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Satanism is the religion that runs the world, according to Mark Passio. “That’s what people have to truly wake up to and then they have to wake up to True Morality, because aggregate morality determines aggregate freedom. As people, in the aggregate…become more moral, they will become more free.

“We are enslaved as a people because we have not been moral as a people. And the real transgressions against Natural Law are murder, assault, rape, theft, trespass, coercion and deception…All of those transgressions are forms of theft.”

Passio joins Alex Jones to discuss his journey as a young man who joined the Church of Satan and who was inducted as a Priest in the Church by none other than Anton LaVey, himself but who left when he realized that their longterm goal was the enslavement of the human race.

He describes Satanism as, “A psychological- and vetting system, where they are looking for people they can groom up into those higher ranks of the Satanic network…gaining a psychological profile on a person by what you write about in your application…[which] goes into extreme detail about your life and mindset, etc…and when they began to know me personally from attendance at rituals, then they can see how well you fit the profile of people that they’re looking for with certain psychopathic tendencies and with also certain capabilities, such as communication, technological, being able to explain the ideology to others and reel more people into the Satanic ideology, the Satanic mindset.”

Alex Jones says the Satanists run the highest levels of the CIA and they’re in the military – they’re everywhere – “They’re operating right next to normal people. The Black Hats and the White Hats and right now, they’re getting rid of the White Hats and getting out of Beta and going into the externalization of the takeover. That’s why you see the pedophilia, the world government, all the evil; the anti-God, anti-human, post-humanist system, because now, their real religion of transhumanism is here.”

After Passio left the Church of Satan, he continued to dig deeper into the occult information that is being hidden from the world, which he says is the knowledge of Natural Law, the working definition of which is: Universal, non-man-made, binding and immutable conditions that govern the consequences of behavior. Natural Law is a body of Universal Spiritual Laws which act as the governing dynamics of consciousness.

Passio says, “These people are trying to do anything to prevent a true awakening through the awakening to how Natural Law actually works and functions in our reality. They want anything but that. They want us analyzing every aspect of the control system. This is the equivalent of a doctor, endlessly looking at a tumor and never actually doing anything to actually get rid of the underlying cause of the cancer, of the tumor. That’s what they want. They want us focused on all of the little minutiae that forms the control system but they don’t want us to look at causal factors.

“And this is what delving even deeper into the world of occult knowledge finally revealed unto me and it has many, many other researchers throughout time. It’s nothing special in my regard but by going deeper into this knowledge, I understood, ‘Wow, these people are actually trying to hold back the knowledge of how Natural Law really works and how it brings to us the experiences that we are actually creating by putting certain behaviors out into the world.

“So, I discovered that this is a cause-and-effect relationship. That’s how Natural Law functions. It’s the real Laws of Karma. It’s the real Laws of Attraction, it’s the real Laws of Consequence in our lives. We act through our behavior and ten we receive consequences that are structured and organized from the universe, that bring the results and the effects of the behaviors that we have put out in the world, based on whether those behaviors were truly moral or whether they were truly immoral.

“And that brings the dichotomy between religion and a true understanding of Natural Law, because religion has told us through the ages that there are certain forms of sin, certain forms of transgression against others and it’ll come down to us in the form of Christianity or Catholicism, like ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Gluttony, Sloth, Lust, Anger, Jealousy, Greed.’

“We’re taught that these vices are actually sins and transgressions, when in fact, it eliminates the Natural Law component and gives us something, a proxy in its place.

“Under true Natural Law, we learn that behaviors that actually initiate some form of aggression against our fellow beings are the true transgressions against Natural Law, that create negative consequences in our lives, both individually and at an aggregate, collective level.”

Passio describes the Cremation of Care ritual at the Bohemian Grove as “An ancient Babylonian, Carthaginian absolution ritual…They are actually forgiving themselves for the evils they are about to do…with the sacrifice of dull care.

He describes those currently genociding the planet with the Death Shot as the “Technocratic Occultocracy”. People like Klaus Schwab represent the externalization of the hierarchy. “They’re revealing that there’s a hierarchy of rulership in the world; that they are a ruling class and under them are the people that they consider their servants, their subjects, their slaves…

“These technocratic occultists want to come out and openly rule humanity as the new kings, new gods, new pharaohs…[but] some do not favor that approach. They want to…keep it hidden, to keep it occulted, to keep it on a covert level of rulership, as we have had for many, many, many centuries, now.

