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Twitter Thread by Darren Beattie

Below, courtesy of Thomas Massie, is the most damning and explosive J6 footage yet released.

In my view this will end up demolishing the Regime’s J6 narrative and with it a major pillar of Dem’s 2024 strategy.

You paying attention Kamala?

This footage shows the discovery of the pipe bomb at a bench outside the DNC headquarters. This first clips shows that at approximately 1:05 a man in a backpack approaches a Metro PD SUV and a black Secret Service SUV informing them of the pipe bomb’s presence Interestingly, recent report from

reveals this man in the back pack is a plain clothes Capitol Police officer

Here’s the first sign things are a bit out of the ordinary. After being informed of a pipe bomb feet away, the metro PD authorities (who are technically on the secret service detail) take over a minute before they even bother getting out of their car!

Now things are really getting weird. Take a look at this clip, and note how casually the Metro PD and Secret Service operations lounge about after being informed of the pipe bomb feet away. There’s absolutely zero concern for their own safety, or that of their protectee—VP Kamala Harris. Toward the end of the clip you see a pedestrian walk by—they didn’t warn him there was a bomb feet away? Incredibly bizarre and damning.

In this clip we see whoever is manning the Capitol Police cameras finally responds to the information regarding the pipe bomb, and zooms into the benches where the pipe bomb was planted. Notice the empty coffee cup on the bench right next to the pipe bomb. January 6 was a very windy day and its unlikely an empty coffee cup would have lasted on that bench for long before getting blown away. Someone had been sitting there recently…perhaps the plainclothes officer? Can’t say this definitively but it appears 11 second into this clip that you can briefly catch the timer on the pipe bomb in view.

For reference, here is a screenshot of the FBI provided surveillance footage of the alleged pipe bomber seconds before. Notice the same bench.

If the nonchalance of the Secret Service seemed weird before, now it gets downright scandalous. In this clip we not only see a bunch of secret service agents standing in close proximity to the pipe bomb, we see a group of CHILDREN cross the street toward the location of the bomb, ultimately walking within feet of it. The secret service don’t bother to warn the children of the bomb. Either these secret service agents were utterly concerned with the life of their protectee Kamala Harris, the lives of the children, and their own lives, or they somehow knew the pipe bomb was a DUD But how on earth would they know that? We know that the DNC pipe bomb was dismantlled by a bomb-safe robot. How could one possibly explain this scenario in which the bomb is considered safe enough to allow children to walk within feet of it and yet it requires a bomb safe robot to “defuse it”

Minutes later a Capitol Police officer walks right up to the bomb and snaps a photo of it, gives a thumbs up signal, and everyone leaves quickly thereafter Weirdly the secret service behavior after the capitol police officer takes a picture of the bomb is the fastest we’ve seen them move the entire time!

For reference here is the photo of the DNC pipe bomb—presumably the photo taken by the capitol police officer in the clip above

Now we have to confront some very disturbing questions. We’ve seen the bizarre and damning video in which the Secret Service respond with total lack of concern upon being informed of the bomb—unconcerned for themselves, for their protectee Kamala Harris, and even for children they allowed to walk within feet of the bomb. Clearly they knew the bomb was a dud… but how? Nonetheless as we’ve said they went through the motions of “dismantling” the bomb with a bomb-safe robot.

And what about Kamala Harris, who was being protected by the Secret Service? Well, she actively covered up the fact she was in the DNC building for over a year—to the point of allowing the DOJ to falsely stipulate that she was in the Capitol in certain Jan 6 indictments Why on EARTH would Kamala Harris cover this up—she still hasn’t acknowledged it! Think about that for a second—the first VP woman of color came within a hairs width of losing her life to the deadly MAGA explosives device—and for some reason she doesn’t want to milk that politically? Joe Biden gave a whole speech on the third anniversary of January 6th and failed to mention that his own VP was within feet of the deadly MAGA bomb? This makes zero sense.

If we add the inexplicable reaction of Kamala’s Secret Service to the pipe bomb, to Kamala’s inexplicable cover-up of the fact she was at the DNC during January 6th when the pipe bomb was there, the following: The only close footage the FBI has made public of the pipe bomber at the DNC site is security footage from the DNC. We at Revolver News have shown DEFINITIVELY that that footage is both tampered with, and that the FBI is withholding footage from the camera angle that would actually show the bomber planting the bomb

Here we PROVE the FBI is withholding critical footage that would show whether or not the pipe bomber planted the bomb when they said he/she did Why is the DNC so uninterested in finding out who this DNC pipe bomber is? Why has Kamala Harris covered up her presence at the DNC on Jan 6

Of course we’ve only scratched the surface. For the full story, read the bombshell piece below and stay tuned for my interview with Tucker Carlson dropping this evening on X.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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Leave a Reply to Tater Cancel reply

      can’t you find some way to stick a few more in b4 starting the actual video?
      (if not for everyone, at least 4 ME???!!!)

