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Alexandra Bruce
November 18, 2013

“This is not increasing our security, in fact, it’s making us less secure. It’s just feeding an empire building, it’s feeding agency budgets, and job security for various law enforcement agencies,” says the University of Arizona’s Terry Bressi of in-country immigration checkpoints.

Bressi sat down with ReasonTV’s Tracy Oppenheimer to discuss these checkpoints and their implications for civil liberties. Bressi estimates that he has been stopped by border patrol between 300-350 times. After his first encounter, he started carrying cameras and audio recording equipment, and has since been videotaping his checkpoint interactions. He says this holds officers accountable for their actions, and he hopes that by posting these videos online, citizens will become more aware of their rights.

“A federal agent who is standing in the middle of a public highway, wearing a public uniform, collecting a public paycheck while seizing the public absent reasonable suspicion has no expectation of privacy,” says Bressi in regards to filming border patrol agents. “This is something that I like to remind folks of, that the government thinks that we don’t have any right to privacy whatsoever, but that’s a double-edged sword.”

Moreover, he says, “I have children and I don’t want them living in a country where they can be arbitrarily seized by some random government agent, to be forced to prove their innocence on demand. That’s not what this country is about, it’s not what it was founded on and it shouldn’t be tolerated by free people.”

For more of Bressi’s checkpoint videos, visit his YouTube channel.

About 7 minutes.

Produced by Tracy Oppenheimer, shot by Zach Weissmueller.

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Alexandra Bruce

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