The latest video by Greg Reese.
Dr David Martin was recently a guest at the European Union and laid out the timeline for the biggest democide in recorded history. You can see the full video on This is my short edit.
DR DAVID MARTIN: Coronavirus was identified in 1965 as one of the first infectious replicatable viral models that could be used to modify a series of other experiences of the human condition.
What’s particularly interesting about its isolation in 1965 was that it was immediately identified as a pathogen that could be used and modified for a whole host of reasons.
In 1966, the very first CoV coronavirus model was used as a transatlantic biological experiment in human manipulation and in 1967, we did the first human trials on inoculating people with modified coronavirus.
The Common Cold was turned into a chimera in the 1970s and in 1975, 1976 and 1977, we started figuring out hoe to modify coronavirus by putting it into different animals; pigs and dogs. And that became the basis for Pfizer’s first spike protein vaccine patent filed – are you ready for this? – in 1990.
And in 1990, they found out that there was a problem with vaccines: they didn’t work.
It turns out that coronavirus is a very malleable model. It transforms and it changes and it mutates over time. As a matter of fact, every publication on vaccines for coronavirus from 1990 until 2018, every single publication concluded that coronavirus escapes the vaccine impulse.
In 2002, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill patented – and I quote: “An infectious replication-defective clone of coronavirus” and that work, patented at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill mysteriously preceded SARS 1.0 by a year.
In 2005, this particular pathogen was specifically labeled as a “bioterrorism and bioweapon platform technology and from 2005 onwards, it was actually a “biowarfare-enabling agent”, its official classification.
We have been lured into believing that EcoHealth Alliance and DARPA and all of these organizations are what we should be pointing to but we’ve been specifically requested to ignore the facts, that over $10 billion have been funneled through Black Operations, through the check of Anthony Fauci and a side-by-side ledger , where NIAID has a balance sheet and next to it is a biodefense balance sheet, equivalent dollar-for-dollar matching, that no one in the media talks about.
“Poised for human emergence in 2016” at the Proceedings for the National Academy of Sciences, such that by the time we get to 2017 and 2018, the following phrase entered into common parlance among the community:
“There is going to be an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen.” Seven months before the allegation of Patient Number One, four patent applications at Moderna were modified to include the term, “Accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen” as the justification for making a vaccine for a thing that did not exist.
The intent was to get the world to accept a universal vaccine template and the intent was to use coronavirus to get there. This was premeditated domestic terrorism stated at the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2015. Does that sound like a bat and a pangolin went into a bar in the Wuhan market?
This is an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race.
Theres so many stories that get around .. it was a lab leak. Or just a seasonal flu rebranded
Or snake venom .. and so on… The real pandemic is the jab itself
There was no “covid-19”. It (the virus) has NEVER been isolated. It was just the rebranded flu & a lot of medical malpractice. What killed people in hospitals were the ventilators and remdesivir. Several whistleblower nurses came forward and explained how they were literally killing people in hospitals with their protocols. Remember that each hospital received commissions per DEAD “covid” patient.
David Martin, now talks as THERE WAS A NEW (or old) VIRUS, when there was no such thing. If there was a NEW VIRUS, children would have fallen like flies, because their systems would not be able to fight a “new pathogen”. Children were never affected by this.
No requirement of becoming rocket scientist just to understand that.
The only thing I agree with is that clotshot being possible weapon.
WTF has happened to him as to derail like now? Is he being frustrated about not being able to bring up lawsuit effectively and got lost?
As I recall, he spoke more righteously before such as in this footage
They, the virologists tend to fall apart, don’t they?
I’ve seen from Judy Mikovits falling apart after mentioned about “suramin” and she also fell apart when Andrew Kaufman asked her to show the evidence of virus isolation (the video can be found on bitchute).
Perhaps, they are just too stubborn and too proud of themselves not having evil intention (or do they?).
He seemingly is spreading more questionable quotes as the time goes on.
It’s time for me to move away from him until he gets things straight.
I have heard enough crap being said about “imaginary” virus, Sir.
I watched most all of his whole 20 min. presentation and he never talked about how the hospital were paid to kill the patients with the protocol of sedation and remdesivir.
That’s right.
Looks like a freaking Dean Martin Roast. Enough babbling and more action.
Dr. David Martin has been presenting evidence of this mass democide for years, exposing the fraud that is our government and most every government worldwide, any who chose to listen knows what has been going on!
There should have been arrests and trials of thousands, for crimes against humanity started years ago, problem is, they would NOT have even started their depopulation campaign had they not already secured the International Court of Justice in the Hague, just as they have seized any law enforcement that would have made the arrests, such as the FBI.
