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Dr. Mercola won’t carry his cellphone with his hands anymore, he carries it with a selfie stick. He says the debate about whether or not cellphones cause brain tumors distracts from the explosion of chronic diseases that have exploded since people began (over)using cellphones. Chronic conditions that have increased between 300%-11,000% since 1980, some of which were largely unknown 35 years ago include chronic fatigue syndrome, bipolar disease in youth, fibromyalgia, autism, celiac disease, ADHD, lupus, hypothyroidism, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, diabetes, alzheimer’s disease and depression.

Dr. Mercola suspects that the EMF of cellphones may cause oxidative destruction of cells. He explains how the primary cause of disease attributed to EMF radiation exposure is related to mitochondrial damage due to reactive nitrogen species peroxynitrites. Elevated peroxynitrites in the body have been associated with increased levels of systemic inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction. Sources of EMF radiation damaging to cellular mitochondria include cellphones, cell towers, Wi-Fi routers and modems.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Concerning human health…………

    Common observing science on any level and in any area base ot the fact that universe appeared out of zero, evolving by a bipolarity into manifold.
    This process happens by splitting, by which inside survival a steadily separation happens, where any nucleous becomes split. Here I found the cause of all illnesses.

    Moreover, inside heavy stars, the reverse process is happening, where all comes to the point.
    This is a process of fusion, of healing and where the truth comes to the point and does not disappear in manifold. Love is a process of fusion, where healing happens.
    Any fight is a process by separation, where illlness appears.

    On this base, I found a process of de-hypnosis where the hypnosis onot fight disappears.

  • Our sun is in a process of involution, by which the sun radiates more and more its electromagnetic impact to her outside. This effects all planets around her in such a way, the own electromagnetism of theplanets gets stronger.

    People living on earth, are now also involved. The results is that the individual electromagnetism of any body in creases, where the ups and downs or good and bad inside these beings become more extreme.
    Who is not aware of who he/she is can become sick.
    Who is aware of what it means to be a human being, can use this impact for healing her/himself.

    When the impact of the sun happens by an inner fusdion of herfself, now it is possible also for a human being. He/she has to find the path to the inside, where paradise is within.

    The earth quakes rise by amounts and impact.
    The typhoons rise by amounts and impact.

  • So to Mr ‘so called’ Master’s Degree holder, how do you account for the massive rise Chronic conditions that have increased between 300%-11,000% since 1980, some of which were largely unknown 35 years ago include chronic fatigue syndrome, bipolar
    disease in youth, fibromyalgia, autism, celiac disease, ADHD, lupus, hypothyroidism, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, diabetes, alzheimer’s disease and depression.???????
    Oh, & by the way, I have two master degrees: One at aged 82 being The Acquired School Of Life and the other The long since acquired School of Common Sense and Grasp of Pure Unadulterated Logic! Lastly, I don’t have or WANT a bloody cellphone!

  • Comment from a longtime subscriber:

    “Hi Alexandra, I beg to differ with that guy’s offering. He is totally off the mark. Cell phones DO NOT create enough radiation to cause damage to humans.

    “I hold a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering and have been involved with the cellular industry since its inception.

    You get more radiation from elevated power wires, TV sets, Walkman radio ear buds, computer monitors, etc than you get from a cell phone.

    “Even your home microwave oven gives off more radiation than a cell phone.
    The amount of radiation given off a cell phone is 1:100th of a Watt. That’s not even enough to light a flashlight bulb.

    “The instrument he was holding (I have one) is a EMF (Electro-Magnetic Force) monitor. It is not selective to all the RF (Radio Frequency) signals that are in the air.

    “This includes all satellite, TV, Public Service Radio, street light/intersection control lights, Ham Radio, microwave data transmission, Cellular, power lines and all lighting.”

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