“There’s this subtle war, you could say going on within the rank and file of the dark occult world, where some of them favor staying in the shadows, operating through covert means and some of them want open, externalized rulership, which they call the ‘Externalization of the Hierarchy’. They believe these factions that are doing the public displays, who are actually wanting to come out into the open and just tell people, ‘Hey, we’re going to have a technotronic means of owning what you think, of reducing your mind to a form of a computer algorithm.’ They are the people who favor the Externalization of the Hierarchy and the dark occult.”

Passio believes that if people don’t understand Natural Law, they cannot truly understand, in their own mind, the rue, causal factors that ar needed to be understood for a true awakening to happen…If people understand Natural Law, they understand causal dynamics, they understand ultimate governing dynamics of creation and how we will create a different reality, not based on the same systems of control but based on mutual respect, based on voluntary interaction with other human beings.”

Alex interjects, “The real magic is being a good person that knows these laws, then the whole universe changes. And until people get that, the Enemy’s gonna keep winning…If people would just get this, it would get rid of all the problems.”

Passio agrees. “The Creator is Perfect Love. The Creator has placed the laws of Creation here, including Natural Law to elicit our maximum benefit. It’s not there as a constraint or a prison per se, it is there to allow us to learn what not to do…The sum of morality is proportional to the sum of freedom. That’s it. That’s the equation.”

He drives home the point that, “When you truly think and act morally, the Universe is going to come to your aid, in general. The forces of Creation will support and assist your endeavors when you do that. Right action creates right results. Wrong action creates disorder, disharmony and chaos…the PSYOPs are there to distract from that. We have to stop falling for them, we have to stop letting these PSYOPs redirect our energy into less important matters.

“If we understand morality, that’s the lynchpin, that’s the master key to all of it.”

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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    John 12:29 The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him. 30Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes. 31Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. 32And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

    John 14:30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.

    1st Peter 5: 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

    Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    And last but not least, if the devil/satan wasn’t the ruler of this world then and now, how could he offer Jesus Christ all the kingdoms of this world?

    Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
    10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 11 Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.

  • …a fine article, but if now Mr. Passio would explain in simple, brief terms what is meant by, “Natural Law,” I would be able to raise my rating from a, “D,” to “B-,” and if then he would briefly explain the origins and dynamics of those axioms in connection with this narrative, I would give him an, “A+.”

  • People who are commissioned by the church of satan make a blood oath. He would be tortured and killed immediately. This is controlled opposition. AJ sold out along time ago. Pray for discernment here.

  • The final paragraph of Passio’s speech here is a dead give away.,

    The universe will not come to our aid for the universe is not a sentient and volitional being, and morality is not the master ke or lynchpin to to our salvation but to our damnation, being the instrument of our condemnation by God Almighty and nothing else.

    If you were freezing in the waters just after the Titanic sank you would not think you could swim to Nee York (ie save yourselves by your moral efforts).

    you would take the hand proffered to you and be pulled up into the life boat.

    The life boat is Christ the Hand reaching to you is the Holy Spirit.

    It should be clear that I reject Mark Passio’s message.

    Fir it doe appeal to the way that seems right to a man but which leads to death.

    this is not hedonist self indulgence for all people of conscience know the error here.

    it is Law , that is to say stern moralistic self effort

  • The thing that is wrong about Mark Passio is that he preaches morality as the remedy to human evil in general and Satanism in particular.

    He speaks of the Creator, but this is essentially some kind of New Age abstract. This is not God Almighty as revealed in Jesus Christ.

    And the Word of God the Bible makes it clear as sinners we do not even keep natural law and even if we did natural law no more made us right with God than our attempts to keep the Law of God ever did

    For the purpose of the Law of God is not to show us how to live, and it certainly made nothing perfect, but to show us we are dead in sin and must be saved by means of an outside source, namely God Himself , in Christ, by his personal intervention.

    in that respect it is the physician who heals us and not the diagnosis sheet, which is the Natural Law in general and the Law of God in particular .

    No one heals himself by chanting the diagnosis sheet to himself and then trying to ape the symptoms of health. We are all terminally ill with sin and it is far too late for that.

    All this can be found in the letters oi St Paul, especially those to the Romans and to the Galatians

    Appealing to Law, natural or Divine is a refusal to really face the situation as it really is and as such is and appeal to pride and self righteousness. For what we ought o do simply does not address what we actually do, neither in word nor deed nor even , ultimately, in emotional impulse the root of both the preceding

    According to the Bible which declares our righteous as filthy rags Mark Passio’s doctrine is ultimately part of the moralistic wing of the bird of prey which opposes God and Christ, where the Satanists are the hedonistic or self indulgent wing of such disloyal opposition.