We need to form a citizen tribunal, in every nation, then have local law enforcement make the arrests, which would include all compliant and/or complicit, which would be inclusive of those in law enforcement positions who, in any way, derelict in their duty, violating their oath!
Justice must be served, if not We the People, then who, if not now, when, or do we just surrender to their global agenda, submit to the tyranny, the survivors worldwide living only to serve the elite for generations to come, our children and their children knowing only of freedom, liberty and Rights that which is spoken in hushed whispers, in darkened corners of meeting places, as they were in 1775?
What is our legacy, do we write history or become a victim of same?
Local law enforcement work for the government and will follow their orders not any from citizens.
China bans mRMA jab. It has 1.4 billion people.
This is quite disturbing, Alexandra!
Doctor David Martin is yet another of those promising “Nuremburg 2” and “COVID-19 Plandemic Trials and Arrests”
Promises, promises. Jesus Christ will return before that happens. Don’t make me laugh.
He could be a masonic agent, acting as to helping us by getting rid of bad guys- while blinding us from real truth.
I hope not, and I don’t expect anything
-Let him do his business is while we do our own and see what will happen.
Forwarded Message :
JungianINTP says
MAY 27, 2023 AT 11:10 AM
From My “Covid-19 Hoax” Report :
Read number 19 :
Forwarded Message :
Covid Hoax serves
Climate Hoax serves
Globalists’ NWO and
Fauci Video—serving
Lies / Deception :
1)—“BOMBSHELL: Video Emerges Where Fauci and Others Planned for a “Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine” Which Became the “COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine” Because People were not Afraid Enough of the Flu Virus” -found in here :
2)—Covid-19 was preplanned social engineering by WEF
3)—Experimental Gene Injection (my term) wasn’t Tested :
4)—French President and French Government Officials Faked being Vaxxed :
5)—Are we so stupid, that we’d
take a shot in the heart to
correct a shot-damaged heart
caused by the Medical Mafia ?
6)—History Matters, by Rappoport
7)—300% Increase of Miscarriages—Covid-Related %
8)—Update : 2022, midterm elections,
cheating in service to Globalists’
Manmade-Climate-Change Hoax;
for enslaving the world to social-
ism/communism :
9)—Update : 2022, Obama had admitted
to Democrats’ control of Electronic Vote
Machines :
10)—Vitamin ( a hormone, actually ) D3 and Zinc Can Protect Your Life :
11)—Big Pharma ( also known as MEDICAL Mafia ) Murders by Injection :
12)—Medical Mafia Unnecessarily Ventilated Patients
13—Update : 2023, White House Knew . . .
14)—Update : 2023, Former Pfizer Officer ( no virus existed ) :
15)—Medical Mafia Murder :
16)—600,000 Americans Dead from Covid Shot :
17)—Ventilator Deaths, not by Covid :
18)—Hide the Truth about Injection Injuries :
19)—Update : 2023, Former Pfizer Officer ( “. . . no virus existed . . .” ) :
20)—Senator as Visual Warning Against
Experimental Gene Injection ( my term ) :
21)—Hospitals’ Bacterial Contribution
to Cocid-19 Deaths :
This Can’t be
enough :
— Covid Hoax serves Climate Hoax serves Globalists’ NWO —
-Jeff says
MAY 27, 2023 AT 12:19 PM
On November 16, 2015 there was an Italian news report show named “Leonardo” that featured Chinese scientists (didn’t mention which lab) discussing how they had successfully taken a corona virus found in bats and a respiratory virus that affects mice, to create a “chimera” virus that could infect humans.
If you search for “TGR Leonardo del 16/11/2015” you can probably find it.
JungianINTP says
MAY 27, 2023 AT 2:26 PM
Read last sentence :
“But some studies hinted at the possibility that the virus had been crossing borders long before then. One study found coronavirus RNA, or genetic material, in sewage samples taken on Dec. 18, 2019, in the cities of Milan and Turin. Another found that a patient in Paris who was treated in an intensive care unit in December 2019 had COVID-19, Live Science previously reported. Another analysis from Harvard University looked at satellite images and found that traffic at hospitals in Wuhan and online searches for COVID-19 symptoms were elevated compared with normal starting in the late summer and early fall of 2019. That suggested that the coronavirus may have been attacking us long before we knew its name.”
Find above article in
DuckDuckGo via this
headline :
How early was the coronavirus really circulating in Italy?
Because billions of dollars
had been wasted trying to
weaponize a new, deadly
virus—for reducing pop-
ulation, the elite MONSTERS
simply propagandized the
normal year-to-year flu-bug,
then withheld HEAL CARE,
G L O B A L L Y.
In any case, table sugar
suppresses the immune
system—during flu-bug
season when we have
a more dire need of that
protective system.