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General Flynn warns of new American civil war.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Circling the broken british war wagons for tall tales of moar war spewing from the war lords to save the USSA from Yemen . The barn burners running the ship of state down a dirt road want blood offerings to raise us up to defend the snake from the snake a justified false flag provocation from the bad guys inside the gates of hell . You can smell the flaming BS bonfire from space. Scare mongering war clown hair on fire Jonestown koolaid salesman serving up a free fact filled all you can eat shit sammich buffet. Just do it for the children of satard of course .

  • We don’t need any more tribalistic rhetoric! That’s what has gotten us into so much grief already.

    Our founders warned against taking sides with that den of European vipers, that we ought rather maintain friendly relations with all nations regardless of how they run their own households. Further that we teach by godly example, not by bullets and bayonets. What are we doing? We are set like flint against our nations founders and against our own household!

    Like a political party did to us a century ago, Americans left governing up to professional political parties who manipulated the electorate into accepting Woodenhead Wilson as President, who after promising to stay out of the European tribal war before elected, and then getting us into that tribal war afterwards and making it worse! If the people knew how that had been done in secrecy they would have burned down the US Capital!

    WWII was simply WWI part two!

    Following that tribal war, President Truman was still not satisfied, and he stoked yet more tribal warfare in the middle east by being the first to recognize the political state of Israel imposed upon the people of Palestine with a plethora of mindless God talk.

    When the Bush political family invaded political Israel’s enemies, what did we expect? Happy Muslim campers? What did we gain besides the wrath of Muslims world wide? Folks this is what tribal warfare looks like. Keep it up and America will be utterly destroyed!

    Whatever exceptionalism we had is gone, our independence is gone, our dignity and honor is gone, our wealth is gone and we are living on borrowed money, we’ve been made whores for instigating tribal warfare all over the globe and now DC whores have left both our front door and our back door wide open while they invite the world to come on in, the refrigerator and pantry is full and open too.

    I apologize for the straight talk, but if these men think more tribal strife is the cure for tribal warfare we are in deeper trouble than I thought.

    America is an embarrassment to its founders on all aforementioned points because America’s church house has for want of something useful to do, has thrown in with tribalism!

  • They don’t know Hamas is a MOSSAD front group? Do they think we are stupid?
    I’m with Erdogan: Netanyahu is the new Adolf.
    Flynn tryna gin up a civil war. Fugedaboutit
    They were hoping the Ashli Babbitt fake murder would create a George Floyd moment (leading to “crazy white supremacists blowing up shit and stuff like that”, but got a big yawn instead. “Our team” believes in personal responsibility: she put herself in that stupid position (pretending that she – if she IS a she – wasn’t pretending, which she obviously was as can be easily discerned by watching the ACT 2 video from Wooz News which you can easily find in the FKTV archives; it is definitely required viewing).

    • Babbit is a crisis actor. Yes who ever she really is, she’s still alive. Just like the Floyd character.

      All this Civil War talk is to try and get us 100 million non libbie gun holders to start a war. Won’t happen that way.

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