    He is not for Christ so he is against him

    I could go on. But i am as disinclined to read long posts as the next person, and brevity still is the soul of wit

  • Perhaps we need to define the term “natural law” according to its historically understood meaning. Natural law implies, physical rules of order, i.e. the law of gravity. There is noting intrinsically evil about it. Only when natural laws are used outside of “special revealed law” (through Moses and Jesus) for whatever reason do they become dangerous.

    As example, middle eastern families historically used their flat roofs like we use patios and since therein is danger of falling victim to the law of gravity, holy OSHA Moses commanded that a safety barrier be provided, under prescribed penalties should anyone suffer injury or death as a result of the owner’s neglect to provide safe use of their roof.

    Jesus simplified it for us in “love your neighbor as yourself”.

    The list of examples of how natural law and revealed law work together for our good, is long. Conversely the list of how not to use natural law is even longer.

    Now I feel compelled to call to readers attention that the man who opposed even the mere belief in natural laws on the SCOTUS bench for decades is now the sitting POTUS! He was the gate-keeper and unthinking, Biblically impoverished Americans just “tolerated” it while instinctively knowing better.

    We’ve sown to the wind and we are reaping the whirlwind!

    • When it comes to gravity, I think I will stay with the laws of density. As for Natural Law, I will remain the laws of doing no harm keeping it very simple.
      To judicate for a fair and equitable remedy, I will follow the common sense of the MAXMUMS of Law. A few of the many are my favorites and are related to the actions of Politicians.
      From a wrong no contract can arise.
      False in one thing, false in all things.
      It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.
      Fraud and justice never dwell together.
      Fraud lies hidden in general expressions.
      Fraud is most hateful to law.
      In default of the law, the maxim rules.
      A mandate of an illegal thing is void.
      Remove the foundation, the work falls.

      • Ah, but the Devil is in the details, eh Ri-chard?

        ‘Doing no harm’ depends upon how one defines ‘harm’ and presto you are back to defining terms. This was the reason why 613 regulations arose following after Moses. We are of all creatures the only class of beings capable of language both written and spoken, and endowed also with the power of reason which is what we are doing here.

        ‘Common sense’ is another term that without definition means different things to different people which is ‘rationalism’. Everyone doing what is right in their own eyes which is social confusion. This is what we got in exchange when we chose Darwin and Marx over Moses and Jesus in our US Department of Education.

        People chose how they will think and process these things. I chose divinely preserved scripture as what seemed to me to be the most authentic Way of how to live my life in peace, prosperity and safety. It resonated with my common sense, doing no harm and all the other wonderful characteristics we agree superficially upon, plus providing a foundation for life with meaning and purpose.

        What everyone agrees upon is that social contracts are based upon some philosophical religious belief or another and that at some point it becomes enforceable. Anarchists argue against it, but no anarchy has ever survived long enough to justify itself.

  • History Note regarding Natural Law/God’s Law.
    1781 – We were taught General Cornwallis (Master Mason) surrendered to General Washington (Master Mason).
    Yet, Washington, Congress and Senate never created an American Doctrine of Conquest or Treaty claiming any of the spoils of war the American patriots fought for. Cornwallis announced to Washington what the foundations would be for creating to Deep State of deceptions. Ref:

    This American Doctrine of Conquest or Treaty should have at least started with, that a victorious nation (America) in war acquired sovereignty over the conquered nation (British Crown) and could exert its own legal and political jurisdiction chosen by its sovereign residents. Then the other details for the spoils or war would be claimed as captures by the American people.
    Note: The practice for creating a doctrine of conquest dates back at least to Roman law.

    1783 – Instead of following Washington, Franklin, Congress and Senate allowed King George 3rd to dictate the terms for peace ending the physical war. The King in the opening statement declares his powers/capacities over the United States of America, declares his States to be free and sovereign (not the common man), tell the American people of their borders/boundaries, only protects the English landowners, and tells the Congress what they Shall do.
    Victor by contract

    At this point all was lost for the American common man. Lost the right to vote during the founding years, lost the right to own their lands with free and clear title (Allodial or Land Patent) and later lost the right to choose their own private side banking systems, currency forms and commerce practices with First Bank of the United States have all foreign stockholders allowed by Washington, Hamilton and naturally King George 3rd.

