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Nothing beats a sensational front page news story like a Boston Marathon Massacre. Most readers would miss the incidental but far more serious implication for the moral compass of America than the NY Times story by Scott Shane, entitled, “U.S. Practiced Torture After 9/11, Non Partisan Review Concludes”.

In this article, both Asa Hutchinson [Republican/Bush Jr Administration] and James R. Jones [Democrat, Congress] indict the interrogation and tortures committed by Presidents Clinton [Rendition], Bush Jr [full menu of tortures], Obama [Predator Drones].

In essence, this bipartisan report, along with 6,000 pages of still classified docs IMPLICATES THREE ADMINISTRATIONS of INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMES’ RENDITION, TORTURE, ENHANCED INTERROGATION.

What does this mean in the midst of our frenzy to find ‘supposed terrorists’ of the Boston Marathon Massacre?

It means that, as I have previously repeated time and time again, we have had and still have Presidents who have willingly committed acts of International War Crimes Punishable by Death and / or Life Imprisonment.

Furthermore, to make matters even worse, the extensive investigations showed that the abominable, criminal activities of interrogation, torture, water boarding committed by the CIA, US military, US mercenaries and sanctioned by three presidents were like the wars themselves- totally useless.


Have I, an experienced counter — terrorist expert with thirty years experience who had never had to touch even one detainee, let alone torture or ‘interrogate’ anyone, suddenly had a fit of righteous indignation or just decided to vent his RELENTLESS FURY for UNREPENTANT SINS of our THREE PRESIDENTS and their MINIONS?

The answer lies not in the headlines nor in the hysterical media distractions of a tragic occurrence which I might have been able to predict (I think Patriarch did predict this), had I known beforehand that this report would come out on the same day as the BOSTON MARATHON.

That’s right! You’ve got it! Once again, Obama in concert with FEMA, CIA, FBI, and other National Security minions’ the usual ‘choir boy suspects’ decided to OFFER A DISTRACTION.

[The Unintended Consequences of the Boston Massacre] THE SPECIFIC INDICTMENT of Bush Jr/Obama/CIA/US Military “Torture of 9/11 Prisoners” at GITMO FINALLY CONFIRMED as a “WAR CRIME”– Equivalent to Prosecuted Nazi War Crimes and the Torture/ Internship Of Japanese Americans During WWII.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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