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Georgia County Commissioner Found Passed Out Drunk in the Street and Unruly: Shocking Incident Caught on Body Cam

by Jim Hoft

Clayton County Board of Commissioners Vice Chair Felicia Franklin was found passed out on a sidewalk outside a sports bar, leading to her removal from her role as Vice Chair. Body cam footage from the September incident, which has just been released, shows a disturbing scene where Franklin becomes unruly and abusive towards medics and police officers.

The incident occurred on September 29, when police discovered Franklin outside the 404 Sports Bar and Grill in Morrow, Georgia. The body cam footage shows Franklin screaming, crying, and at one point, hurling abuse at emergency staff. Due to her increasingly violent behavior, she had to be restrained in the ambulance and later at the hospital.

“I don’t give a f***, get him out of my face,” she said while she assaulted one of the medics.

Franklin initially claimed she was drugged with a “date rape pill” and had only consumed a glass of wine and a cocktail. However, police contradicted her account, stating there was no sign of the drug in her system, and instead, she tested positive for alcohol and cannabis. CCTV footage from the bar showed Franklin being served multiple drinks and dancing energetically.

Despite her claims of being unlawfully voted out, Franklin was removed from her position as Vice Chair on October 23. The Clayton County Board of Commissioners appointed DeMont Davis as the new vice chair.

“When things are caught on camera like that, we’ve got to begin to address it,” DeMont Davis said. “I think there had to be a change to regain some of this confidence.”

Board Chairman Jeff Turner told FOX5, “The video spoke for itself. What more can we say? We represent the citizens of Clayton County, and we have to make sure we present ourselves in a way that our citizens are going to be proud of us.”

Post the incident, Franklin took to Facebook, still insisting she was drugged and expressing her intention to work with authorities for justice and improved safety measures.

She wrote:

I want to share a deeply personal and troubling experience that I recently faced while attending an event here in our very community. It is believed by medical professionals that I was drugged with a GHB pill, more commonly known as the “date rape pill,” and this incident has shaken me to my core.

I was safe and did not leave the facility until Morrow EMT medical professionals arrived and rendered emergency support.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

While I am still processing the details, I am committed to shedding light on this issue.

I believe it’s crucial to use this moment as a catalyst for change. I will be working closely with authorities to ensure that justice is served, and I will also be advocating for improved safety measures at events like these.

No one should have to go through what I experienced, and I want to thank all of you for your support during this challenging time. Stay tuned for further details as we work towards a safer environment for all.

However, Sgt. Scott Stewart from Morrow Police stated that there was no evidence supporting her claim of being drugged with GHB. The investigation concluded that Franklin consumed several alcoholic beverages at the bar.

The 404 Sports Bar and Grill released a statement emphasizing their commitment to patron safety and expressed relief at the resolution of the incident.

“We express our deepest gratitude to our patrons and community for your unwavering support and understanding during the recent police investigation that took place at 404 Sports Bar & Grill. Your patience, cooperation, and continued patronage have been invaluable to us during this challenging time.First and foremost, we assure you that the safety and well-being of our patrons have always been and will continue to be our top priority. The recent police investigation was an unfortunate and unforeseen event, but we are grateful for the swift response and thorough investigation conducted by the authorities. We are pleased to inform you that the matter has been resolved.”

As of now, the case is closed, and the EMT has decided not to press charges. Franklin remains an elected official but no longer holds her vice chair position. Her future political aspirations remain uncertain as she grapples with the fallout from this scandal.

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • Alexandra,

    Distressing !—that you suffer
    lack of financial support while
    Deep State actors work to
    shutdown all anti-socialist/
    -communist conservative
    platforms, such as yours.

    One would think, BlazeTV,
    as champion of free speech,
    would come to your aid—as
    Glenn Beck has connections
    with monied movers and
    shakers on the RIGHT.

    But, RIGHTISTS are among
    the most cowardly, being
    defeated by EMOTION in
    Libertine Leftism—as one
    famous movie critic had said
    years ago : “Why surprised
    to learn we have a Reptilian
    Brain ? “ ( Addressing the
    popularity of a sex-filled
    movie made from a poorly
    written book ).

    Sex sells !—because emotion
    trumps reason in most of us.

    As for alcohol-related mis-
    behavior, such as described
    above—booze shuts down
    the EXECUTIVE – right vs.
    wrong / pass that sugar
    test – part of the brain :

    —-Give her a break !—as the
    —-public gets a look at her
    —-Reptilian proclivities.

    Whenever I’ve had too
    much alcohol, I get kind
    and happy and friendly,
    whereas my wife gets
    violent—go figure ! Or,
    accept that women are
    biologically closer to
    expressing Reptilian
    (( monthly Moon Cycles
    in pre-menopause
    women provide proof )).


    • Hi Rick,
      And UF your dig Father in your research like Jonathan Klevk has in his website, you can read and see pictures of what he found out about the Reptilian creatures and women,
      His website : A Light In A Dark Place.

      I won’t ruin the surprise of what ya will find out except mention both men and women have Scales when human skin is magnified very very much.
      And a Certain area / part on a woman’s body resembles the open mouth if a snake. 🐍 .

      • Jimmy420,


        But I move beyond those
        connections, and surmise :

        We humans are self repli-
        cating ROBOTS, driven
        by genomic codes, for the
        benefit of what ancient
        seekers had determined
        are “ARCHONS,” who
        capture souls – the light
        of spirit – and use them
        to animate organic bodies
        ( batteries, if you will )—
        for their own purposes !,
        which purposes remain
        hidden from us ( that an
        out-of-body experience
        exists, strongly hints at
        my above proposition ).



        Yes, I had learned to
        exit my physical body,
        and was friend to the
        late Robert A. Monroe
        ( “Journeys Out of the Body“ ),
        and friend to his psychiatrist/
        critic/therapist, Dr. George
        Ritchie ( read his book,
        “Return from Tomorrow” ).


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