by Dane Wigington

Was the course and strength of Hurricane Ian just a random act of nature? Or is there much more to the story? The 3+ minute report below reveals critically important puzzle pieces. Please view and share.

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Are our weather and our climate being manipulated? Examine the data in this short report. Decide for yourself.

Frequency transmission manipulation of hurricanes are patented processes. The technology is not new. The list of weather modification patents numbers into the hundreds and continues to grow.

This is Hurricane Ian passing near the Nexrad transmission facility in Key West, Florida. When the transmission facilities are fully energized, they have a repelling effect on any air mass that have been saturated with electrically-conductive climate engineering elements.

Patents call for such seeding into storms to be carried out from above by jet aircraft. The Nexrad transmission network then interacts with the storm air mass, determining where a storm will migrate and where it won’t.

As Hurricane Ian is allowed to make landfall the frequency transmission facility in Melbourne, Florida is fully engaged. This effectively slows Ian’s migration inland. The transmissions can diminish precipitation in some regions, while augmenting it in others.

Weather modification climate engineering patent holders, like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin do all the weather modeling for the nation’s weather forecasting personnel. The National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, both agencies have an illegal Federal gag order on their personnel. The scheduled weather forecasting scripts are then passed all the way down to the local meteorologist level.

The official narrative must be controlled. All must follow the same script. Is it any wonder that the script readers miraculously know, up to a week in advance, that a storm like Ian, which was completely unorganized; a massive convection migrating across the Atlantic would end up where it did?

The same with Hurricane Harvey, Sandy and so many others.

The US Military first officially deployed hurricane manipulation operations 75 years ago, Project Cirrus. Disastrous results were reported.

In 1962. Project Storm Fury surfaced as a continuation of the US Military’s hurricane manipulation efforts.

During the 1960s, the US Military continued to expand its weather warfare efforts and knowledge in Vietnam, with Project Popeye; a historical fact of record.

So the bottom line question is this: Is hurricane manipulation real and ongoing?

While illegal gag orders and paid-off politicians are utilized to keep climate intervention operations out of public consciousness, connect the dots and decide for yourself.

Share credible data from a credible source. Make every day count. Time is not on our side.

This is Dane Wigington from

Contributed by


Alexandra Bruce

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  • sounds possible as YouTube seems to be censoring this topic.

    There used to be a couple clips talking about the possibility on previous hurricanes, but they all disappeared.

  • Hi,
    I have been aware of this weather Manipulation Modification Technology but I wanna touch on a point not mentioned.
    This weather Manipulation Modification Technology is in my opinion also being used to make people / States fall in line with an agenda,
    Example: Texas spoke out years ago on ceding from the union and then Texas was hit with a very hard cold snowstorm, same happened with flooding in Austin Texas , now Florida home of a great current governor gets hit with hurricane.
    Basically you can predict These server weather Manipulation Modification Technology Storms happening cause of how the states don’t go along with certain elite agendas.
    Hopefully more people Will Become aware of what’s going on with this weather Manipulation Modification Technology,

    • And sometimes some “entity” seems to dial up earthquakes for countries not with “the program” such as Iran.

    • Being as I live in hurricane alley, I monitor these storms closely and am still monitoring the remnant of Ian. It is still behaving “unnaturally”. It is also entirely possible that this was a battle between national and foreign manipulation. I have not seen as strong of a cold front – ever! Especially this early. We usually don’t see that until later in the year and rarely this strong. Ian should have completely chewed itself up on that cold front, but it persisted even though it was tearing apart on the front. It remained an organized smallish system while being pushed by a persistent cold front and both are still ongoing systems as of 9AM Oct 3!

  • I believe the direction of this recent hurricane was in retaliation to the actions of the state of Florida and its governor. ‘They’re using everything in ‘their’ bag of tricks to control the narrative. BASTARDS!

  • Whenever people cede power to a central collective to provide benefits, there is always danger when that collective is allowed to hide what it does behind the peoples backs. its only a matter of time until the people lose their freedom to that collective be it public or private, corporate or religious.

    What is happening, has been happening, will happen, is not new. It’s all happened before many times in history. Nations and empires have risen and fallen many times at the expense of the people.

    Do not think America is an exception! Like nations before her, she is self destructing with corruption in all its institutions. Lies have become a way of life, a way of survival. We now live by lies!

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