      Maybe for “Dr Kent” you could create a special subscription service where he pays all your monthly expenses and you block his ads.

      • The autoplay ads are streaming from Rumble. I have no control over the ads, other than to not post videos hosted on Rumble.

  • Your article sbout the J6 pipe bombs says “for reference here is a photo of the bomb”, but no such photo showed up on the copy sent to me. Regardless, it seems obvious to me that the “bomb” was planted for the purpose of shoreing up their phoney story of an “insurrection” allegedly orchestrated by Trump, the Proud Boys, and the Oath Keepers. There is no truth at all in the Biden Cabal ! They set the Patriots up so they would look like evil creatures in the eyes of the dumbed down non thinking masses of Normies who unfortunately vote for those TRAITOROUS CRIMINALS !!!

  • If they can find the Uni-bomber in a small cabin in the middle of the Montana wilderness with no problems. Then why hasn’t this person been identified aand arrested 3 years ago? Lies, lies and more lies.

  • I don’t see a problem here with the election coming up. Just put in some different RINOs and commies and hope for the best. Isn’t that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result? It was slick as owl shit, the way the FreeMasons and British Crown Agents (Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, etc etc) set this government up. And Washington, using Rothschild money from Hamilton, to start this country with. They set up the same banking system they’ve used for thousands of years, putting the people in perpetual debt. Thanks for allowing me to speak, Capt Joe.

    • @Capt.Joe….Well, I never heard that Washington used Rothschild money. The story I heard is that they were heavily in debt, so much so that George W. started a national lottery to finance operations, in addition to his and their own personal contributions. Furthermore, I have ancestors who served and donated their time, their wagons and horses for logistic purposes, their own weapons and ammo, and nobody had a “uniform” to speak of.
      Show me some proof of your allegation that anyone, other than Hamilton, was in cahoots with the Rothschilds, who were barely in operation back then. The Revolution was fought on a shoestring, even though many of the soldiers didn’t even have a pair of shoes after marching from one place to the next. It was only by bravery, perseverance, and luck that Washington and his troops won the war. And with the help of Russia and France who showed up just in the nick of time. Certainly NOT with Rothschild money !!!
      George W. and subsequent presidents did all they could to keep out of the snares of the International Bankster Gangsters. Remember Jackson ? He was proud to have “I KILLED THE BANK” on his grave stone. It’s just too bad that Wilson came along with his greedy fingers, and sold us down the River for his personal benefit.

      • July Hunter,

        Regarding the Banking
        House of Rothschild :

        Forwarded Message :


        Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

        From “The Asiatic Journal and
        Monthly Miscellany” (Vol 29),
        Dec 1829, pg 79 :

        “Restoration Of The Jews.

        “Baron Rothschild has engaged to furnish to the Turkish Sultan the enormous sum of 35,000,000 piastres, at three installments, without interest, on condition of the Sultan’s engaging, for himself and his successors, to yield to Baron Rothschild for ever the sovereignty of Jerusalem, and the territory of ANCIENT PALESTINE [ this reporter’s emphasis ], which was occupied by the twelve tribes. The Baron’s intention is to grant TO THE RICH Israelites [ my emphasis ] who are scattered about in different parts of the world, portions of that fine country [ land ], where he proposes to establish seigniories, and to give them, as far as possible, their ancient and sacred laws.—Letter from Smyrna “

        Calling upon readers’
        C O M P R E H E N S I O N
        ability, here :

        Word-search, “History of
        Rothschild bank and wars”:

        e.g., :

        “ A Rothschild family biography mentions a London meeting where
        an ‘International Banking Syndicate’ decided to pit the American
        North against the South as part of a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy.
        German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once stated, ‘The division of
        the United States into federations of equal force was decided long
        before the Civil War. These bankers were afraid that the United States…
        would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the
        Rothschilds prevailed.’ ”—paragraph is found in DuckDuckGo dot com.



      • Judy, Judy Judy!
        You are misunderstanding what Capt Joe is saying: he’s talking about the money that was obtained from private banks (in Amsterdam, I believe) to re-finance the revolutionary War debts that had been nationalized AFTER Hamilton became George Washington’s Treasury Secretary. Rothschild apparently didn’t have an Amsterdam branch, but perhaps all European money roads led to Rothschild.

  • If they can find the Uni-bomber in a small cabin in the middle of the Montana wilderness with no problems. Then why hasn’t this person been identified aand arrested 3 years ago?

  • The burning, and outing of many cities by the BLM crowd resulted in no arrests? There were even advertisements to recruit rioters, and plan close police with a metal bar breaking the stores windows?
    Selective outrage, and selective law enforcement.

    • @Metubel…Catherine Austin Fitts studied where the damage was done. Most of it on the edges of Enterprise Zones. So that those behind the scenes could buy up that distressed property for pennies on the dollar.

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