    The most important lose for the Americans was their agreed to Rule of Law form.

    For the Rule of Law choice lost, I reference and old history book on The Common law for America as entitled ‘Colonial Law, by Reinsch’, he sums up what the Thirteen Colonies considered to be the final bases for all law in America or ever to be in America… “the colonies were so impressed with the idea of an overruling law of nature that the laws of God and so-called natural laws were regarded as the true laws, and all temporal legislation was considered to be binding only in so far as it was an expression of this natural law” Yes, back then there were some moral white hats. James Wilson, the foremost lawyer at the Constitutional Convention, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and a man who was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1789 and was well familiar with this legal principal stated above called Natural Law and stated; “Parliament may, unquestionably, be controlled by natural or revealed law, proceeding from divine authority”. It seems the King and the King’s men overruled this with their man-made Laws of the Sea, Maritime, and Admiralty Law.
    Ref: We the People’s Constitution clearly state in

    Also, in 1789 the Congress/Senate made it law just before Washington was sworn into office as POTUS using their First Act as law for the Oath of Office. All shall take an oath to “the constitution of the United States”. However, the Preamble clearly states in context the title as “this Constitution for the United States of America”. Many that have studied the previous events for what should have been done and what was done, consider this 1789 Act to be a CYA Act for plausible deniability should it be noted as a fraud in basic contract law for changing a word and deleting others from the original contract.

    Please note, The Constitutional Law of Article IV Section 4 was never implemented into any of our State Constitutions because it would have to begin with “Our Rights Come From God” as a Republican form of government for each and every State.
    Let us begin with what is true: Our Declaration of Independence says our Rights come from God. Our rights thus pre-date & pre-exist the U.S. Constitution.
    The Declaration of Independence says:
    We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident, That All Men Are Created Equal, That They Are Endowed By Their Creator With Certain Unalienable Rights, That Among These Are Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness.–That To Secure These Rights, Governments Are Instituted Among Men, Deriving Their Just Powers From The Consent Of The Governed…
    So these, then, are the foundational principles of our Constitutional Republic to be incorporated in each and every State Constitution:
    Our Rights are unalienable and come from God;
    The purpose of civil government is to protect our God-given Rights;
    Civil government is legitimate only when it operates with our consent; &
    Since the US Constitution is the formal expression of the Will of the People, the federal government operates with our consent only when it obeys the Constitution.

    What will We the People do as the employer of those that are to represent us?
    Will We require that all our Representatives take a new proper oath and sign a copy of the USA Constitution as their employment Contract?
    Will we then require that all States implement a Republican form of government in each and every State per Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution? What State will be first for creating that temple for all others to follow?
    Will we then make the 1783 King George’s Treaty null and void by the corrective actions of creating a new legal/lawful Doctrine of Conquest and or Treaty decreed by the American people?

  • Some students Do Not Become Good Teachers.
    This Passio seemed to me to leave stuff out.
    Satanists and Luciferians are both Not Going to save your soul.
    But technically The world is Run by what We the public , average Joe have realized through research and paying attention to what certain people said in their life times.
    It’s More than Morals and Values.
    For even wicked organizations do good deeds at times and they’re even organizations that help people in times of need but they are Run and Controlled by the Evil People To compensate their bad deeds and tax breaks,
    Clue: look up who really owns what , and does such,
    It’s a club and you’re not in it said by George Carlin.
    When you Fully understand and comprehend the puzzles of parables in
    The Bible ya Will Realize We Are In The Time Frame of
    The Abomination Desolation of the Bible.
    5 hours & 40 minutes video, That Clearly and Easily Explains How The World Works.

    Six minutes video Clearly Explains How God is in Our Chromosomes some say DNA ,
    We have Chromosomes Not DNA.

    Six hour video Leaves zero Doubt Covid-19 Vaccine is The MARK OF The Beast,,
    This video goes into detail but doesn’t mention Jim Rickards Predicts Digital Currency Dollars by December 13 2022.
    Look up Jim Rickards digital Dollars Currency.

    Jimmy Jukebox

  • Carlos Castaneda books explain this, a good one is THE ACTIVE SIDE OF INFINITY
    Humanity has been corrupted and contaminated thus the external show we’re seeing.
    Say NO
    Live life with utmost integrity
    Put your attention on your natural inherent light

  • Natural Law sounds good but is a black hole. As an x-satanist, this guy should know that natural law is a precursor to satanic law. He should know there is God’s Law and satan’s law, and that’s it. This world is steeped in a great controversy between Christ and satan. You can’t be in between. If you don’t choose God’s Law, you choose satan by default.

