People have been asking me for more information about Flight MH-17, which seems to have fallen off the map, given all of the diversions we’ve been deluged with daily, ever since it crashed in mid-July.

Well, here’s some more grist for the ol’ mill, which YouTube rockstar, Dahboo7 calls:

“The most Explosive proof to date!”

Dahboo7 shows us radar evidence that Singapore Flight SQ51, accelerated from behind MH-17 and caught up with the doomed plane, matching the latter’s course exactly RIGHT at the moment of that MH-17 disappeared from the radar sceen.

Dahboo7 also claims that the radar records also show “Smoking Gun Proof that MH-17 was picked back up on radar jumping up under the Singapore Airlines Flight path with Transponder Turned Off!

With the transponder off, it would appear that there was only 1 airplane flying that course on radar.

Readers, take note, as this same tactic could be used again in the future: “ghost riding” a plane on radar, to attack an area…

Dahboo7 also claims here that, despite some reports of corpses free-falling out of the sky, etc. there was scant evidence that a plane actually crashed at that location in the hotly-contested, ethnic Russian-dominated region around Donetsk.

There are several shots of an on-the-ground explosion at the site of the “crash.” We also know that there were many oddities reported about the scene of the crash: pristine passports, gathered together in a single pile (with reports that none of these belonged to living people); completely unscathed childrens’ toys; reports of long-since-dead bodies, showing signs of torture, but with no signs, that a living body would show, from the physical trauma of an airplane crash from over 35,000 feet in altitude.

The very first story that I posted about this event, on July 19, promoted this theory and deserves another look, for those interested:

…as is the ample and very plausible evidence that the aircraft that was either staged and blown up at the scene or which actually crashed in Eastern Ukraine last July was none other than the unsolved mystery plane flying the route MH-370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing last March. The video, with lots of evidence to back that theory also bears review, as well:

The twin of the plane from Flight 370 (as commercial Boeings are built two at a time) was last known to be purchased in Lourdes France by a shady South Florida aviation company and was last known to be parked in an airplane hangar at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv – unless any planespotters out there have noted any new activity for that commercial airliner, which is in the very unusual situation of being perfectly operational and relatively new – yet parked, for what must be a hefty parking fee – and not currently in use.



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Alexandra Bruce

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