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This is a meme video, that is compiled of an actual broadcast by CNN’s Mr Potato Head that was about Trump’s apparent “dementia”, that was part of the failed plot to invoke the 25th Amendment and replace Trump with Mike Pence (a blackmailed, Globalist slave).

They switched out the images and graphics to make it be about Creepy Joe but the original broadcast was about Trump.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Once I was a moron, Mr. Potatoe (Quayle shot) & now you’ve gone & made my Avatar ‘politically incorrect!’ No more plastic toys for you! Always a Moron if you’re George Snuffelophogus from a sitcom as one’s backup personality moniker. He was merely ‘telling us a fortune’ that cost him his coffee chaser job @ Communist News Network kitchens everywhere.

  • Missy, you making this up? I could not find this on CNN’s website or on utube.
    Why did you do this? We need jerks phony-ing things up now?
    If it’s for real, give us some sauce. ‘k?

    • This is a meme video, that is compiled of an actual broadcast by CNN’s Mr Potato Head that was about Trump’s apparent “dementia”, that was part of the failed plot to invoke the 25th Amendment and replace Trump with Mike Pence (a blackmailed, Globalist slave).

      They switched out the images and graphics to make it be about Creepy Joe but the original broadcast was about Trump.

      • President Donald J Trump doesn’t have dementia you have no idea what your talking about do you have parents with it ? . its a a bad disease to have I have 2 parents who have it and it’s heartbreaking to watch them go through it , Joe Biden has dementia and it is so obvious and he can’t even think for himself he has to use flashcards and ear pieces and can’t even remember where or why he is somewhere . He doesn’t know he is president he is the worst fake president all American people know the election was a fraud and pedophile joe did not win he can’t even get a crowd to gather when he speaks his wife should be ashamed that is elder abuse and she know it .

        • I didn’t say Trump had dementia. There had been a plot, involving Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi and the Mainstream Media to construct this story that Donald Trump had dementia, so they could invoke the 25th Amendment to kick him out of office and have Pence become President. Pence is a blackmailed pedophile Globalist controllable slave.

          The original Brian Stelter broadcast used in this video was part of the campaign to construct Trump as having dementia. A memologist replaced some of the B-roll images in the original broadcast with images of Biden, instead.

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