    Natural law is what the catholic church uses to promote the “common good.” It allows for someone who decides he “needs” something of yours to just take it. Natural law allows for people to decide what they thing is right and wrong. God’s law makes it perfectly clear. Ten easy to understand commandments that cover every aspect of life.

    • Reading through this guys interview again, I afraid he’s just picked up another form occultism. God and satan give you very concrete laws to follow. Natural law supposes you are brilliant and pure enough to figure out how to live a proper life.

      Matt 12:43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
      44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.
      45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

      Blaming Christianity for the pagan dogmas of catholicism is off the rails.

  • “If we understand morality, that’s the lynchpin, that’s the master key to all of it.” TRUE……

    …if one understands that true morality is, benevolent-love for our Creator, neighbor, community and all of creation, in gratitude for life!

    That is the kind of love (morality) taught by both Moses and Christ, which has been perverted by religious establishments, used by corrupt politicians to abuse all of the aforementioned objects of love.

    Marx, et al, counterfeits it and mandates mass submission by force, so we must be vigilant to rightly teach “the gospel of the Kingdom of God”, – unquote, Christ Jesus who commands us to do in like manner as he!

  • MARK PASSIO!!! There needs to be MORE PEOPLE who should get an Education from this MAN! Educated on Natural Law; Right and Wrong behavior; Satanism; The Occult (Occult JUST MEANS ‘Hidden Knowledge’), and many other topics.

    I always say…..”If one CANNOT ‘pass the Mark Passio test’, then one is NOT AWAKE; they are CLUELESS!”. There are MANY people who will say that they are ‘GOOD PEOPLE’…….Mark Passio will PROVE you WRONG! Can ‘YOU’ pass the ‘test’???

  • One or a few groups are dominant on this planet earth.
    And there’s another group, which believes in creator with so called “perfect love”.
    And Jesus asked “What is the Truth?”
    The Truth is what we believe as it is (and it does not mean that the Truth applies to the other people).
    For example, there are many different kind of ghosts from different countries with different beliefs.
    There are spirits, but in reality, we are the ones deciding which one becomes our God or the king.
    It also means that if majority of us stops believing in the God, he will lose the power just as how Greek Gods & Goddesses disappeared (or weakened).
    -which is like when Jesus said We are Gods, speaking of spiritual matter, we have the power to create things as the creator (or the source) – if we believe in something strongly and practice well enough.

      • Ron obviously is like most new agers that don’t really know the Bible. They are an example of natural law. Whatever is natural to their carnal spirit.

        • You being “obvious” about other people, being judgmental, are not a good example of Bible when it says Don’t judge
          And sadly this is typical among hypocrites who claim themselves to know better.
          Perhaps this is not the case, perhaps you had a bad experience with people with different opinion, for that case I apologize for misunderstanding you.
          I mentioned as Jesus said, because I felt like he encouraged Pilate to think more about so-called Truth, neither did I reject Jesus.

          • It means don’t judge anyone’s heart, but you should judge their fruits (behavior) and what they say.

      • You are right about Pilate not waiting for the answer, but should add that Jesus also wasn’t willing to give him straight answer either, because the definition for truth differs among people.
        And of course, stubborn Pilate would not hear Jesus either.

        • Jesus did give Pilate a straight answer
          He said ‘I AM the truth’.
          Jesus also talked to Pilate. He was silent before Herod.
          He knew that Pilate was trying to save his life. And Pilate acc to historians ‘covered Judea in forests of crosses’. Pilate was notorious for executing thousands without a trial.
          The fact Jesus spoke to Pilate as if they were in another place time and situation prompts Pilate to remind Jesus he can have him crucified.
          ALSO Romans were aware of ppl being sons or daughters of Gods. They believed this simply and naturally of extraordinary ppl. Caesar claimed lineage from the goddess Venus etc etc
          Jesus also entered the Roman fort of Pilate willingly. His accusers refused to cross the threshold.
          So much more going on here but suffice to say Jesus knew Pontius Pilates greatest struggle and my guess it was about integrity and truth.



        • Kenny, your just following another link in your life that makes sense to you, that I assume brings you closure or happiness. However, it is just another organized path. Nothing wrong with that, until you start believing that path is historical evidence of “Millions of years ago.” Absurd for any of us to believe that, of any organized religion.

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