Josh del Sol, Director of the award-winning Independent documentary, ‘Take Back Your Power’, about the many dangers of SmartMeters has put together this chilling piece about the impending roll-out of the 5G cellphone network. It shows Former Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman, Tom Wheeler making a rather intimidating announcement about the potential of 5G to blanket every corner of the planet in the electrosmog of a wireless Internet of Things (IOT) and how we shouldn’t waste time testing for health safety issues, because the US will leads all other countries in this emerging technology, with tens of billions of dollars will be made.
Meanwhile, just one month before Wheeler’s announcement, the US National Toxicology Program had just released a report from its $25M study, concluding that wireless radiation increases cancer.
The revelations of Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks’ Vault 7, showing the methods by which the US Government can access every move we make will be put into overdrive with the 5G network, as if these weren’t invasive and illegal enough.
Even former Director of the CIA, James Woolsey is on record, stating that the IOT and the SmartGrid are terrible ideas, which leave us extremely vulnerable to hacking by would-be enemies.
If Tom Wheeler doesn’t strike you as scary enough, his successor appointed by Trump on January 20, 2017, Ajit Pai is even scarier. At least Wheeler backed down from his proposed attacks on Net Neutrality, after enough activists (myself included) made too much noise. Pai, who was formerly General Counsel to Verizon Communications, Inc. has indicated that he would vote against Net Neutrality.
It gets worse. Pai has also said during a 2015 conference that he would like to crack down on the Alternative Media, saying “It is conceivable to me to see the government saying, ‘We think the Drudge Report is having a disproportionate effect on our political discourse. He doesn’t have to file anything with the FEC. The FCC doesn’t have the ability to regulate anything he says, and we want to start tamping down on websites like that…The First Amendment means not just the cold parchment that’s in the Constitution…online speech is a dangerous brave new world that needs to be regulated.”
Here’s a quote about the Internet of Things from General David Patraeus while he was serving as the Director of Central Intelligence, that’s very telling about what’s really motivating the FCC to impose this technology on us without our informed consent:
“’Transformational’ is an overused word,
but I do believe it properly applies to these
technologies, particularly to their effect
on clandestine tradecraft.
“It will change our notions of identity and
“The current Internet of PCs will move, of
course an ‘Internet of Things’ – of devices
Of all types – 50 to 100 Billion of which will
Be connected to the Internet by 2020, and
We’ll get a treasure trove of data if you’re
a “person of interest” [to the spy community].
– CIA Director, David Patreus
the website ‘ take back your power’ … is going ‘grey’ after about 30 seconds –becoming inert as in nothing is working with clicked on – can not even sign up …. what is up with that? … have never come across this before. also tried just putting the site name in search bar
These two people blink constantly, this is not normal for a human being. It seems lots of news people and politicians seem to blink 3-4 times more than the average person. Alien tech. being used to mind control these blinking people?
The Nazi’s are coming out of the wood work, and telling us what they are going to do to us, and there is nothing we the people can do about it. Is there a possibility that we can change their attack? If so, we need to know about it, because I see no future for the children, or adults.
The problem is people at the top of government and corporations that have been over educated in an religiously sterile, amoral enviornment with no concept of social responsibility and final accountability! People who pay lawyers to design agreements and contracts wherein they are held harmless from the harm they inflict upon others in their persuit of material wealth and power.
We witnessed this phenominon a few years back when the pharmaceutical industry was able to receive protection from liability with legislation in exchange for political support that holds them harmless from vaccine damage and overnight we witnessed the explosion of vaccinations, the majority of which are unnecessary and frivolous.
We are also witnessing the corporatocracy spray aerosol aluminum, barium and other toxins at high altitude now nearly all over the world with impunity. No accountability to anyone we know of, like the dioxin scandal some years ago. It wasn’t until all the deadly permenant damage was done that it was stopped.
If those of us who understand final accoutability, fail to stop these maniacal loons who think the air you breath, the water you drink, the enviornment in which you live is theirs to do with as they please, if we don’t stop them, your progeny will pay for our negligence with their labors, their treasure, their health and well being and in many cases with their very lives.
I can speak to this particualr issue with some first hand experience, being as I am EMF sensitive and suffer from sleep depravation as a result. I have also much experience working for corporate dictators, some just as ruthless, just as wicked as you might see in a Hollywood movie and I have talked with their toadies and they are exactly as I first described – immoral. Their only rudder is personal success.
Good title and accurate.
It’s clear that Wheeler of FCC was on the take with the Deep State. He’s acting like a Nazi and he’s afraid–very, very afraid. That was unexpected. I can see this in the manner of his bullying force when he speaks. Some, specifically males, act like this when they know they are doing wrong or evil deeds, have no leg to stand on about their actions and/or they are behaving in a criminal manner. He is doing all of it. Just watch him. You can practically see the sweat rolling off his head. Such maneuvers represent a denial of their own wrong doing forcefully stated to defy those around them, who they know will question their actions and their motives. He and his military guard were pursing an especially Nazi approach to the attendees presence. There is no public discourse here, as you can see. Was there supposed to be? I’ve seen this type behavior from an official authority only once before in my life but I have not forgotten it. However, the evidence here is a clear example that the USA is under Nazi control as has been stated many times by others. Wheeler announced their presence by his own actions. He was their mouthpiece at the FCC during the Obama administration. What is Trump doing now that he’s gone?
As an aside, I’d say there is big trouble brewing in the financial sector for the Nazis and this project if not many others. Wheeler said as much by his statements and by his behavior. He is desperate in this video. Desperation for Nazis means facing undue force for the rest of us.
The new Chairman, Ajit Pai, sworn in by Trump is MUCH worse. He was previously a lawyer for Verizon. I wrote about him in my article:
“If Tom Wheeler doesn’t strike you as scary enough, his successor appointed by Trump on January 20, 2017, Ajit Pai is even scarier. At least Wheeler backed down from his proposed attacks on Net Neutrality, after enough activists (myself included) made too much noise. Pai, who was formerly General Counsel to Verizon Communications, Inc. has indicated that he would vote against Net Neutrality.
“It gets worse. Pai has also said during a 2015 conference that he would like to crack down on the Alternative Media, saying, ‘It is conceivable to me to see the government saying, ‘We think the Drudge Report is having a disproportionate effect on our political discourse. He doesn’t have to file anything with the FEC. The FCC doesn’t have the ability to regulate anything he says, and we want to start tamping down on websites like that…The First Amendment means not just the cold parchment that’s in the Constitution…online speech is a dangerous brave new world that needs to be regulated.’”
Holy Mother of God. I was unaware of Pai’s statements–hard to keep up with it all.
Worse? I didn’t think it could be worse than Wheeler. However, Pai stating, ‘We think the Drudge Report is having a disproportionate effect on our political discourse.’? Who is OUR? ‘We the People’ don’t exist to him, it’s OUR discourse? The Deep State is not even trying to hide its Nazi ties any longer. Pai, at the very least, is saying that the Constitution is old paper and he will defy it through all means possible while in the office of the FCC.
We the People are “dangerous” and “need to be regulated”. Nothing screams Nazi fascist pig like this statement.
In fairness, he made these comments and a conference in 2015. Still, totally terrifying.
No matter. Unless he has had an epiphany or found God in the last two years, he has the same mindset. Of course, his feathers are different, but that’s just a red herring. Thanks for the info.