts to the 5G waves by producing an electromagnetic field. Like a shadow, the shape of the electromagnetic field reflects the hexagonal and pentagonal shapes of the DNA base pairs.

This electromagnetic field produces holes in the cellular liquid. hexagonal/pentagonal voids are created in the nucleoplasm. And to remedy this disturbance, extra bases are created to fill the voids. These bases then join together, to produce coronavirus-like structures in the cell, which will “read” as a positive case of COVID-19.


The exosome was discovered in 1983. Exosomes are created naturally within the cell to clean and repair cellular damage. Both exosomes and COVID-19 are the same size and shape. They both have the same ACE-2 receptor. And they both contain RNA. Exosomes behave and appear the same as a virus. Some scientists even claim that the so-called virus is, in fact the exosome.

Since the discovery of the exosome, over 200 microbiologists have been murdered, committed suicide or died in a suspicious manner. If you question this mystery, you’re undoubtedly labeled a “Conspiracy Theorist”. And if you question the unproven Virus Theory, you’re labeled a “Science Denier”.

The only socially-acceptable solution that you’re allowed to accept is an experimental vaccine that will alter your DNA, which ultimately raises the question, “Who owns your body?”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Y. E. ,
    You and yours are idiots critical thinking, logical thinking, knowledge and wisdom, and I could go beyond that

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